Sun God Marvel

Chapter 692

The sound of gunshots came to mind as soon as the SWAT team entered the abandoned factory. That was the dull and loud noise characteristic of the large-caliber sniper rifle, and the target of the attack was not the confident fatty at the front, and Clarice, who seemed to be clearly in a leading position.

Based on Winter Soldier’s years of combat experience, he can clearly distinguish who is the opposing commander. And killing the opposing commander and letting the enemy lose control in a short time is really as simple as drinking water and eating.

But now, everything is not as simple as he used to experience.

The bullet carrying the huge kinetic energy flew to the vicinity of Clarice in the shortest possible time, but even at this position, it has reached the point where it is inferior. An invisible shield protects Clarice, or everyone here. It makes this bullet that could have caused an effective kill fall like a peanut that has completely lost its power. Come down. As expected by the members of the SWAT team.

For Winter Soldier, this is an almost unbelievable thing. He doesn’t know how long oneself hasn’t failed. He has never failed either in his records with little memory or in so many missions since he regained his memory. And just today, in this short period of less than twenty-four hours, he missed twice in a row.

For the first time, he has clearly hit the target’s heart, and almost all the death of the target can be determined. But I didn’t expect that the target’s assistant was actually a Mutant, and through a magical method, he was actually saved back.

And this time is the same. He almost had the certainty to kill the local woman who looked like a commander. But it was this hell of a magical ability that made him return again without success.

This really made him feel that it was a very wrong decision for oneself to perform this mission. But he has no room for regret, because now, his top priority is to find a way from here. Escape from these Mutant’s pursuit.

Winter Soldier who knew this point immediately dropped the sniper rifle in oneself’s hand, and jumped out from the window behind him. As he started to flee, Bu Laien immediately yelled at the others in the team through the communicator.

“Captain, that guy started to run away. He ran towards the warehouse behind the factory. Be careful not to go in through the front door. I smelled a very heavy medicinal smell. That guy must be installed in the factory. The bomb.”

“Don’t worry, Bu Laien. We’re not going from there!” Looking at the warehouse where I can barely see a part of the corner, Clarice grinned open. A crystal wall was pulled out in front of. She rushed in first, and then the others in the team. And when they stepped out of the crystal wall, their people had already appeared above the warehouse.

Winter Soldier is not far in front of them, less than 100 metres, and this position is enough for them to bring Winter Soldier to justice.

“Don’t even think about running, murderer.”

A crystal wall opened again, and Clarice has already appeared in front of Winter Soldier. She looked at the Winter Soldier who fled in embarrassment, took out her own gun and pointed at him.

“Raise your hand, if you don’t want to be shot here on the spot by me.”

No words, Winter Soldier used own actual actions to show his own attitude, He rushed towards Clarice like a cheetah. And Clarice did not hesitate at all, and pulled the trigger at him.

The police department has issued an order to treat him as a terrorist, and this means that if you don’t cooperate, you can immediately have a reason to kill you. As a special police officer and the younger sister of the owner of the city, Clarice certainly knows what oneself should do.

Marely a trifling bullet not at all scared Winter Soldier. As a person who walked out of the bullet rain, he knew exactly how oneself should deal with the situation. So he immediately rolled on the spot, rushing toward Clarice more quickly while protecting own with his steel arms.

He thought that oneself could subdue the Mutant policeman in front of him as quickly as possible, taking her as a hostage that could allow oneself to safely evacuate from here. But a purple crystal wall that suddenly appeared in front of him interrupted all his delusions.

Others rushed into the crystal wall, but when he appeared, it was seven or eight meters high in the sky. Although he made a tumbling action at the fastest speed, the huge impact caused him to break a leg and completely lost the probability of continuing to escape.

The pain of the fracture made Winter Soldier groan in his throat and look at him in such a miserable appearance. Clarice leaned over with his gun.

“Hey, listen to me, you have no chance of running away. Raise your hand and lie on the ground obediently and honestly, so maybe I can spare your life.”

Winter Soldier didn’t speak, he just pulled out oneself’s pistol behind his waist, and pulled the trigger at Clarice. However, another crystal wall stood in front of Clarice, and at the same time another crystal wall appeared behind Winter Soldier. And just like committing suicide in fear of crime, the bullet that was shot after passing through the door set by two crystal walls, already appeared behind the Winter Soldier, and the peng sound penetrated his shoulder.

In front of Mutant’s abilities, the renowned Winter Soldier is as weak as a child holding a toy gun. When he recognized this reality, he immediately closed his eyes and opened the buckle of the grenade in oneself’s arms.

Before he dispatched this mission, someone had already said to him perfectly clear. If the mission fails and he cannot escape, then suicide is his only choice. Ordinary people may question this kind of thing, but the Winter Soldier, who is accustomed to accepting orders, has to accept this request.

He doesn’t think the own mission will fail, and even if it fails, he doesn’t think oneself will have the courage to attack oneself. He is a soldier, and soldiers should be instinct to obey orders, so his actions are decisive, without the slightest hesitation.

But just like what happened to him before, in the face of Mutant’s ability, he couldn’t even commit suicide. Because at this time, Kitty has come to his side and put one hand on his shoulder.

Although the explosion appeared as expected, the formidable power of the explosion did not affect him at all. For a phantom, the mere burst of gunpowder and shock wave really poses no threat at all. And Winter Soldier is now a phantom, a phantom-like existence affected by Kitty’s ability.

To dissolve the enemy’s last resort, Clarice immediately blew his whistle, then flung oneself’s wine-red braid, and said to the special police under oneself.

“Okay, Kitty has taken control of this guy. Jimmy, you and Quint have tied him up, Bu Laien, you report to the General Administration, saying that we have caught the murderer, let them do Good preparation for acceptance. Okay, Buddy, the mission is over for Perfection. Clean up the mess and we can go home.”

When Clarice said this, several special police officers immediately high-five each other to celebrate stand up. For them, it is a great thing to complete a mission perfectly. After all, no one wants to be hurt, and they don’t want their own friends to be hurt. It would be great to end all this like this.

While they were celebrating like this, pushing the Winter Soldier with a broken leg toward the police car, a silver light and shadow suddenly appeared in front of them, and then there was a scream So he took the Winter Soldier away from the police. All the people present, no one can see the real body of this silver light and shadow, all they can see is a light and shadow, which is going away at the speed of blinking.

But, how could he just let him run away like this.

Seeing that the silver light and shadow were about to disappear in front of owner’s eyes, Clarice immediately opened his eyes and stared in the direction of the silver light and shadow. At the next moment, a purple crystal wall suddenly stopped in front of the silver light and shadow, swallowing him whole. When this light and shadow appeared again, he suddenly appeared in front of Clarice with an open crystal wall.

With his own ability, Clarice pulled out a long-distance spatial crystal wall, and pulled back the silver light and shadow that was about to escape with the Winter Soldier.

While watching oneself suddenly returned to the starting point just now, the silver light and shadow could not help but stop. He became a blond young man, and at this time the young man looked at Clarice with a surprised look and complained to himself.

“Oh, damn, this must be cracking a joke with me.”

“Listen, you are the fugitive we are pursuing. If you don’t want to provoke If you’re in trouble. In fact, you’re already in trouble. I suggest you better put down the person in your hands. I can see that you are also a Mutant. As a Mutant, you are against your own compatriots. It’s definitely not a wise thing.”

Looking at this guy who was pulled back by oneself, Clarice immediately warned him. But in response to this warning, the Mutant who robbed the Winter Soldier, that is, Quicksilver, grinned immediately and smiled at her.

“I’m really sorry, although we do not intend to have any hostile relationship with you, but I must take this person away now, so sorry, comrade police. I hope you will also seize it next time He.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately took the Winter Soldier, turned into a silver light and shadow again, turned the direction, and ran towards another location. Clarice sneered at him looking at the posture of running away.

“Run, where can you run!”

With her words, one crystal wall after another appeared in front of the silver light and shadow, even though Quicksilver tried to avoid These things, but those crystal walls are too much, so that he can’t take care of all the possibilities. And when he accidentally stepped into a crystal wall again, he immediately became a poor turtle in the urn.

Because the place where he reappears is no longer a flat ground that can escape freely, but a cube completely wrapped by crystal walls. No matter which direction he runs, he can only fall back into this in the middle of the cube, and what is even more miserable is that even if he stops, he is impossible to stop there.

Under the action of universal gravitation, he continuously fell into one crystal wall, and then appeared under another crystal wall, so back and forth without stopping at all. This was really terrifying for Quicksilver, or the Winter Soldier that he was pulling, so they immediately begged for mercy.

“Hey, wait, wait. I give up, can I give up!”

“Give up? It’s too late.”

Very wise Choice, but not the slightest use. As a policeman, Clarice doesn’t show any affection for such people who obstruct law enforcement. Until, another accident happened.

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