Sun God Marvel

Chapter 633

The raging flame burned on the crown of World Tree Uktra Hill. The flame from the sword of twilight easily ignited the golden leaves and jade stone-like branches of the World Tree. The flame swallowed everything on the surface of the god tree, causing it to moan in pain in this World.

And looking at all this, different people have different reactions.

As the watcher of the World Tree, that is, the watcher of the river of destiny, Goddess of Destiny III always has an expression of no joy and no sadness. They watched the huge World Tree incinerate and collapse little by little in the flames until it was completely ashes. It seems that the existence that once gave birth to them is already the same existence that has nothing to do with oneself.

Compared with them, Thor’s reaction is much more conspicuous.

“World Tree, World Tree was actually destroyed like this?”

First there was a dazed disbelief, and then the hottest anger.

“Why, why don’t you stop him. Why, do you want to watch him ruin Asgard’s foundation?”

As Asgard’s former *** *, Thor knows exactly what World Tree means to Asgard as a whole. It is the source of Asgard’s power and the root of the growth of this land. Without the nurturing of World Tree, the entire world would gradually lose its life and become a deadly place like the earth. Even more miserable.

Because in essence, Asgard is not a complete planet. It is just a special space, a land stabilized in the void by World Tree. It is a flat world, not a spherical world. This is why the Rhine can circulate the entire Asgard and then enter the Camelunga gap.

World Tree supports here, while World Tree also communicates with other worlds. Sunlight, air, water sources and even life are all introduced from the other world through the communication of World Tree. It can be said that the entire Asgard is built on the crown of the this World tree, and if one prospers, all prospers, it is the existence of damage. Once the World Tree is destroyed, it is not far from the complete collapse of Asgard.

It is precisely because of such serious consequences. , Thor asked the Destiny Three Goddess, who also had a special status among the gods of Asgard, regardless of his identity.

In the face of Thor’s questioning, Goddess of Destiny Three still performed so plainly.

“The beginning of World Tree was nothing more than the will of existence. Now, if he wants World Tree to be destroyed, everything can only be done according to his will. This is something you can’t stop, Thor Your Excellency. Naturally, we are also impossible to stop him.”

The first one who answered him was Uld. The Goddess who had already appeared to be aging answered Thor faithfully, without a trace in his quiet eyes. .

It was this attitude that should have been so, but Thor could hardly hold oneself’s hand holding the hammer.

“You are also impossible to stop him. Don’t you know what the consequences are?”

“Of course we know it. But, what about it?” The energetic Belludandi took the words. “Do you expect the three of us who are incapable of fighting to deal with terrifying monsters like Sirtel. Don’t say we don’t go back and do this, even if we do, what do you think the result can change?” /p>

A clear attitude, but it has little effect other than making Thor more angry. Looking at Thor, who was already out of anger, Loki immediately took his hand and calmed his emotions.

“Forget it, Thor. It’s useless to get angry with these three guys. Let’s find out and see if no survivors have survived.”


Hearing this word, Thor’s face showed a deep wry smile. He turned his head and glanced behind him. Except for the crystal coffin of Odin, which was carrying Odin’s sleeping body and still flashing with radiance, which was moved by him, there was nothing but ashes along the way.

The entire Golden Palace now looks like this, with nothing but ashes and flames that have not yet dissipated. As for the so-called survivors, apart from the three Goddess who have no effect, there is simply no other goal. This made him suddenly feel a huge sense of powerlessness, so much so that he couldn’t hold Mjölnir, and made it fall to the ground with a plop.

“Are we also survivors? Loki, Asgard is over. Except for those who Brunnhild took away, everything has been ruined! We have no hope!”

“Aren’t you and I still here?” Looking at Thor, who was almost kneeling on the ground, Loki held back the sadness in oneself’s heart and held his body. “As long as we are here, Asgard will not perish. Even if it starts with nothing, as long as we have the determination, we can rebuild Asgard back. Even more how, Brunhild is not also a lot. Our compatriots?”

“Something seems to have not been clear to you.”

At this time, Belludandi suddenly intervened.

“Brynhild not at all left Asgard. She stayed here, fighting Heimdall to the last moment.”

“But it’s a pity , They are not the opponents of the Balrog. So the final result is what you see. Heimdall died in the hands of the Balrog, and Brunhild was taken away by him.”

“Damn it!” Although I was prepared, I suddenly heard such specific news. Thor still slammed the ground in front of Oneself’s eyes hard, until oneself’s hands were drenched with blood. And looking at him like this, Loki could only watch him distressedly.

She knows the pain in Thor’s heart, and he must vent at this time. If he can vent his pain in this way, that’s the best. However, trifling self-torture, how could it be possible to vent the pain of such family destruction.

In Loki’s most horrified eyes, Thor suddenly grasped Mjolnir in front of oneself, and then flew towards the end of the sky. He is going to find who, what to do, this is an obvious question. And it was this problem that made Loki’s whole person almost mad.

“Thor, Thor, where are you going? Come back, bastard. Don’t do stupid things!”

Although she yelled so hoarsely, she had already decided now For the determined Thor, it was nothing more than a retention of no use. He just speeded silently, and soon disappeared into the distant sky that had become gloomy with the destruction of World Tree.

The sudden change in circumstances filled Loki with panic and despair. But at this time, as another bystander, Shi Coti sighed softly.

“It’s a really straightforward character. I thought there would be a little hope that he would be a little more rational and wouldn’t make such a stupid choice! It seems that I still have some I overestimate him.”

Scotty’s words made the fluctuating emotions in Loki’s heart even more intense. And looking at the masked Goddess, think of her special identity. Loki immediately wiped away the tears that almost came out of the corner of oneself’s eyes, and then walked straight to Shikoti, pointed at her with a sharp sword and asked.

“I know you can see the future. Tell me what exactly you see? Thor him, how will he end Thor.”

Thor is important to Loki Sex makes this woman extremely unstable now. But in the face of the sharp sword in front of oneself and the threat it represented, Shikoti remained unmoved. She didn’t seem to take this thing seriously, just sighed.

“Isn’t this an obvious question? What makes you think God of Thunder Thor will be the opponent of the Balrog Lord? In this case, he has only one future. That is turning to ashes in the flames of the Twilight Sword.”

Speaking such an answer in the tone of as it should be by rights, Shikoti’s answer is simply the greatest for Loki cruel. Faced with such cruelty, Loki’s face twitched, and he immediately passed the sharp sword in his hand a few points.

“This is impossible! It is absolutely impossible. Thor will not die, I have faith in him. Tell me, tell me everything you see. What should I do to change his future, I should What can I do to keep him alive. Hurry up and tell me all this!”

The blade of the sharp sword pierced Shikoti’s throat, but it seemed weirdly did not pierce anything. . Shi Couty is clearly there, but it doesn’t seem to be there at all. Loki’s military force threat is simply useless.

This is the support of Goddess. They are essentially the three incarnations of time. In the past, the present and the future are not eliminated, they are simply impossible to be affected by conventional means. Naturally, this small threat is even more useless.

But even in this invincible mode, Shicoti answered obediently and honestly.

“Really, no matter how hard you try, Thor’s end will not change much. Even because of your over-participation, things will get worse. Even so, you still Do you want to know the answer?”

“Please, tell me.”

Lost the probability of military force intimidation, Loki can only leave behind the sword in oneself’s hands. And what she left at the same time, also oneself only reserved and dignity. She knelt down, knelt down in front of fate and the future, for the only possible hope.

“I can’t lose him, I really can’t lose Thor. Please, tell me. What on earth should I do to save him. Please!”

Sigh , The future showed a little pity. Before the burning World Tree, it soon became silent again. After knowing it for a long time, Uld opened his mouth blankly and said to the empty direction.

“Your Majesty, is this your decision? Don’t you think this method is too heavy?”

“But this is the only way we can eradicate troubles, isn’t it? “After a long silence, a dry voice came out of the crystal coffin. The sleeping king trembling his own body, slowly sat up, and then said to Goddess, who represented fate.

“In exchange for a glimmer of hope and light with this sacrifice, this is the only choice I can make.”

“The king must make sacrifices, even if the sacrifice is oneself. Important things. If this sacrifice can be used to exchange the possibility of continuation for the kingdom, then I am willing to make this sacrifice.”

“Then everything will proceed as you expected. The rest , You can only rely on you, Your Majesty!”

The Destiny Three Goddess bowed, and behind them, a tunnel of flame and river water suddenly appeared there, and it spread to The depths of the World Tree canopy.

The flame is the flame of destruction and rebirth. The water flow is the river of destiny. The mixture of water and fire is hope. At the most sacrifice, the awakened Wang had already made the final decision.

And now, it is time for him to perform all of this.

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