Sun God Marvel

Chapter 644

“I would rather die than be a knife in your hand to hurt him!”

Faced with Brunhild’s problem, Hela immediately made The own option. She immediately held the scepter in oneself’s hand upside down, and pierced it into own’s heart with the sharp spike at the bottom.

The power fluctuations on the bone scepter are enough to prove that it is a divine tool comparable to Mjölnir, and if the heart is pierced by such a lifeless divine tool, even if Hela is nine Death spokespersons in major countries will have only one end. And this situation is definitely something that Brunhild didn’t want to see.

So, immediately. She immediately urged the Reality Stone in oneself’s hand and used its divine force to forcibly stop Hela’s movement.

After all, Hela underestimated the power of Infinity Gem. In front of the Infinity Gem who controlled the reality, her movements immediately stopped. Don’t talk about suicide, it is impossible for her to even move. Looking at this situation, Brunhild, who was slightly pale, took a sigh of relief and walked to Hela’s side.

She looked at this expression of hatred, looked at the Queen of Own Hades, and responded to her with firm eyes.

“I know you hate me very much now. But since you can die for a man, then I believe you also know how I feel now. Like you, I love That man, so I can’t let him face the enemy alone anyway. I’m sorry. Everything is for the person in our heart.”

The scarlet radiance circulates in the great hall, and the two A woman has disappeared.

In Endless Starry Sky, Zhou Yi, who is already huge like a superstar, has changed his most familiar appearance, the appearance of King Ming. Although he has no divine force now, many powers from God can’t be revealed.

However, only relying on the infinite energy carried by the huge body obtained from the red giant, and the incredible force field. He is enough to do what oneself could not do before.

What does a human-shaped freely movable sun mean in the universe? This is definitely a catastrophic question that countless astronomers never want to imagine, but now it has become a reality that cannot be more real. , Appeared in this Endless Starry Sky.

Accommodating the energy of a whole sun, the King Ming, as Zhou Yi’s incarnation, is equivalent to having endless energy, and this energy instilled into his two weapons, which also caused the two weapons to have Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes.

It’s okay to say that the Twilight Sword can change its size with the user, although it is estimated that even the person who created this Divine Sword has never thought that the Twilight Sword can change to This sun-like volume. But with sufficient energy supply, it has achieved this incredible huge.

The ability of another weapon, Rod Neil, to change into this shape is something that I never thought of. Although the rune above was about to burst, this divine spear made of World Tree and Nova fragments persisted to the end, and under the endless supreme strength of yang, the volume of the incomparable gigantic was also manifested.

And unlike the golden sacred fire lingering all over, but roughly you can still see the sharp edge of the Twilight Sword, Rhodey, who has become such a huge volume, has completely turned into a light, The vast divine light enough to disintegrate the darkness of the universe. Just by holding it in his hand, Zhou Yi could feel the explosive power in it, and this naturally gave him full confidence in the formidable power contained in it.

The magic dragon is right in front of you, there is nothing to hesitate simply. With the raised high arm, he let it go in the direction of Hogun, and suddenly, the divine spear made of light shot out hundreds of millions of lights in the dark deep sky.

It is as if the most dazzling color is suddenly painted on a dark curtain, just a moment, the brilliant radiance fills the entire world in front of them. It was so extreme and powerful that even the dragon carrying five Infinity gems felt deep palpitations and fear.

He has realized the horror and power of this radiance, but no matter how powerful and horrible, what does it matter to him? He is undying, no one can destroy him. Moreover, even with such a radiance, it may not be able to defeat him.

“I am the destruction, I am the invincible existence!” The evil dragon simply didn’t mean to dodge. Facing the divine spear’s continuous shooting, he immediately expanded his own wings. At the oncoming radiance, he let out a terrifying roar.

Infinity Gem together with the black stone above his head burst out endless Annihilation Light again. The chaotic radiance suddenly collided in the deep space of the universe against the endless glow, and then instantly condensed the silence and roar of Eternity.

Chaos and light collide in deep space. Oblivion and endless energy clash and agitate in a relatively narrow field of confrontation. Even a tiny bit of this terrifying energy is enough to turn countless planets into dust in the universe. But they don’t spill out at all, but on the contrary, they are restrained and contracted in this small area. In this way, the endless energy has been compressed and compressed again. Until this small space can no longer contain their existence.

Then, in an instant. A huge explosion was born.

It’s like taking away all the light and then radiating them out in a singularity. The incomparable radiance concealed everything around this universe in an instant. The huge energy begins to expand and change from such a small point, until it becomes a dazzling radiance flower blooming in the universe.

The vastness, the brilliance, the dazzling dazzling, let people admire the most. The beautiful radiance, even in the depths of the endless universe, is enough to capture those wise creatures, and then sincerely admire them.

However, just like the theorem that the more beautiful, the more dangerous, this gorgeous flower of the universe also represents unimaginable horror and formidable power.

When it was born, the turbulent energy instantly swallowed everything around oneself. The energy that blooms like a water wave destroys every planet that oneself passes, collapses, and perishes, everything along the way is nothing but destruction. And when it was completely unfolded, most of the huge star system had disappeared, and the huge vacancy made the entire deep space even more hollow.

Such a huge formidable power, even the two parties who made it have been affected to varying degrees.

Ming Wang’s huge body was blown out by the impact, and the blazing light melted everything he passed by. But Hogun, the devil dragon, became even more miserable, his body immediately turned into dust as soon as he was affected. However, this is not at all used. Because soon, his body was reshaped again. Although this step was repeated several times, no matter how many times it was repeated, it had no effect on him. He always maintained the state of oneself Peak, and the disgusting was the same as when he was fighting.

Standing in the footsteps of own, the somewhat dim radiance gun returned to own’s hand again. But looking at the intact dragon, Zhou Yi stopped owning. Useless work, no matter how much you do. So he can only stop and taunted him.

“Thanos, your ability is still as disgusting as before!”

“I like to see you like this! This hateful, but helpless look!” Rampant Laughing, the magic dragon provoked Zhou Yi’s nerves indifferently. “Maybe you can try the same as before and once again plunge me into the long river of time. But I need to remind you that now I have a Time Stone in my hand, you may not be able to get what you want so easily! hahahahaha… …”

Zhou Yi naturally understands this truth, and because of this, he is so helpless. With Infinity Gem in hand, Thanos simply is invincible now. Even if the powerful force completely overwhelmed him, it didn’t make any sense. Because he will not die, he simply will not fail. He is like a deadly stubborn illness, and consumption alone is enough to kill any powerful enemy.

In the face of such a disgusting enemy, the only thing Zhou Yi can do is keep fighting.

The sword of twilight suddenly crossed the deep space, and the fiery Supreme Yang Divine Fire ignited one planet after another in an instant. Before the sword edge touched Thanos’ body, Thanos was already burned to ashes by the flame on the sword edge. But still like that, he was resurrected. And as soon as he was resurrected, he jumped to another place with the ability of Space Stone, avoiding Mingwang’s sword edge far away.

This allowed Zhou Yi to swing Divine Sword in his direction again, but it was just repeating the previous steps. And in such repeated steps, he still had to listen to the shrill mocking sound of the tiny fly-like dragon at him.

“Come on, hero. Kill me, destroy me. I am here, let me see how many times you can kill me. See who admits defeat first!”

“Enough, Thanos. You shameless monster, I want to see, after I have killed you countless times, can you still treat me frivolous like you do now!”

The deafening growl and the raging sacred fire filled the deep space of the universe, but apart from venting the anger in oneself’s heart, it is really of no help to the reality before us. This is a vain stalemate, and it is still in that long way with no end in sight.

And while this meaningless see-saw consumption continued, the dragon that had just been resurrected suddenly stopped oneself teleporting, but looked towards with a strange look Into the depths of the starry sky. He already felt something, relying on oneself’s connection with Infinity Gem.

And in this small pause, the flame once again burned his body. He is resurrected again, but this time, he no longer wants to play such a costly game with Zhou Yi.

The magic dragon started to move, and five Infinity Gem immediately shot out a huge circle of light on him. The flame giant sword slashed above the halo, and suddenly it was another huge explosion that shook the starry sky.

Ming Wang’s body was shaken out again, and at this time, the magic dragon resurrected from the big bang suddenly stretched out its wings and plunged into the endless void.

“Don’t want to escape, Thanos!”

The King of Ming roared, and the giant sword waved open endless void. What surprised him was that Thanos was already there waiting for him.

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