“Oh, my dear Uncle Obadiah, we did not say that an important shareholder was kicked out of the shareholders meeting, and the little thing of being late is nothing to us at worst , Isn’t it?” Tony Stark naturally wouldn’t let the boxer that oneself finally pulled over to be kicked out of the ring before he even reached the ring, so he immediately began to defend Zhou Yi.

And his reason, everyone knows one thing, that is, Mr. Stark is definitely the person who is late to the shareholder meeting the most, not one of them.

“I agree with Mr. Stark’s statement that Mr. Zhou is an important shareholder, and his opinion is absolutely an indispensable part of our corporate plan.” With Tony Stark in the front , Naturally someone will meet. And after Obadiah saw the person who made the noise, his already gloomy expression became more gloomy.

Stark Industries is an arms company established during World War II. Because both generations of Mr. Stark are incomparable inventors, Stark Industries has become the most famous in the world with the efforts of only two generations. One of the multinational giants.

In the high-tech field, only a few giants such as Oscorp, Hammer Industries and Japan’s Yashida Industries can compete with Stark Industries. And impolitely said, Stark Industries is the leader.

Such a giant company can crush more than half of European countries with its financial resources alone, so its composition is naturally quite complicated. The first is his owner Stark. Tony Stark owns about 23% of the company’s shares. He is the largest shareholder and the owner of many patents that the entire company depends on. These majors are not only Tony Stark, but also his father. Therefore, his position in this company is basically unshakable. Unless Stark Industries shares bungee jumping.

But nothing else, the American government alone will not let this happen.

The next one is Obadiah Stane, the veteran who started the company with Tony Stark father, is undoubtedly the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries. He holds about 11% of the Shares. At the same time, he is also the controller of Stark Industries, of course, with Tony Stark’s permission.

And further down is Zhou Yi, he owns only 2% of the shares, but with the skyrocketing of IT stocks, he uses the IT stocks in his hand and Wall Street people and some other The holder made a transaction, and slowly the shares he held in his hand increased little by little, until now 6.7%, becoming the third largest shareholder not just in name only, but also in reality.

About 5% of the remaining shares are in the hands of scattered investors. Wall Street financial tycoons hold a total of 7%, the United States Air Force and the Army and the military hold a total of 10%, and Osborn Industries and Yashida Industries each hold 4% and 5%. This is a mutual shareholding party, which is normal in large companies.

As for the remaining 28% of the shares, more than 20 different companies and families hold, because according to Stark Industries’ rules, less than 1% of the shares are held The person does not have the right to participate in the shareholders’ meeting. So probably only six or seven people can attend this meeting.

Of these six or seven people, naturally no one will offend a giant like Obadiah, and it can even be said that most of them followed him. Therefore, the noise comes naturally from other people, and the one who is most willing to make trouble is US Military.

Seeing the announcement of US Military, Obadiah knew that there was no need to tear it down. Can only say with a straight face.

“Then, let’s do it. Mr. Zhou Yi, we just said that the company intends to formally conduct transactions in 16 regions in the Middle East. According to our financial division, the annual profit It’s about 20 billion USD. The Middle East is at war and Africa is at war. The more they fight, the more we earn. Our country’s ability to control this area is stronger. I believe you all understand this. If this plan is successful, your dividends will naturally be considerable, right?”

Obadiah is still continuing his final efforts. He wants to use money to impress all the shareholders present. And hearing profits and dividends, some people really can’t sit still.

20 billion, a lot. But everyone here knows that these are accounts on the surface and are used for tax filing. In fact, at least doubling profits is definitely a lot richer. Of course, as a financial giant, Stark Industries will naturally not do tax evasion and tax evasion. If you do so, it is really dead. For the people of America, the United States Internal Revenue Service is definitely the most violent government agency. none of them. So even Stark Industries would not want to get into such a mad dog.

In fact, United States has always been a well-known country with heavy taxes. This is especially true for such multinational companies. In order to avoid taxation reasonably, every company and even every wealthy person in the United States has a dedicated accountant. Calculate how to avoid tax. The most commonly used method for such large enterprises is charity fundraising. What kind of fire alarm fundraising, military family members fundraising, Africa children fundraising, even if a dog dies, it can give you a reason to raise donations. As for the purpose, it is basically for tax avoidance.

How did Tony Stark’s philanthropist get his reputation? As the Boss of Stark Industries, he accumulated from fundraising evenings. Everyone present has such a title. As for their purpose, most of them are to avoid taxes.

So, dividends have nothing to do with the income on the book. Just like Zhou Yi, if he agrees to this plan, he can only distribute up to one billion in dividends according to shareholders, but in fact, he can receive at least two billion in dividends. This is the gap, and it is also the benefit that allows people to be infatuated.

“OK. We all understand what Mr. Stane means. In fact, no one wants to have trouble with Mr. Franklin. But I have a little question.” Zhou Yi sat beside Tony Stark On, said while looking at the documents Obadiah had prepared.

“The list of armed forces in these areas that we sell does not seem to be friendly objects of our lovely army. If one day, our missile hits the head of the owner, what should we do?”

“We don’t have an own person, Mr. Zhou! We are businessmen!” Obadiah endured the unhappiness in his heart, and stretched out his tone and said word by word.

“Of course, I understand!” Zhou Yi laughed, “But don’t forget, we are businessmen, but American people only think that we are American. Once my bad idea comes true, then face it Angry American people, who do you want to be held accountable. I can declare first that I reject this proposal!”

As soon as Zhou Yi finished speaking, Tony Stark immediately opened the mouth and said: “Hey I also want to declare that I have no objection, but I also do not agree. In short, I will not take this responsibility, certainly not!” It seems that it is important, Tony said twice no.

Of course, the military will not approve of this proposal. Wall Street also does not want to take this muddy water. It is true that these all are the guys who see money, but most of them are Jewish. There is no reason to support those Muslims. You know, Jews and Muslims are the most reasoned and most likely to fight in the Middle East.

Although they don’t take the clansman in the Middle East too seriously, but they don’t know how to get out of the tank while being a rival.

As for the two companies Osborn and Yashida, they are naturally happy to see their old rivals lose their big business.

In a blink of an eye, most of Obadiah’s plan fell through. As for the remaining half, even if Obadiah uses the most fat part of his body to think about it, he knows basically nothing. So he was just a gloomy face, sitting on the seat without saying a word, and remained basically silent until the end of the meeting.

Of course, everyone understands that this is not a depression, but a silent volcano. Therefore, even Tony Stark did not stimulate the Old Guy quite wisely.

As soon as the meeting ended, Obadiah took a group of people and left the Stark building in his own private car. Obviously, he didn’t want to see two bastards. At least for a while.

Watching Obadiah’s special car leave his sight, Tony Stark straightened his wine glass and said with emotion: “This is really irritating, Yi. Are we a bit too much.”

“Excessive, that is also your business, Obadiah is your Uncle, not mine.” Zhou Yi rolled the eyes, drank the champagne in his hand.

“Hey, Buddy! Can’t you understand how sad I am? That’s the one who watched me grow up!” Tony said dissatisfiedly, with that expression, if it wasn’t for this guy who instructed If you do, I must think he is still arguing for his Uncle Obadiah.

For Tony’s cheeky, Zhou Yi has already experienced it. Those who can propose a champagne celebration after such an event should not have any expectations for his sympathy. So he just came down to express his own feelings.

“What does Hehe mean. Buddy, can I think you are trying to find fault?” Tony is not a good talker, and immediately began to draw his sword at his comrade-in-arms.

And Zhou Yi is not a guy who has suffered a loss and is not suffocating. He just replied: “Oh, you can bring Hogan with you, I don’t mind 1 vs 2, really!”

Thinking about the fighting ability demonstrated by Zhou Yi, and after estimating the fighting power of oneself plus Hogan, Tony changed the subject wisely.

“Speaking of Buddy, we haven’t seen each other for so long. Should I have a party to celebrate? I believe those lovely girls will miss us very much. Of course, I will pick the old rules first, also this The second time I let you go, Hogan is not to be trifled with.”

“I’ll talk about it in a few days, old fellow!” Zhou Yi put down his glass and stood up. “I am not like you. I am a carefree and free person. I also have a difficult parent meeting to get done!”

“Oh, what annoyance you envy.” Tony said He raised his glass, with a smile of harboring malicious intentions on his face. “You know, I always wanted to have a cute younger sister and so on.”

“Go to hell, Tony.” Zhou Yi couldn’t help but cursed. He made a gesture and walked to the elevator.

And Mr. Stark just responded with the same gesture and reminded him: “also Buddy, don’t forget about the party. I’ll let Jarvis notify you when I’m done.”


“Don’t worry, I won’t forget this kind of thing. But, do you want to invite Pepper, I’m really curious.” After saying this, Zhou Yi took the elevator and left Tony. Private floor in Stark building.

“Wow, are you really unwilling to eat at a loss?” Tony laughed, but his eyes floated to a three-dimensional image, which showed the cute Pepper. Miss Potts. “But why am I not willing to invite her?”

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