As Christmas is approaching, Zhou Yi made a long phone call to his mother in Europe. After chatting with her for a long time, I finally decided to take Clarice to Europe to spend Christmas with Zhou Lan.

I don’t know why Zhou Lan, who suddenly burst into work enthusiasm, has been busy in Europe for several months, and even plans to spend the Christmas holiday in Europe. This makes Zhou Yi very puzzling, and even once wondered whether his mother Ms. Zhou Lan ushered in the second spring in Europe. You know, France has always been known for being romantic. Although, Zhou Yi has always felt that the arrogance of French people is more famous than their romance.

I told Clarice the news. The mischievous Little Brat was naturally exhilarated for the chance to get rid of school life, and she also asked for own to bring new friends with own. Zhou Yi himself has no opinion on this point. Clarice has a good friend is a happy thing, but the key to the question is why he should convince the teacher of the school.

This behavior of showing the big brother out of the chariot and horse pit made Zhou Yi very helpless. On the one hand, it was the request from the mother and the rogue behavior of Clarice, and on the other hand, it was the blame from Ororo. She is a very responsible Teacher, so even with Zhou Yi by her side, she is not worried about this kind of student going out. Especially going to such a far place.

In order for Ororo to be assured, he had to go to school in person. One is to convince Ororo, and the other is to pick up Clarice and her friends.

I drove Bentley like a personal driver to the Xavier Genius Youth School. As soon as Zhou Yi got off the car, he saw Clarice waiting in front of the hall.

“Really rare, my Rogue?” gave the younger sister of oneself a big hug, Zhou Yi squeezed her face and said with a smile. “Is it annoying that I need your dear big brother to take care of it?”

“Bad boy!” Fiercely patted the messy hand on Oneself’s face, Clarice making threatening The gestures look like an angry cat. “I warn you, don’t mess around with your paws on my face, also, I’m not a Rogue, I want to call me Blink, have you heard me?”

“Huh?” Zhou Yi timely He dug out his ears, showing a dazed look. “Are you talking to me just now? I’m a little older, and I seem to have some small problems with auditory hallucinations.”

“Ah! Asshole, I’m never finished with you.” Clarice is just as straightforward as he was when he was a child. Set of Wangba punches came up. And Zhou Yi also carried his younger sister on the shoulder of his owner with ease, and played with irregular eccentric exercises.

This kind of intimacy, exactly the same as when she was a child, made Clarice scream. Obviously, this miserable appearance made her feel a little embarrassed. She slapped Zhou Yi on the back and screamed.

“Quickly put me down, you damn fellow. Put me down, I want you to look good.”

Zhou Yi smirked curl one’s lip.

“My good younger sister, it seems that the fulfilling school life has made you forget the terrifying of your Great Demon King big brother. Let me see how confident you are and dare to talk to me like this. “Speaking of this, he has stretched his own sinful hand under Clarice’s armpit.

Where did Clarice’s killing of Kitty come from? Yes, it is from Zhou Yi’s precepts and deeds, but compared to Zhou Yi, her approach is a lot worse. After all, Zhou Yi has valuable experience gained from many beautiful women from all countries and races. . In terms of tactics alone, he is the real master. Compared to Clarice, a novice who can only fight with little girls, he is not at the same level.

In the face of Zhou Yi’s Grandmaster Rank devil’s hand, Clarice immediately showed defeat. She began to laugh more terribly than crying, and her whole body was shaking like a cramped shrimp. Tears and so on are even more rustling sound. In Zhou Yi’s hands, the horror she showed was far more pitiful than Kitty’s appearance in her hands.

This kind of tragic appearance on a charming girl will definitely make people feel very sympathetic. As for the youngsters whose hormones are at the peak of their secretion, Clarice’s situation at this time is enough to make them angry.

A young man who looked a little silly in Zhou Yi popped out. This is a young man with brown hair. Perhaps it is a common problem of youngsters. His face always has a rebellious look, like the kind of brat who is not convinced by anything. He has to bark his teeth at everything. . And such youngsters are generally not very pleasing, because they always think oneself too high.

For Zhou Yi, he doesn’t like this guy who popped out very much. On the first impression, he felt that this young man was far worse than the Peter he saw last time. And this bad impression, at the first moment he said something, it immediately deepened a bit.

“Hey! Buddy, put that girl down quickly. Otherwise I will make you regret that you did not pay enough medical insurance this year!”

Stopped your hands, Zhou Yi Facing this frowned who came out suddenly, he said uncomfortably.

“young man, are you sure you are not a gangster who has watched too many movies. If I were you, it would be better to recognize the situation and then determine if it should be like this.”

Being able to talk to this Little Brat peacefully like this is because, on the one hand, he is a classmate of Clarice, and on the other hand, it is also because of Ororo and the others. After all, this is Ororo’s school, and he doesn’t want to be blamed by her and Jean Grey for bullying Ororo’s students.

Otherwise, according to his temper at school, the guys who dared to talk to him like this basically squatted in the hospital. Yes, Zhou Yi was not a good bunny when he was in school. He is a real schoolmaster, and he has caused trouble for rival for love. In his high school and college meetings, the basketball players and football quarterbacks of the school were often taken care of by him. The degree of his youth and frivolousness is definitely the kind of cream of the crop.

And the young man in front of him didn’t know that Zhou Yi could be regarded as the Old Senior of the campus bully. He still insisted abnormally, insisting that Zhou Yi put down Clarice, for which he even took out a Zippo lighter.

Zhou Yi knows all the weird things in Mutant School, but I don’t know about Ororo and their students. This kind of person is the favorite of their wily old fox in the society. There is no psychological pressure at all. Because this stupid guy doesn’t even know how to socialize, and doesn’t understand anything except his own daydream. Even with a kick, no who is willing to speak for such a person.

He shook his hand boringly and motioned to this Little Brat to quickly walk away from oneself. He didn’t have the energy to play hero saving the beauty game with this guy. Even the good mood of having a fight with the younger sister was thoroughly disturbed by this guy who sprang out.

Clarice, who has slowed down, also expressed helplessness towards this student who sprang out.

“John, my business has nothing to do with you. Would you please not appear in front of me so suddenly?”

Obviously, for Clarice. The guy in front of him is also a rather annoying existence. And he is the kind of troublesome guy like brown sugar.

A young girl in the midst of youth does not care how much mental harm her words cause to an admiring teenager. Even if he knew it, Clarice didn’t really matter. She is not the kind of guy who can tolerate oneself injury for others. Under the indoctrination of Zhou Yi, she has own pride. That kind of weak concept does not exist in her at all. She is not a bad person, and there is no reason to pay for other people’s emotions.

Listening to Clarice’s words, the boy Mutant named John flushed. He felt that his own self-esteem was severely wounded. Everyone has a fantasy that oneself is a hero, but some people can see the reality clearly, and some people can’t see it. They live a self-centered life and can even direct oneself anger and wrong money to anyone for no reason.

And the boy in front of me is like that. He blamed Zhou Yi for the injury received by oneself. This Outsider made him lose face in front of the woman whom oneself admired, and the most ridiculous thing was that the person he admired was still standing by that person.

This kind of psychological trauma made John have an impulse, and this impulse made him make a crazy move.

The lighter was hit, and a ball of flame rose and rushed to John’s hand. And getting bigger and bigger, soon there will be a basketball the size. After seeing this, Zhou Yi somewhat understood. The Little Brat in front of him was still a Mutant with the ability to control fire.

But it seems a bit pitiful, he seems to be able to control but not generate. This alone can only be destined to be a weak one. The power of the flame comes from itself. It can’t create a strong enough flame. It can only control small artificially created flames. Even if it is played, it can’t threaten those truly powerful guys.

So Zhou Yi only deeply sighed the boy’s behavior. He was making the final persuasion.

“young man, I’ll give you one last chance. Turn around and leave, I can still treat you as if you didn’t show up?” The proper big brother of the underworld is doing business, and the demeanor of idlers waiting for you to escape is directly burned. The last fuse in John’s mind.

He gritted his teeth and fiercely threw the flame basketball in his hand. The hot flames scorched the ground and the air made a crackling sound out of thin air, and as it progressed, the whole basketball was still continuously expanding. Soon, when the flame basketball flew in front of Zhou Yi, it was almost like the head of an elephant.

Facing the flames in front of me, neither Zhou Yi nor Clarice wavered. As if everything before their eyes was just a funny circus show. And the fact is almost like this.

For Zhou Yi, this flame is meaningless. Even the ability of this Mutant called John has no value in his eyes. Compared with playing with fire, he is still far behind.

A finger was put up, and the huge fireball seemed to have been gathered by an invisible object, rushing towards Zhou Yi’s finger. The posture of scrambling, no matter how much John urged his own ability, he couldn’t stop it.

In the blink of an eye, the huge fireball was converged into a small flame, dancing on Zhou Yi’s fingers. If you observe carefully, you will find that it is a real dancing flame. The tiny flame heart is shaped into a girl’s posture, dancing lightly and gracefully on his fingers.

This is the high-end ability of fire control, but unfortunately the guy named John didn’t at all see it. He just lit the lighter sweating profusely, and seemed to want to try a few more times. This kind of guy with no eyesight, Zhou Yi doesn’t even have the thought of training.

So, he just flicked. The flame suddenly turned into a ferocious wild beast, pulling a loud whistle, and rushing towards the young man in front of him. For this kind of ignorant guy, giving him a lifelong lesson is the best way.

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