Sun God Marvel

Chapter 707

Hearing this, Tony’s first reaction was surprise. But not because of the content of these words, but because of the person who appeared in front of him and said the words.

He looked at Nick Fury, who was wearing a blindfold and a familiar black windbreaker and was pushed in a wheelchair by his old friend Coulson, and asked him in an almost unbelievable tone. .

“Nick. Fury? You are not dead, how is this possible?”

“I thought it would be Pierce or General Ross who asked this!” In a conspiracy With a successful tone of laughter, Nick Fury just stared at those who were dumbfounded by his presence and explained them. “I’m very curious, who told you that I was dead? You know, from a scientific point of view, the best way to witness a person’s death is to find his body. Even my body was not found. You How can you come to this conclusion?”

“So, you have always been alive, just hiding behind all of this, watching these guys stir up trouble here and make this country a piece of cake Bad?”

Hearing Nick Fury’s answer, Tony was not at all surprised, but only disgusted. He once again saw the ability of these conspirators. If the guy in front of him didn’t get out of suspended animation, maybe SHIELD would not fall into the control of Pierce so easily. And if SHIELD did not fall into their control, it would be impossible for them to activate all this.

So, in other words, this one-eyed dragon in front of you also has to bear part of this responsibility.

As a man who lived almost a hundred years old, Nick Fury naturally knew the reason why Tony would say this and the thought in his heart. So he just shook the head, justifying it with a wry smile.

“Although I really want to say that I have nothing to do with all of this, it seems that you will not believe it. However, I can tell you that I really can’t do anything about all this. From the day I was assassinated, SHIELD was already not in my control. All my trusted subordinates were either forced to leave SHIELD or were assassinated. I was powerless to stop them, even slightly If you show a little trace, you may be persecuted by them.”

“I dare not appear in the bright world at all. I can only sneak in the shadows like a mouse. Planning all this secretly.”

“Planning everything?” Hearing this, Tony couldn’t help but exploded. “What do you mean by planning? It’s like this, when everything is irretrievable, then stand up and say, oh! We need a hero? What did you do earlier!”

“Calm down, Tony. Fury doesn’t want to be like this. He has been seriously injured and he has only been awake in the last two months. It’s not easy for us to live during this time, if not Relying on Fury’s original back hand, we are basically impossible to support until now.”

Looking at Tony, who was almost furious, Coulson immediately showed a pleading expression, hoping that he could stop it. This kind of senseless anger. After taking two deep breaths, Tony also reluctantly accepted this statement.

He knows very well that any more tempers are useless now, so instead of wasting their precious time on this, it is better to control this temper and study what to do It is good to solve this problem at hand.

At this time, Tony thought of what Fury just said.

“What do you say I can do? What do you mean by that sentence?”

“The meaning is very simple, like I literally stated it. Tony!” With oneself’s only eye bigger, Fury looked deeply towards the guy with multiple identities in front of him, and said to him word by word. “I said you can save all of this, just need you to act according to my plan. Although I can’t say to restore America to its original state, but at least, you can restore it to its proper calm!”

This result is probably a blessing in misfortune. At the very least, it looks like this to Tony. So, without hesitation, he asked Nick Fury.

“What should I do? I want you to tell me in the most detailed way. Listen, what I want is the most detailed explanation, including the conspiracies and tricks you hide in it. I know who You are, Nick. Fury, at this time, I don’t have any mood to play these trick games with you!”

“Of course, I’m afraid we don’t have the mood and time!”

nodded, Nick Fury began to expose the own plan.

“My plan is very simple. Since the domestic voice is to overthrow the incompetent government. Then we simply comply with their intentions and completely overthrow this government.”

“What did you say? Repeat what you said to me?”

Tony suddenly raised his own voice, and watched his reaction that was completely within oneself’s expectations . Nick Fury sighed deeply.

“Tony, the question you have to consider now is no longer how to save them, but how to consider and how to choose. As in the current situation, this government simply does not continue to exist. Necessary.”

Speaking of which, he pointed to Pierce, his old friend.

“I believe you have heard what he said. The president, parliamentarians, and various key members of the Ministry of Defense are basically chess pieces arranged by him. Maybe you think he is bluffing you, but I I want to tell you that what he said is true. His control of the entire United States Government is much more serious than you think.”

“Remember the Supreme Court trial Our vice president was coerced to tell the truth, and said that oneself is the truth of Hydra. Although he was murdered and framed to that guy soon. But we all know that he belongs to Hydra. Hand. And have you ever thought about who will give this order? Obviously, there is only one answer, and that is Mr. Pierce.”

“He was able to manipulate what was almost a national leader at the time The life and death of the Vice President can naturally manipulate anyone in the White House. What he has is more than anything he says, not less. You can even understand it this way, that is, our government has It was completely eroded by the Hydra organization. The government bureaucrats you were familiar with in the past may be part of Hydra secretly and secretly cooperate with his conspiracy. Therefore, Tony, we can’t let them continue to exist.”

Hearing this, Tony frowned his brows tightly and questioned him.

“Have you ever thought about the impact on the entire United States if we drove down the president, congressmen and other important officials and sent them to prison? The citizens will be crazy about this, they will never trust our government anymore, and this is very likely to lead to various riots and separatism within the country.”

“The international situation is only It will be worse. We have already lost the interests and status of blockbuster films in the international arena. If even the government is now destroyed by us, then no one can guarantee what kind of impact it will have on the international scene. The best The situation, it is estimated that all our political and commercial diplomacy has been stuck by other countries, holding the initiative. In the worst case, I even believe that there will be countries that want to take the opportunity to intervene here to control everything in America. “

“Your worries are reasonable, Tony. But as I have said, we have no other choice now. We can only make a trade-off!”

oneself pushed the wheelchair and came to Tony’s side. Nick .Fury looked towards the guy he had high hopes for with his most sincere gaze.

“No matter how big a house is built on the foundation eroded by ants, it will eventually be a dangerous problem. It will bring us and even our descendants a huge hidden danger. We have done this. , And tasted the real bitter fruit. So now, I don’t want you to repeat our mistakes.”

“Yes, giving up such a piece of rotten flesh may be unbearable for America Pain. But this kind of behavior can bring the hope of rebirth for our country. A safe and free future. This is the most important thing. I don’t think you want to see what oneself has worked so hard to build again. It’s the way it is now. Let’s collapse and destroy because of these damn assholes. You know, next time we may not have the opportunity to save it from this crisis.”

Silence For a long time, or tortured in my heart for a long time. Tony widened oneself’s bloodshot eyes, and asked with a low voice at Nick Fury, and asked seriously.

“Well, just do as you said. So what is our specific plan?”

“Very well, Tony. That’s it, you are more and more like It’s your father!” He grinned and showed a satisfied smile. Nick Fury began to describe his own plan to him.

“First of all, you need to use the own channel to announce the existence of Pierce and his party members to all the people, and make their identities completely public. I have sufficient information on this issue. , Can help you accomplish this.”

“Then, you need to intervene in the situation as your Superhero, hold the judicial system before the government is completely chaotic, and then try these traitors , In the name of a conspirator, draws the attention of the chaotic people to you. At this point, Coulson will help you, and he will bring a group of elites in the legal system to help you complete this century trial.”

“Finally, the more critical issue. Tony Stark, you need to save the country in the name of Savior during the country’s peril. In other words, you need to re-establish a new government and assume the role The new presidency. Eliminate the remnants of Hydra, bring everything back to formality, and then find a way to restore the glory of the United States in the past.”

“This is my method, It is also our only plan to solve the current dilemma!”

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