Sun God Marvel

Chapter 622

The appearance of lightning is not unexpected for Loki. In fact, everything is developing according to her imagination.

Thor’s tacit understanding with her is something that has been cultivated over the years, and they have become accustomed to cooperating with each other in battle. In this life-threatening battle, their cooperation is particularly important. At the most critical moment, Thor cooperated with Loki’s projected steel forest and played a beautiful assist. His lightning not only wiped out the undead army as the vanguard, but also made an extra field in the battlefield that could hardly be crossed. The gully.

The dense lance array covering almost the entire hilltop continuously attracts the thunderclouds in the sky, causing one after another lightning to strike down uncontrollably. The electric light walked between the lances, and the lightning with destructive power made all the undead who also wise to stay away.

They are naturally afraid of this, so in front of these pulsing lances, they dare not take a step beyond the thunder pool.

As soon as he completed the assist, Thor flees like flying away. Two dangerous guys followed behind him, which made him unable to stay in one place for long. The two cursed warriors who were chasing behind him took a faint glance at the undead underneath, and completely left them behind, and then directly pursued Thor.

In their opinion, these guys who have nothing to do with their king are not worthy of their help. They are loyal to only one person, and they will not do anything extra until that person gives orders.

The ignorance of the cursed warrior made Loki breathe a sigh of relief. If such a dangerous guy was involved, her positional battle would not be good. And now, looking at the undead army that was blocked by steel and lightning on the other side, a cold smile appeared on Loki’s face immediately.

“It’s just a bunch of mobs. It looks like things are much simpler than I thought.”

As soon as she finished saying this, she saw a moment in the opposite camp. commotion. Large-scale monsters were pushed to spread out on both sides, and among them, a tall black silhouette slowly walked up.

Fenrir took vigorous steps, step by step. He came to Steel and Lightning and said loudly to Loki who was opposite.

“Loki, come out for me. I want to talk to you about something!”

“Talk? I’m afraid we have nothing to talk about.” In Loki’s Under the sign, a phantom walked up first, and said in a big way. “After all, our identities are completely different now, Hoddle. No, I should call you Fenrir now. Demon wolf Fenrir, monster Fenrir! Do you think chat can change anything?”

“roar!” Listening to the sarcasm, Fenrir let out an involuntarily low growl in his throat. However, he suppressed oneself’s inner temper, and stared at the phantom that stood up, and said to him seriously.

“Loki, we are the same type of people. You and I, we actually have the same disease. Odin has never paid attention to us. Everyone else is looking at it with a mocking, indifferent look. For us. Although we are God, how many people treat us as God. For them, we are just a supporting role. Just like me to Bard and you to Thor. No one wants to face us, No one wants to worship us. In that case, why do we have to die for this damn country?”

“So, what do you mean?”

For Fenry These things that you said, Loki not at all, any objection or even reprimand. He even reduced the smile on oneself’s face, and then asked him in a cold and silent manner.

Seeing the expression on Loki’s face, Fenrir immediately grinned excitedly.

“I mean very simple, Loki. I give you a chance, a last chance. Take the guys behind you and surrender to me, Loki. Then we will catch Thor and attack Golden Palace. I can guarantee that when I am holding Odin, when I become the new master of Asgard. You are my deputy, the whole Asgard is the most noble existence besides me. How about you What’s the answer?”

Fenrir’s conditions are not unreasonable, and for such conditions, Loki narrowed his eyes, revealing a move.

“Fenrir, how do you guarantee everything that oneself promises?”

“Guaranteed, hehe. Loki, don’t tell me you will believe this thing, in fact if you If you want to live, there is only this choice. However, for the sake of our mutual pity, I can give you a guarantee.”

Fenrir was restless with a chuckle of laughter in his mouth. Rubbing his front paws, he showed an excited look.

“I can swear to Hela, the ruler of Ming Sect, the symbol of Death, if I can’t give you everything I promised, then let my soul enter the world of Death and be Enslaved. How about, is this promise enough?”

“Enough, of course enough!”

Nodded, Loki’s face burst into oneself’s usual evil smile.

“Since you have invited me so sincerely, then I will give you an answer. Fenrir, I don’t accept your offer. It’s really a way to put me under a brute Such a great humiliation. So how did you come up with trying to persuade me to persuade me, has your brain developed so much over the years?”

Hearing this, all Fenrir’s previous actions It stopped immediately, his own eyes suddenly widened, and a layer of scarlet blood immediately turned his entire pupil into a blood red.

“Loki, you are bringing about one’s own destruction. Since you want to be loyal to Asgard, then I will fulfill you. I will throw your body in front of my children and let them taste A taste of what Evil God is like.”

“Why, do you start fighting if you don’t agree?” Even though he was threatened like this, the smile on Loki’s face remained unchanged. He looked at Fenrir who was beginning to stir on the opposite side, and immediately stretched out his hand to make a look that was sometimes easy to discuss. “Fenrir, you are too impatient. I think we can still have a good chat, at least at this time, I think we have to talk about some things!”

“Talk? Why, isn’t it that you don’t want to talk about it? Loki, what are you doing!”

For Loki, who is good at crafty plots and machinations, Fenrir is not at all desperate. The meaning of going up, and when he hesitated, Loki’s words made him feel a little strange, so that he immediately became confused.

“Of course there is nothing to talk about between us. After all, you and I are completely different. But there is something I think we must talk about.”

The smile on his face receded, and Loki’s expression became cold and solemn.

“I want to know, do you know what happened in the Golden Palace?”

“What happened? Are you talking about the breach of the Golden Palace? Of course I know “The moment Loki mentioned it, Fenrir immediately thought of his intentions. This made him sneer immediately. “It’s a pity that Odin didn’t die. I thought that the guy Malekis could do something amazing?”

“So you know everything! Oh, then mine The evaluation is right. Fenrir, you are a beast! A beast who is completely distorted in his heart and soul. I am really worthless for Odin. Why didn’t he shoot you on the wall in the first place.”

“Loki, you dare to humiliate me?”

Fenrir roared fiercely, with a loud and terrifying voice like a hurricane, causing the wind and clouds to change, and the forest below the mountain began Trembling. Facing his monster roar, Loki just sneered and replied.

“Humiliated you, sorry. Damn beast, you are not qualified yet. What do you think oneself is? You are just a person who has abandoned the own family, own brother and parents, and abandoned everything about own. Even people I don’t want to run to be a monster, a brutal wicked obstacle. No matter how bad I am, Loki is the god of Asgard and the king of Frost Giant. You are worth my insult?”

“Think about everything you did. You killed your own twin brother, and you murdered your own father and killed your eldest brother. If I remember correctly, Tyre has been protecting since you were a kid For your big brother, if someone has never discriminated against you, never treated you maliciously or even indifferently, Tyre is definitely one. He is kind to you, but what about you? You deserve it. Is he?”

“also Frigga, your biological mother. Don’t tell me you don’t know she is dead!”

A wave of resentment, Loki’s face is rare Some frantic anger emerged.

“Malekith killed her, but you still called him a brother and formed an alliance. Are you worthy of Frigga? Don’t forget, beast. Who was protecting you back then? Being insulted by others, who persuaded Odin to save your life from the wrath of the gods after you killed Bard. She begged Odin to let go of your beast when she knew you had become this ghost. , But what about you? What did you do to her, did you shed a tear for her when you knew she was dead? I’m really worthless for Frigga, I actually gave birth to you such a beast!”

“Fenrir, count your own achievements. In addition to hurting the people around you, what else have you done. Like you, a monster who has forgotten family and country and betrayed honor and dignity? Qualified to recruit me and let me be your deputy. You don’t look at oneself, do you deserve it?”

After venting, Loki quickly restored the calmness of owner’s face. At the same time, a sardonic smile appeared on his face again.

“Ah, yes! One of you is worthy of my admiration. That is your cheeks. Seriously, I have never seen a shameless guy like you. I deserve it. Is it a monster?”

Sentence after sentence, Loki’s words made Fenrir’s anger soar to the extreme. At this time, he could no longer control his own emotions, but immediately rushed up regardless.

“I want you to die, Loki. I want to rip you to pieces!”

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