Sun God Marvel

Chapter 666

For Susan, Reid has died. But he came back to life because of something. In this whole year-long investigation with only four of them, Reid had the idea of ​​redeeming Susan’s heart and bringing her back to oneself. But this idea is always just an idea.

This is not only because he still didn’t have the courage to take that last step, but also because he saw clearly that Susan had never forgotten the silhouette in her heart. If he did that, he would end up just inviting humiliation to oneself that’s all. Even friends may not be able to do it in the end. So he could only hide this thought in his heart silently, and then waited until everything was desperate.

As for what Reid thinks, Susan Oneself can also see clearly. Just as he thought, her own can’t forget the silhouette in her heart. She thought that shutting oneself out of the world, in this way similar to self-exile, indulging in work all day, could make oneself forget him, but she found that this is a fundamentally impossible thing.

The more you want to forget, the more clearly you will remember. And the clearer, the more painful in my heart. As if caught in an endless loop, Susan’s feelings became more and more fragmented. At this time, she even had a feeling of despair. To own, or to others.

Of course, she would not express this feeling, especially in front of friends like Reid and her younger brother. In front of them, she always showed only the rational side. And this makes work a theme in their lives.

“Reid, according to the data. Probably also a big eruption, this active cycle of the sun is over, right?”

“Ah, you said this Ah.” Upon hearing this question, Reid, who was in charge of the entire experiment, suddenly became a little flustered. He didn’t want everything to end so quickly, but it was difficult for him to tell lies in the face of Susan. So in the end he can only replied like this. “It should also be two weeks. Then we may have to spend a while on the final data sorting. But in general, it shouldn’t take long.”

“In other words, we Going back to Earth soon?” Susan’s eyes couldn’t help looking towards Earth again as she asked. Looking at her performance, Reed could only say dumbly. “Yes, we will return to Earth soon. It has been a year, no matter whether it is materials or anything else, we can’t allow us to continue. Moreover, the sky station and spaceship are also borrowed. According to the agreement, It’s time for us to return it.”

“If you don’t tell me, I almost forgot. What a rich and imposing rich man! Seeing Susan’s face can actually be worth nearly a hundred I’ve loaned out billions of space equipment. I really doubt whether he means something to Susan.”

When Reid said that, Johnny, who didn’t know much about it, immediately took it. Said the mouth. And his tone made Ben even more dissatisfied.

“Hey, stop talking. You don’t know anything, young brat.”

“It’s as much as you know, big man. Don’t think of me as yours Open your mouth and shut up, a foolish friend who can’t even say a decent sentence. In this regard, I am an expert.”

“Johnny, if you don’t shut up me again. I promise, wait. When you arrive on Earth, you will definitely be overwhelmed by bills in the bank. I will not pay you even one bill and check. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Of course, of course. I understand.” On such serious issues, Johnny decisively chose to compromise. “From now on, handsome Johnny will turn into silent Johnny. I won’t say a word of nonsense before you ask.”

This kind of guarantee only makes Susan black face. Looking at him, there is no other effect except for the performance that you say another sentence. Regarding this, Johnny just laughed awkwardly, and really didn’t dare to do anything more.

Be aware that he owes a lot of money for spending time and money. Without her elder sister’s financial aid, it would not be the beautiful girls who would wait for him to meet him on Earth, but those terrible Tax officer. You know that in United States, the guys who work in the tax bureau are much better than special forces. If they can, it is estimated that most people would rather provoke the police than the tax officials.

For Johnny, he naturally did not have the courage to do such a courageous thing.

Looking at the chattering duck finally closing his mouth, Ben immediately grinned and said in a low, muffled voice.

“Finally be quiet, this is the most peaceful moment I have enjoyed in the past few months. You should have used this trick, Susan!”

“It works It won’t be long.” Susan, who knows the temper of oneself younger brother very well, knows that this threat is time-limited, and it won’t take long for him to germinate in a solid state. But for Ben, who had been fighting with him for several months, a moment of peace was earned.

“Anyway, he can keep me quiet now. By the way, Susan. I remember a communication from the ground command center we received a few months ago, asking us to change the landing point to Huiyao in the west. Is it the City Aerospace Center?”

“Yes!” Nodded, Susan replied seriously. “According to our limited information, the city of New York seems to have been completely destroyed by the alien invasion. The government had to use nuclear bombs to clean up the entire city. This has caused your New York to look like it was then. Like Chernobyl, it has become a forbidden zone for life. The corona also moved the aerospace department under oneself to Huiyao City, where the headquarters are located, so we can only land in that city.”

“It sounds terrifying, I don’t know what kind of invasion it is that will destroy the entire New York City.”

“I think a large part of this is the government hiding the facts. , Don’t forget the abnormal energy fluctuations we received at the time, and also the fire star breaking incident that we discovered soon after. That’s not something that the government can do. It’s most likely what Superhero take action.”

As British, Susan did not simply believe the news from Manhattan. As smart as she can easily understand the inside story, so she is not hesitant to share the idea of ​​own with her companions at this time.

“Know that an attack of that level can easily destroy our world. And this kind of power will certainly not be owned by the government, otherwise they will not use something as dangerous as a nuclear bomb. It’s still one after the other, two nuclear strikes. It doesn’t make sense in itself.”

“So, most likely, our world was saved in the hands of Superhero. And United States The Government just made a bad decision. While attacking the enemy with nuclear bombs, they also threw them at Superhero. Only this reason can explain it.”

“It shouldn ‘t be.’ Faced with Susan’s guess, Reid, who has always been a good man, immediately shook his head and said. “After all, the government shouldn’t throw the nuclear bomb down the owner person. Could it be a misunderstanding, or that the nuclear bomb is just to clean up aliens.”

“Don’t be too It’s simple, Reid. It’s not that you haven’t dealt with government guys, they are guys who can by fair means or foul for profit. For them, any powerful uncontrolled existence is a threat. There is a chance to be able to If these threats are eliminated, they will never let it go.”

While retorting, he explained. Susan made Reid wonder what to say in an instant. At this time, Susan Teacher is still going on.

“And don’t forget, the energy fluctuation we monitored at the time was before the second nuclear bomb. If it was Superhero fighting, I think the battle was over when the energy fluctuation disappeared. . In that case, does the government still need to launch a nuclear bomb? Obviously not. So, they must have another attempt, a dirty attempt.”

“Okay, okay.” Seeing that Reid couldn’t even refute in front of Susan, Ben immediately screamed for help. “If this is the case, who do you think is fighting? I mean, which Superhero can destroy a planet similar to Earth?”

“Then Still need to say? It must be Dawn Knight.” On this question, Susan’s answer was resolute and decisive, and could not be refuted. “Only he is the true hero, and only he is the most powerful existence. I believe that he will stand up at the moment that endangers mankind and face the terrifying evil force with the most powerful posture.”

“I think King Ming is more likely, hey! That’s the God who really exists in this world, don’t you have so much confidence in God?”

Being scolded by this sensitive topic Johnny couldn’t help but interjected in. As for his behavior, Susan immediately warned.

“Johnny, I haven’t said you can talk yet! Also, I said, that was done by Dawn Knight. Isn’t it a god? I don’t believe there is a god in the world!”


“Hey, my fault!” Seeing oneself’s old lady’s tendency to go crazy, Johnny waved his hands quickly and made a zipper movement on Oneself’s mouth.

“Seriously, I really didn’t see it, Susan!” With a laughed grin, Ben’s face was full of laughter. “You would actually be a Superhero fan. I thought that a smart scientist like you would be a little more rational, at least not to engage in this kind of fanatical personality cult.”

“This is not What a cult of personality, Ben.” Susan suddenly became a little nostalgic for her oneself golden wavy hair. “Don’t forget, if it weren’t for Dawn Knight, I might have been buried in the sea. He is my hero, the real hero.”

When Susan said this, Reid suddenly With the urge to open his mouth. But he opened his mouth, but in the end he chose to remain silent. And looking at him this way, Ben sighed and lightly patted his shoulder.

For the feelings of this old friend, he is really desperate. If you don’t even have the courage to fight for oneself, then it’s useless no matter how others help you. There is no destiny, after all, there is no destiny.

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