Sun God Marvel

Chapter 653

Located in the Avengers base on the west coast, Captain, who had just escaped from troublesome bureaucracy, rubbed his forehead and walked into Tony Stark’s laboratory. Then, behind a bunch of large quantum computers, he found Tony Stark who was busy holding a virtual tablet.

“Tony, what are you doing?”

Captain, who has returned from the last century, now accepts cellphone this thing directly at most, so for the high-tech technology Tony is playing Can’t understand at all. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, he can always use oneself’s sincere attitude of seeking knowledge to get the answer oneself wants.

“I am adjusting the Jarvis’ artificial intelligence program, backing up his emotional thinking mode, and loading the amount of calculations with a quantum computer by the way, to see if my recent research results are useful. What, you’re Looking for me?”

Looking at the increasingly complex formulas and academic language, Captain answered his question decisively.

“That’s it, I want to talk to you. About the request that Director SHIELD Ross made to us!”

“You are talking about the registration bill What, do you have any thoughts on this matter?”

When he heard what Captain mentioned, Tony immediately remembered the content, which also made him immediately stop his work and turn He raised his head and looked at him seriously.

“Steve, I remember that I have already expressed my attitude. I support Director Ross’s idea that people with super power must be controlled. How many dangerous guys we have dealt with, you should understand what they cause The harm!”

“I know your worries, Tony. But you must understand that Ross is not entirely for the safety of ordinary persons. He just wants to put all his power in his hands.”

“They represent the United States Government. The government definitely wants to control all power in the hands of the owner, especially this dangerous power. We all know how dangerous our country is now. This kind of consideration is inevitable. And I agree with their idea.”

“Tony!” Looking at Tony Stark with a serious face, Captain raised his hand, but gave up and continued to persuade him. Thoughts. “Forget it, I won’t talk about this for now. Let’s talk about the more important thing about Professor Charles.”

“Professor Charles? What happened to him?”

One Hearing that it was related to the most powerful psychic controller on Earth, Tony had to follow Captain to change his own rhythm.

“Could it be that he is getting married? With that FBI old woman? This is really late spring. But I understand, man! Don’t worry, I will prepare the gift and bring it with you Yours together.”

Listening to Tony Frivolous’s words, Captain opened his mouth, only to forget what oneself should say. After knowing it for a moment, he reacted. Speaking loudly to Tony.

“Please, Tony. Can’t you be more serious? This is not the time to crack a joke!”

“Why, do you think Ms. McMaguet is not too old? Huh? Please, she is over fifty years old now. Although her genetic research results make her look younger, but the facts are there. Oh, yes. I forgot, and you In comparison, she is indeed quite young, Senior!”

shook the head, ignoring the usual ridicule, Captain directly spoke out the problem.

“Professor Charles asked us for help. He hoped that we, especially you, could help him solve some of the most important problems for them.”

“Me?” Pointing to oneself, Tony’s face showed a look of astonishment. “I don’t have much intersection with Mutant, and they don’t seem to be short of money!”

“It’s not a question of money. He hopes to get in touch with a few councillors through your interpersonal relationship. Regarding the government’s current tough measures to implement the registration bill, his students and compatriots are very upset. If possible, he hopes you can help him and lobby these people. They don’t want the guns of those giant robots to be aimed at. On own.”

“It’s easy to solve this problem!” After hearing Captain’s words, Thor shook the head, showing obvious resistance. “Go to the relevant department to get a safe bracelet. With the logo of that thing, the sentry robot will naturally mark them as a safe target.”

“Tony!” He called his name again. , Captain’s voice suddenly increased. “They are not criminals, and many of them are still children. You can’t use this method to deprive them of their freedom. It’s already in the 21st century. Is it true that American at this time is not as free as people of my generation? Is it?”

“Hey, hey, hey!” Raising his hand to stop Captain’s excitement, Tony tried his best to express the meaning of own. “It’s just a small measure for the safety of more people, and it won’t involve freedom. I have seen those small things, they are safe and there is no danger at all.”

“Safety, you call that safety.” Hold down own forehead and comb through own hair vigorously. Captain felt like he was about to be ignited by his own temper. “Huge robots roam around a school of all ages, ready to use their equipped, military-industrial weapons to aim at any target that appears on their own. It may even happen after a while because they did not bring one. Damn the bracelet, and pulled the trigger directly at them. Hell, the youngest of them may not be seven years old!”

“Yes, I checked the information of the students of Professor Charles, Strictly speaking, the youngest has just passed his fifth birthday. But, so what!”

Faced with the upsurge of Captain, Thor obviously had the same impulse.

“Being young does not mean that they are not in danger. It is even said that the danger is still increasing, just like an innocent ordinary child who can face doesn’t change and pour boiling water into the ant’s nest Mutant children will do the same, and they will do it more terrifying and cruel. They have destructive power that ordinary children can’t match.”

“An ordinary child can harm the family at most. Cats, cats and dogs, but these children are enough to make a whole block of people have nightmares. Remember the report about those high-risk Mutants? An 8 years old little girl can realize the nightmare of oneself monster, more than 30 people were slaughtered. It was because she watched a boring horror movie with a group of children.”

“Are they innocent? This is not their intention.”


Captain tried hard to defend these children, but even when he himself said this, he was a little bit unreasonable. And this change was noticed by the keen Tony.

“Ha, innocent. I’m afraid you don’t believe this.” Pointing to Captain, who was hesitant in his eyes, Tony’s voice became more agitated. “Maybe their people are innocent, but their abilities are not innocent. Like a moving nuclear bomb, no one will ignore this danger. No matter how many reasons you weave, it’s useless. So, this is what I support. The reason for registering the bill. No matter how many thoughts the bureaucrats have. But one thing is certain, this bill limits the dangers to the safest controllable range. As long as this plan is implemented, all dangers can be monitored and controlled. Controlled. On the other hand, there will be fewer truly innocent victims. This is more important than anything, do you understand? Steve!”

As Tony’s thoughts were confided, the two people suddenly Become silent. It was not until a long time later that Captain opened his mouth.

“I understand what you mean, but I still can’t accept it.”

“This is a blasphemy of freedom and dignity, Tony. A century ago, I served the people of the world Fight for freedom and dignity. Do you know, for this war, how many of us have stepped onto the battlefield, and how many of us can come back alive. Just in order not to accept the dictatorship of others, each young and fresh life own everything is entrusted there. But do you know? We have never regretted it! We are fighting for the well-being of people all over the world, so that we and our descendants can enjoy freedom forever. But now, Do you know how I feel?”

“I feel our blood shed in vain, and I feel that everything we do has no meaning. Freedom, dignity! I am about to be trampled by this country now , Just in the name of safety.”

“Please!” Spreading his hands out, Tony murmured helplessly. “They are only Mutants. This is just in order to guard against the unexpected.”

“Mutant is also a human being and one of the citizens of the United States protected by us. And you can guarantee that they only Will they target Mutant? Now, they can monitor all Mutants for safety reasons and want to deprive them of their freedom. Then in the future, can you be sure that they will not deprive all humans of their freedom for this reason?”

In spite of Tony’s obstruction, Captain said firmly.

“I won’t agree to the registration bill. It makes me feel sorry for the heavy history. It’s not just me, Tony. Everyone in the league also has this idea. We are not in your hands. We don’t need to be controlled by others. Therefore, we will never give in.”

“What do you want to do, Captain!” I pressed the workbench in front of oneself, Tony.Stark’s The tone became lingering. “Also three days, the president will publicly announce this bill in Washington. It will become a law, not an agreement that requires your consent. If you disagree, then you are an illegal existence in this country. .Do you know what that means?”

“I know, war!”

“Listen, Captain. This country has suffered enough. If you really If you pull her into the quagmire again because of this, then we will be impossible to sit together like this. We will become enemies, do you understand?”

“I understand!” Stand up straight , Like a soldier preparing to go to the battlefield. Captain’s eyes were full of enlightenment. “If you really need to rely on this method to maintain freedom, then I am willing.”

“I won’t show mercy!” Hearing this reply, Tony suddenly shouted. And the answer he got was.

“Neither can I, Tony Stark!”

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