Sun God Marvel

Chapter 669

“No, we also hope!”

Gritting her teeth and looking at the countdown calculated by the computer, Susan suddenly said to others. And hearing her say that, whether it was Reed or Johnny, they all looked towards her in surprise.

“Susan, what are you talking about?”

“Remember the emergency evacuation module in the space station? We can use that to leave.”

“But we don’t have an activation code!” Shaking his head, Ben as the driver replied irritably. “If we want to use the evacuation module, we must get the authorization of the corona company. Now, there is only so little time left, even if we contact the corona, I don’t think they can get the authorization so soon. Come down.”

“Moreover, the sun’s rays have begun to interfere with our communications. Whether we can reach Earth Base or not, I’m afraid it’s still a serious problem.”

shook the head , Reid again gave a very unfortunate news. But in the face of such news, Susan said so.

“I know what problems we have to face now. But I have visited the space department of the corona, knowing that they have left a special backhand when dealing with this kind of thing. It just needs someone to be there. Pull the emergency use valve outside the evacuation module, and the evacuation module can be automatically detached from the space station. So I said we also hope.”

Looking at the countdown and eagerly explained, Susan began to explain the own purpose.

“Now you rush to the evacuation module immediately. I put on a space suit and go outside to pull the emergency valve of the evacuation module. As long as we move fast enough, we can all escape safely.”

For this arrangement, the three men immediately shook their heads.

“Let’s think about it again, we should have another way.”

“No, I can’t let you do this kind of thing. Let me do it, I’ll pull the valve . You enter the evacuation cabin.”

“Yes, Susan. You shouldn’t be going to do this. You are just a researcher, and I am the most suitable person.”


Almost everyone does not agree with her to do such a risky thing, but Susan’s sentence is to block all the reasons for these people.

“Only I know the location of the emergency valve, and only I have the authority to open the valve operation panel. It’s useless for anyone except me to go. In no time, I just change the space suit. You pack Things, go to the evacuation capsule immediately!”

After saying this, Susan walked toward the space station without looking back, and looked at Susan who was so determined, his younger brother Johnny couldn’t help it immediately. He was about to step forward to stop her dangerous behavior, but at this time, Reed suddenly caught him. This made Johnny immediately spread his anger on Reed.

“Let go of your hand, white-haired man. Otherwise I won’t be polite to you.”

“Don’t be capricious, Johnny. You can’t stop your elder sister. .Listen to her and go to the evacuation cabin with us. The wisest decision is to wait for her to come back there.”

“This is what you think now? How do you pursue my elder sister? “

“I just made the most correct decision.” Frowning, pressed the corner of his mouth tightly. Reid answered Johnny in this way. “This is the only way we can all be saved now, so I can’t let you destroy your elder sister’s actions.”

“you guy!” With his fists clenched, Johnny couldn’t bear it anymore. The anger in his heart was slammed at him. But before he could hit Reid, the one on the side grabbed his hand and controlled him tightly.

“Now it’s useless to tell this grumpy guy these things, Reid, help me. We drag him to the evacuation cabin together.”

” I know!” Nodded, Reid frowned and helped Ben to hold down Johnny’s shoulder, and then forced him to escort him to the evacuation cabin amidst Johnny’s desperate struggle and yelling.

At this time, in Earth’s corona company, the space department responsible for space station management and communications suddenly discovered that they had lost contact with the space station. The strong interference cut off all communication facilities between them and the space station, leaving them completely ignorant of what happened on the space station. And this immediately made the person in charge of this department worried.

“Damn it, what happened? Haven’t found the cause yet?”

“Director, it seems that it is Reed Court Academecian that the periodic solar eruptions they studied suddenly advanced. A large number of strong rays interfered with our communication settings and made us lose contact with the space station.”

“Are they in danger? I mean this sudden incident will affect the people in the space station. Did it cause casualties?”

As a veteran of the corona, this director is very aware of some very important inside information. For example, a Young Lady in the space station once slapped their boss in public, or the president repeatedly urged them to supervise the safety of the space station. So he knows very well, what oneself should be most concerned about in this sudden occurance. On this issue, his staff gave him bad news.

“According to the original plan sent by Reed Court Academecian, the outbreak should not come until a week later. In other words, the installation of their space station protective layer should be completed in three days. Reed Court Academecian is a very planned person, so I doubt that they are not at all well prepared.”

“In other words, they will be in danger?” He swallowed. , The director asked the own employee.

“I think so, sir. If Reed Court Academecian had not installed the protective layer in advance, then the strong rays from the sun would directly hit each of them. It was like using a high Just as the radiant gamma rays irradiate the human body directly, every cell in their body will be killed. Of course, there may be accidents, such as becoming a Hulk and so on.”

The employee thinks that oneself expresses own humor very well, but his boss does not agree with this.

“It’s not funny, gentlemen. It’s very serious. It’s related to the future of our department. Also the work of everyone here. I don’t think you want to lose this job. So, think about it. You still What can be done.”

Looking at the silent employees, the director sighed, muttering to himself.

“Forget it, I’ll report this matter. I hope the boss will not anger us.”

In the end, the wise sect master did it. A wisest decision. When the secretary who received the news notified Ada, Ada immediately told Zhou Yi of the news.

“There seems to be something wrong with the space station. I think you should move a bit faster, otherwise you might not be able to see your old lover.”

“Space station? Su Shan?” Zhou Yi suddenly became nervous when he heard this. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and through the vast darkness, he directly saw what was happening outside the space station outside Earth.

At this time, in space. Susan has changed into a space suit and followed the pipeline outside the space station, moving little by little to the place where the evacuation module and the space station are combined. On the side of the space station, there is a special remaining panel, which is prepared for such dangerous moments.

As a lender, in the case of this communication failure, they should have had no correct way to open this private property belonging to the Corona Group. However, Susan’s former identity helped her a little. Under the leadership of Zhou Yi, she had come into contact with this thing and knew how to open it and use it correctly.

Opening the panel on the console, Susan pressed a set of twenty six-digit passwords while wearing space suit gloves. Then, a red valve was revealed behind the shrunken panel. And just as Susan was about to pull the valve, suddenly, there was a sudden explosion on the side of the space station.

The strong sun rays obviously exceeded their expectations. Both the time and the intensity of the arrival are fast and powerful that they said they did not expect. As an external detection instrument specifically used to collect data, it was originally planned to be placed under the protective layer. However, everything came too suddenly. Let Reid’s team never had time to do so.

And this led to the fact that under the sudden intense rays, these sophisticated instruments did not withstand the intense rays and impacts at all, but exploded in an instant.

In the universe, even a small explosion will get several times, even dozens of times the formidable power increase. Because there is no resistance and gravity, the exploding spatter will get unimaginable kinetic energy acceleration under the instant impact. At this time, it was absolutely terrible for Susan and the others who wanted to escape.

Although it is only a small part fragment, it does not fly inferior to the formidable power of any bullet. As a researcher with no power to restrain the chicken, Susan obviously does not know how to deal with these dangerous flying objects.

She could only put oneself close to the outside of the evacuation cabin in vain, and then pulled the emergency valve vigorously. But by coincidence, the flying debris had flown over impartially and directly hit the valve of the evacuation cabin.

Even aerospace metals cannot withstand the impact of this degree of space junk. Just all of a sudden, the entire valve smashed into pieces. Although Susan was lucky enough to avoid the impact, she had been thrown directly into space by a huge force.

What does it mean to lose attachment and being alone in space is a question that doesn’t need to be considered. After a few minutes, the strong sun rays would directly penetrate her body, causing her the heaviest damage. As they calculated, humans are almost impossible to survive under such rays. So it can be said that her life is about to come to an end. At most, there are only a few minutes left.

And this is something Zhou Yi absolutely cannot accept. Although it seems unlikely that there will be a future between them, that doesn’t mean that Zhou Yi can watch Susan die like this. So he moved immediately.

Looking at Zhou Yi who suddenly disappeared in front of oneself, Ida sighed and said to the others.

“I knew that everything would not end so easily.”

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