Sun God Marvel

Chapter 655

At the end of another day’s mission, Mystique dragged her tired body and left the administrative hall of Huiyao City under the escort of a group of elite Mutant bodyguards, and came to rest on the top floor of the Corona Building. Room.

At this time, this lounge dedicated to the president of the company has become her private domain, so when she walked to the highest floor, the other bodyguards all walked away quietly and winkingly. Up. She was the only one left to enter this solid and safe room.

But this time, as soon as she entered, she heard such a voice.

“Seriously, I suddenly saw another oneself being with attendants crowding round patrolling the own territory. It felt a bit weird.”

This suddenly appeared Mystique’s voice made Mystique tensed her body abruptly, and when she saw the person sitting there, she immediately let out a sigh of relief.

“Sir, are you back?”

“Well, I just came back. Then I saw some interesting things, including of course your stand-in. Don’t mind Sit down, let’s have a good chat. What happened to this World during the time I was away?”

I poured two glasses of wine naturally, and Zhou sat on the sofa. Yi directly stretched out his hand to invite Mystique. And after seeing so many things, Mystique did not have the courage to reject Zhou Yi.

She transformed into the image with black shoulder-length hair that Zhou Yi felt most familiar with, and sat down to the opposite side of Zhou Yi rigorously, and then asked Zhou Yi.

“Sir, what do you want to ask me?”

“First of all, the robots around the city. What are those? I don’t remember I signed Let’s develop a file for a similar artificial robot.”

I picked up the wine glass and let the amber liquid sway lightly in the glass. Zhou Yi asked casually like a normal friend chatting.

But although Zhou Yi’s performance is so casual, Mystique dare not have any impudent place. For her, the person in front of her can be treated as a god. As a human, she must maintain respect for God. Therefore, the more Zhou Yi relaxed, the more respectful she was, so that when answering questions, she didn’t even have the courage to look up at Zhou Yi directly.

“Sir, that is not our product. It is a sentinel robot launched by the United States Government. The purpose is to target Mutants in this country and keep them under control. Moreover, it does not rule out In a violent way.”

“A violent way?” Hearing this phrase, Zhou Yi immediately narrowed his eyes and sneered. “So, they want to completely target Mutant. Then, I want to ask, Ruiwen. In this city, has there ever been such a sentinel robot forcibly arresting Mutant.”

“Yes, sir!” Nodding, Mystique began to accuse these sentinel robots of the viciousness. “At first, they tried to capture the Mutant of the Iron Guard Star City. Moreover, because of their special strength, many of their companions could not directly confront them. But later, Ms. Jean Gray came forward to solve these things and ordered any A sentry robot entered the range of Huiyao City. So, as you can see, they can only wander outside the city now, replacing their targets with compatriots who want to enter the city.”

“Interesting! Who is responsible for these robots. The Ministry of Defense?”

“The Ministry of Defense and SHIELD are jointly supervised and managed.”

Hear With this answer, Zhou Yi knocked on the edge of the cup and muttered to himself a little strangely.

“I’m not surprised that those idiots in the army would do this kind of thing, but why even Nick. Fury, an old fox, would do it, it’s not his style!”

“Sorry, sir. Your message may be a bit outdated. Now the director of SHIELD is General Ross E. Thaddeus, and Nick Fury you mentioned has been confirmed to have been killed in the line of duty. And we got it. According to the intelligence, the current SHIELD is very hostile to us. I mean, it is hostile to this entire city.”

Still lowered his head, but Mystique corrected it very clearly. The name she gave out made the cold light in Zhou Yi’s eyes even sharper.

“General Ross? Really a guy who is not afraid of death. The Hulk who doesn’t chase him well, he actually wants to make trouble with me. What is his support? The government’s trash? Or Hydra lurking inside?”

Faced with this speculation, Mystique obediently and honestly closed his own mouth tightly. Without 100% certainty, she really didn’t have any courage to tell his own idea. Because once she speaks it out, then the consequences are not something she can afford. So to be worldly-wise and play safe, it became her current choice.

Zhou Yi knew exactly what this woman was worried about, so he didn’t intend to know the answer from her mouth. This was just a complaint from him. After the complaint, he asked other questions again.

“Well, just ignore this little question. During the almost one year I left, is there any big news?”

“Yes!” nodded , In the heart, I wonder which one is more important. Mystique opened her mouth to introduce Zhou Yi. “The first is the matter of the Superhero registration bill. This is also the most concerned thing for the entire country.”

“The United States Government hopes to enable all existences with superpowers, whether they are inherently capable of Mutant. The user still accepts the government’s unified registration and management to Tony Stark, who acts as a hero by relying on the power of technology. According to the government’s vision, all dangerous people need to be monitored. His actions also have a range of activities, even further, even Whether it needs to show superpower or not should be decided by the government.”

“They said that this is to ensure the safety of civilians and prevent huge losses caused by loss of power. And this view makes many worry Citizens who are afraid have chosen to support. Therefore, now both us and those Superheros are under tremendous psychological pressure.”

“Hmph!” With one hand on his own chin, Zhou Yi issued this A voice. Just signaled Mystique to continue. “I understand this. Go ahead!”

“Secondly, it is about aliens. A group of exiles from Sandal star hope to establish friendly diplomatic relations with Earth. With the help of Peter Quill’s men, these aliens have established diplomatic relations with United States, China, United Kingdom, France and other countries. By the way, they have established a special diplomacy in this city. Point, and it seems to take this place very seriously. Now, these Shandars have settled on Jupiter, and they seem to plan to build a home there. And the only way for humans to communicate with them is through their diplomats and spaceship. This distance It’s really not something that any country has the ability to touch, so it’s just a unilateral exchange led by them.”

“Shandars? The group of wanderings whose homes were wiped out by Thanos Who? Don’t worry about them for the time being, they will not put their hands in these disputes on Earth. If they are smart enough!”

Where does Zhou Yi’s confidence come from, Mystique does not know. But since he said that, she naturally wouldn’t talk nonsense. So, the introduction continues.

“Thirdly, about the current situation of United States. After the new president took office, he has been known for several times. Our city is an illegal city, lacks democracy and freedom, and it is the evil of wanton captivity of demons and fish and the public. City. Although he did not sign any orders to target us in a tough manner, he has always dealt a huge blow to us in public opinion. In addition, the federal government and state governments some want to intervene in our public service system. They want to transfer to the current police chief and some other important positions, but so far, no one has succeeded. However, many people in small positions may have been bought.”

“Public opinion matters are left to the company. I believe Ida can solve these problems. In addition, there is no need to take seriously. As long as there are no problems with the upper level, there will be no problems in this city. Go ahead!”

“In addition, there are some problems in the city. The proportion of Mutant has increased to 27% in this year, and the satellite city has been completed and put into use. Because safety has always been guaranteed, so In this city, the ordinary person kind of response to us is quite good. They seem to have accepted us. Although some people are more stubborn, they are much better than the outside world.”

“This is great, isn’t it?”

“Yes, sir.” Nodded, Mystique’s face suddenly showed a little hesitation. She seems to have something to say, but she doesn’t know whether oneself should say it. The hesitant look made Zhou Yi feel a little uncomfortable just watching it.

“Is there anything you want to tell me? Ruiwen!”

“Yes, sir.” Zhou Yi asked, immediately let Mystique in the heart make a decision Made determination. She knitted the own language and asked tentatively. “It’s a very special thing, about a friend of mine, an ordinary person friend.”


It is hard to imagine that Mystique, a professional spy, also has friends Relationship, and still an ordinary person. This made Zhou Yi immediately interested.

“What’s the matter with your friend?”

Looking at the curious look on Zhou Yi’s face, a resentment suddenly arose in Mystique’s heart. Not for she herself, but for her friend. This immediately made her words clear and fluent.

“She was the last chief of the police station and she has just left her post. Her deputy, Anna Mary Young Lady, took over her position.”

Speaking of which, Zhou Yi’s spirit immediately became tense. He suddenly discovered that what Mystique said had a very important relationship with oneself. And this feeling just rose, and immediately a thunderbolt blasted in his ears.

“She is pregnant, eleven months. She is a boy, just born. The child’s father does not yet know who it is!”

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