Sun God Marvel

Chapter 675

The plane from Mutant school reached the airport in the city of steel, my hometown. And when Professor Charles was pushed out of the plane by Ororo, he couldn’t help but stare at all around.

To witness the first city dominated by Mutant in this world with own eyes is completely different from seeing it through the eyes of others. At least now, Charles felt a special feeling from this experience that he had never had before. As someone said, the City of Steel will give Mutant a feeling of returning to his hometown. He at first didn’t believe in this kind of thing, but now, he believes it.

That kind of spiritual comfort and sense of belonging does have this incredible magic. Especially when he saw the happy smiles of the compatriots living here, he was even more admired by the greatness of this city.

Not only him, but his students who came out behind him looked at the scene in front of them, showing the same shock and emotion. Maybe they never thought that one day they would come to the city of oneself compatriots. And while they were still glanced around, the voice of an old man suddenly came from above them.

“Children, welcome to your hometown. I guarantee that you can find the warmest feeling in oneself’s dream here. Also you, my old friend, welcome your coming. See here, can Tell me how you feel in your heart now?”

Hearing the voice, everyone couldn’t help but look up to the sky. And when they saw Magneto floating down from the air, different changes appeared on everyone’s face.

Charles naturally smiled. However, Ororo and the wild beast and Scott beside him showed deep guard. For a long time, their hostile attitude with Brotherhood of Mutants made it difficult for them to have any good senses towards this guy who appeared suddenly. And more serious than them is Logan, the guy at Steel Muscles Iron Bones. Anyone who encounters such a naturally restrained owner, I am afraid it is hard not to have any negative thoughts about him. Logan didn’t stretch out his paw and rushed forward, it was the result of his desperate use of reason to suppress impulse.

Of course, in this respect, the current situation is not suitable for him. On the other hand, he knew that even if oneself did it, it would be difficult to achieve any effect. Magneto can round him easily and throw it to the other side of Earth.

“It’s great, my old fellow.” Charles didn’t care about the attitude of the oneself students. He just smiled and said to Magneto in the sky. “It’s like in a dream. It’s really hard to believe. I will see a day like this while I am alive. Seriously. I feel that now even if I die, I can say that there is no regret. Now.”

“Don’t talk about death so early!” Landed next to Charles and took over the wheelchair from the reluctant Ororo. Magneto was talking, pushing him forward. “This city still needs you, and our compatriots still need you. Everything is just the beginning, don’t you think it’s a shame to talk about death now?” “It’s a pity indeed! You are right, Erik, I I should continue to live, watching my compatriots live better and better, this city becomes more and more magnificent.”

nodded, the smile on Charles’s face has become more gentle stand up. And seeing the smile of this old fellow, Magneto couldn’t help laughing. Both of them belong to the kind of people who have dedicated their lives for the sake of ideals, but the goals they choose are somewhat different. Since a long time ago, they have drifted away, and sometimes they even wonder whether oneself will never be able to talk and laugh with this old friend like this.

The appearance of their hometown gave them a chance to regroup. It also gave Mutants from all over the world the opportunity to unite together, abandon all the prejudices and hostility in the past, and reassemble into a whole. This is definitely a special opportunity. However, in order to achieve such a goal, they have to overcome the difficulties in front of them.

Sentinel robots are absolutely natural enemies for Mutant. They are capable of ignoring more than 70% of Mutants, and most of the remaining Mutants are not opponents of those robots. Only a few Mutants can deal with them, but even this is only temporary.

They are evolving continuously, continuously becoming more terrifying and difficult to deal with. Soon, maybe even the only Mutant that can deal with sentry machines will lose their usefulness. At that time, Mutant was almost finished.

Of course they will not let these things happen. Neither Charles nor Erik can allow such things to happen. They already have a preliminary idea about what to do to stop this. But how to determine their specific course of action is something that needs to be considered and discussed.

“What are you going to do next, Charles?”

“I’m going to visit the host here. After all, I’m a guest on someone’s premises. If you don’t visit the house, it is true. It’s so rude!”

Charles smiled and said oneself’s next plan, and listening to him say that, Erik also nodded with a smile in response.

“A wise decision, although the host is not there. But the hostess is ready to welcome you all.”

“Mistress?” Hear this word, even if it is With Charles’s wisdom, it is inevitable to become a little hesitant. It’s not that he doesn’t know the identity of the hostess, but because there are too many qualified to call this title, he is really not sure who Erik is talking about.

“Ms. Ada, Ms. Lilith, also Jean, your most proud student, is waiting for you. However, my old fellow, please forgive me to ask the last sentence. Your so-called alliance What? Those avengers, I haven’t seen any of them.”

Introducing the current situation to the own old friend, Magneto also asked him the own question suspiciously.

“Our allies are on their way here. If you are a little patient, I think we can wait.”

“Really, Charles. I don’t I don’t think it would be a good thing for you to bring in those avengers. They are outsiders after all, and the leader is still a symbol of the United States Government, how can you guarantee that they have thorough goodwill towards us, not anything What about the unpredictable intentions?”

At this time, Magneto has already said his concerns. In his opinion, this is all about Mutant own. It is not a good thing for them to have a group of Superhero who have cooperated with the government to join in, and it may even bring them very serious disasters.

But for such thoughts, Charles just shook the head and said.

“My friend, your thoughts are actually unnecessary. Steve Captain is a man of high moral character. He has already guessed that you will be wary of them, so before coming here , He once contacted me and took the initiative to let go of oneself’s defense of the mind, let me check his mind.”

“Have you checked?” Magneto immediately asked when he heard this. He doesn’t care about Captain’s character, he only cares about the result of the final inspection. And looking at him firmly wanting to know the answer. Charles sighed deeply.

“You still haven’t changed much, Erik.”

“This is my nature, and it is this nature that made me receive that many persecutions. My compatriot walked here step by step.” Lowering his head, looking at Professor Charles with deep eyes, Erik repeated again. “Have you checked?”

“Of course, this is a matter of the survival of our race, and all some principles cannot be adhered to.” shook the head, Charles continued. “I checked his thoughts, and I have to say, it was pure admiration. His view of good and evil and his unimaginable self-reliance makes it difficult for me to confirm that he is really a human being!”

” Why, do you think he is an alien?”

“No, I mean he is a rare Saint in Human World. He is not self-interested, specializes in favoring people, has a firm belief and hardly shakes I think that if someone like him lives in the past, he will definitely be a famous noble Knight, who is said to be admired and worshipped.”

Speaking of Steve Captain, Charles almost made no secret of oneself. The respect for him. But this made Magneto even more strange. It is hard for him to believe that there will be who is so admired by Charles. Because in front of Charles, almost no one can hide the true face of own. How big is the gap between the inner and outer appearance of a person is something that a smart person would not dare to think about. Because sometimes, the dirty thoughts in one’s heart may even be more terrifying than any darkness.

So, after hearing so many words, Magneto couldn’t help saying.

“It’s incredible. Is this Captain America really as amazing as you say?”

“A person who can abandon oneself’s life to face invincible enemies, one for Not threatening the innocent but willing to sacrifice the owner. Such a person is definitely worthy of my description of him.”

Charles is still correct, and this makes Magneto more interested in him.

“I really want to know more about the Mr. Rogers you mentioned, and see if he is as good as you said.”

“When you know him The deeper you go, the more you will find the brilliance of the human nature. He is not a god, but he is more like a person than anyone, almost perfect.” At this point, Charles suddenly raised his head. “The time is just right, they have already come!”

The silhouette of the Kun-style fighter emerged in the air and landed little by little with the howling gale. And as the back door of the cabin opened, they had already seen the silhouette coming out of it.

The tall and strong body, as straight as a javelin, is just like his belief, uncompromising until the end.

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