Sun God Marvel

Chapter 631

Malakis escaped with difficulty from a place that was indistinguishable from hell for him, and when he escaped to a position where no one could notice him, he He immediately got up, clutching his chest and walking towards the depths of the battleship without looking back.

A dark dwarf looked at their king unbelievably, twisting on the ground like an earthworm, until Malekis also found out that he was looking at own He swallowed a mouthful of water, and then asked in a astringent voice.

“Your Majesty, is there anything I can do for you?”

“Why, do you guys want to laugh at me?”

As soon as he grasped the neck of this unscrupulous guy, Malekis, as a king who had never shown kindness in front of oneself’s people, had changed at this moment to be completely tyrannical and crazy. And his appearance obviously frightened the unfortunate dark dwarf.

“Your Majesty, be merciful. I don’t mean it at all!”

He hasn’t finished his words yet, and the angry Malekis has cut him off. Neck, threw him fiercely to one side of the wall.

“Damn scumbags, you are useless!”

Swearing like this, Malekis has controlled the expression on oneself’s face, making oneself look like So hideous. But in his heart, the evil fire was still burning frantically.

He couldn’t bear the humiliation of oneself, and once he escaped from the danger he thought, this humiliation made him have an almost crazy impulse, and he was impatient to want to do something What, to wash everything that oneself has encountered.

With such thoughts, he went straight to the core of this battleship, where its power furnace is located.

Dark gnomes have wandered in the depths of the starry sky for thousands of years, and as a race that can continue oneself civilization in the universe, they naturally have certain merits. Their technology is their strength. And these battleships are undoubtedly the highest embodiment of their technology.

The power furnace, which is the core of energy by ingesting dark matter from everywhere in the universe, is enough to keep such a huge battleship running for thousands of years. However, once this dark matter power is manipulated artificially, an uncontrollable nirvana reaction occurs. Then, it is the most dangerous weapon.

The annihilation of dark matter will completely destroy everything within a certain range into the most original atomic state, and the force field created by its own change is more likely to directly create a simulation The black hole swallows everything it can.

In the face of this power, any God is powerless and ridiculous. They can’t behave better than the so-called mortals, because even they are just like those mortals, only lives that perish in the blink of an eye.

This should be the ultimate weapon of the Dark Gnomes, but unfortunately, this weapon is still only conceptual. Even the dark gnomes who are wanderers understand a basic principle of weapon development, that is, forces that cannot be controlled cannot be called weapons. And this kind of terrifying power, they have never been able to realize it on paper, turning it into a weapon in oneself’s hands.

Individual weapons are already the limit that these dwarf scientists can do, and this limit is actually meaningless to many people. Nirvana bombs with a radius of only five meters can only deal with ordinary fighters and heroic spirits. Switch to God, even if he is weaker, it is definitely not a big problem to escape to a safe location before the bomb explodes.

This is also why Malekis regards the forbidden existence of the cursed warrior as a oneself trump card, because these so-called technologies have made him so disappointed. But now, this is his last hope.

Uncontrollable, it doesn’t matter, all he wants is destruction. It doesn’t matter to kill friendly forces. As long as he still exists, then the dark dwarf will always exist. As for those lowly civilians, they have no value at all, and they are dead.

With this thought, Malekis directly killed all the dark gnomes in the power furnace. Then opened the valve of the power core and opened the countdown to destruction.

And when he finished all this, Malekis suddenly felt an unrealistic sense of illusion. The operation system of the power furnace has completely collapsed, and the dark matter nirvana has been irreversible. After two minutes, everything here will be completely transformed into nothingness, including the three guys above. At this level, no one has come to stop him. This is really strange.

Shake his head and throw away all the strange thoughts. Malekis was ready to escape this dangerous place as soon as possible. He came to the nearest flight deck, and when he came here, he seemed to think of something, and instead walked directly to a large pool not far away.

This is a pool full of blood red liquid. Various instruments are separated by the pool, and the scarlet liquid is continuously poured into it. And in this pool, a giant wolf full of pipes suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Malekis who suddenly appeared in front of oneself.

Fenrir, badly wounded demon wolf taken away by Malekis.

Although I was very upset, Yemengga threw Fenrir’s waste in oneself’s eyes. But thinking of Fenrir’s identity and the master he serves now, he had to take him back as Yemengard said, and hang his life as much as possible.

This is a complete helpless move, and even some aggrieved. But Malekis did not expect that in this case, Fenrir would become the only backing for oneself to get back the last capital.

He also holds 80% of the cursed warriors in his hand temporarily under the command of Queen Hela. These powers were placed by oneself by Hela, as a barrier to protect her safety, and at the same time as a capital to compete with other monsters. And Malekis wanted to regain power and regain power. These cursed warriors are what he needs.

However, he doesn’t need to think about the result of appearing in front of Queen Hela in this capacity. These monsters who have never known propriety, justice and shame will definitely swallow everything he has. If he dares to show up, there is definitely only a dead end. Before that, he couldn’t even reach the warrior who owns the curse.

So, he must have a certificate, a guy who can help oneself break into the power of Queen Hela. And Fenrir is undoubtedly the best choice. As long as he can see those cursed warriors own, he also has hope.

Thinking about this, Malekis opened his eyes to face and said, staring at own Fenrir.

“To make a long story short, our time is running out.”

“A terrifying presence among the enemies has come here. I am not his opponent, and my cursed warrior is also Same. Now, I am going to use everything here as bait to destroy him with the ultimate weapon of destruction. And you, I was going to give up on you. But you also have some use value for me.”

“Swear, you will take me into Queen Hela’s palace until I come into contact with my cursed warrior. In this case, I will release you and take you out of here safely. Otherwise, you will be with those Damn invaders, let me be destroyed!”

There are no more choices, and no more choices. After hearing what Malekis said, Fenrir nodded directly, and then said in a hoarse voice.

“I swear, let me go out.”

As soon as Malekis heard this reply, he immediately operated the machinery beside him, knowing that time should not be delayed. The pipes were withdrawn from Fenrir’s body, and when the pipes with both therapeutic and anesthetic effects exited, Fenrir immediately stood up.

“Let’s go, we must leave as soon as possible. If you don’t want to be shattered, don’t dare, soon everything here will be…”

Before Malkis had finished speaking, a violent wind rushed up. He didn’t even have a chance to react, he had already been bitten by Fenrir half of his body, and then he threw it high.

At this time, of course, the severe pain spread. But what stayed in Malkis’s heart more temporarily than severe pain was anger, also the most complete and incredible. At this time, he didn’t even resist, but simply angrily roared Fenrir.

“Are you crazy, Fenrir? Have you forgotten your vows? Or do you want to eat me like this monster?”

“I want to eat There is nothing wrong with you. I really want to swallow you into my mouth and grind every muscle and every inch of your skeleton with my teeth little by little. I will completely thwart you and tear you to pieces.”

Extended his paws and held down Malekis’s fallen body, Fenrir lowered his head, his face full of ferocity and madness made Malekis look at her with chills. He regretted it, regretting that oneself actually pinned its hopes on such a crazy wild beast. But now, everything is too late. All he can do is just the last struggle and begging for mercy.

“Why, why did you do this? Don’t forget, you would die without me. The explosion here, Penalty of Hela, also your vow just now. Don’t you know what fear is? “

“Fear, of course. But it doesn’t matter. Don’t forget, my vow is to send you to see the woman Hela, and isn’t this the fastest way? As for why?” When Lille talked about this, the hideousness and terror on the wolf’s face suddenly sank to the limit. “Because you killed my mother-Frigga! Don’t forget, I was also a member of Asgard, and the woman you killed was my biological mother, who gave birth to me and raised me. You killed me, someone who was kind to me. You killed her and asked me why I treated you like this. Don’t you find it ridiculous?”

In an instant, Malkis was born An extreme panic. He struggled to escape from Fenrir’s feet, but no matter how he moved, he was impossible to fight against the power of demon wolf. Facing Fenrir’s head gradually underneath, there was only fear in his heart.

“I’m sorry, forgive me, I’m sorry, forgive…”

The tragic howls and crazy bites and swallows appeared there, stained with filthy blood Dirty fur, and the former king fell silent like this.

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