Sun God Marvel

Chapter 732

“Counter-attack, we must fight back!”

This is no longer the opinion of one person, but all the fighting soldiers present, and every one watching The common voice of American where everything is happening here.

Just looking at the horror that Washington is now almost in ruins is enough to make all Americans feel angry and uncontrollably shudder. And when they saw the soldiers dying one after another under Hydra’s offensive, watching the monsters crisscrossing the capital of own, this anger and excitement had brewed enough emotions to explode, making them almost crazy to lose reason.

If Washington had already been turned into a forbidden zone before the trial, if it weren’t for these people to see everything happening there through the TV in front of them, maybe they could do anything. come out.

It can be said that the current United States has never had the same agreement. When it comes to the issue of Hydra, in the face of this kind of invasion and insult, they are united beyond imagination and derived out a common will. And this is exactly what Tony wanted.

A country that is already dyingly ill must be cured with strong medicine, and in Tony’s view, it is not enough to just use a bloody trial to prescribe medicine. It does make many people feel ashamed and angry, but it is far from enough.

I want to awaken the current United States, let it recover and be reborn. You have to administer heavier drugs. To let it, to let every people living in this land feel the pain of the skin, feel the real threat of life, the threat of Death.

So, Tony laid out all this, laid out all the scenes that made American angry and crazy. It is true that the consequences of doing this are terrifying, and that kind of huge sacrifice can even destroy families. However, he believed that this was a necessary sacrifice and an inevitable result.

He is not a cold-blooded dictator, nor a crazy ambitious. However, at this time, when he sits in this special position, he must make this choice. This is a very helpless thing, but it is also something he must do.

Now, his goal has been achieved. So, he doesn’t have to watch all this and continue like this anymore.

“Jarvis, contact Selena Young Lady for me. Tell them that the time has come, it’s time for them to take action!”

Tell them during the escape One sentence. Tony had already begun his plan to fight back. And just after he finished saying that, in the sky a strange sight suddenly appeared.

The sun that was still bright suddenly disappeared, and a thick layer of black suddenly spread across the sky, turning this world that was just noon into an unimaginable midnight time.

The sky has changed drastically. In the sky, it is no longer the sun, but a bright moon. The cool moonlight filled Washington DC like running water, making this World clearly visible, but completely different.

No one would have thought that such a change would happen suddenly, so that the people at the scene and even those who watched everything were thinking in surprise, thinking about what happened in the middle. And just when they were surprised, the voice from Tony suddenly rang in the communicator of every soldier.

“Our reinforcements are here! Soldiers, shrink your defenses and retreat towards the monument. Remember, control your weapons and don’t shoot at any unrecognizable targets. I repeat, Don’t shoot randomly!”

Tony’s words made these people feel deeply puzzled. They didn’t understand why they had to retreat when reinforcements came, and they didn’t understand why they had to be cautious even shooting. Even in order not to accidentally injure the friendly forces, it wouldn’t be so much.

And soon, their question has been answered. Because, strange sounds and blurred phantoms began to appear in their eyes one after another within the realm.

First there was a cry of terrifying wolf howl, which burst out suddenly in this strange night. One after another, it soon gathered into a noisy ocean. That kind of feeling is like being suddenly in an ancient jungle, with countless wolves as company. It makes people who are used to the modern steel forest feel particularly uncomfortable.

The vigorous silhouettes that appeared urgently made them even more nervous. Many people can clearly see that huge wild beasts, which resemble wolf dogs, are flying between buildings and streets on all fours. At the same time, the black and red phantoms that cannot be seen clearly appeared in the sky, like a huge bat, flying towards the depths of Washington.

Such a scene reminds people of the dark age depicted in the movie, and those horror stories about werewolves and Vampire began to come to their minds one after another. For this kind of dark creature that is almost the same as the ghost in the myth, most people’s reaction is to raise their own weapon and aim their muzzle at them.

And before they could do anything, Nick Fury, who had come to the front line first, had blocked them. Shouted at them.

“Put down your guns, soldiers. These things are not your enemies!”

“Not our enemies?” Hearing this, it’s not just these soldiers, even Those Americans who were watching the live broadcast were very surprised. “They are not our enemies. Could it be that our friends failed?”

As if seeing the doubts of these people, Nick Fury frowned Mao said to them in a low voice.

“At this time, anyone who is willing to lend a helping hand to us is our friend. Our only enemy is the evil organization Hydra. As for the others, it is not something we should consider now. “

“A wise choice!” Tone barely fell, a husky female voice full of magnetism came from Nick Fury’s side. This situation caused the experienced king of agents to turn around as quickly as possible, and then he saw a beautiful and charming woman standing behind him, covered in a cloak. Look at him with a faint smile.

“Who are you?”

Faced with such a completely enigmatic guy, Nick Fury immediately raised his voice and asked her.

As for this, the woman just smiled and replied.

“You can call me Anvina. I am from Huiyao City and I am Serena Young Lady’s deputy. If you say my identity, you can regard me as your reinforcement!”

“Reinforcement? Vampire, werewolf? Also what?” Staring at the woman in front of her, she seemed to want to tell her identity from her appearance. Nick Fury wondered in his heart, while asking her. “Is this the reinforcements that Stark invited? Seriously, this is really beyond my expectation.”

“also Witch, sir!” Pointing out the identity of the owner, Anvina used to The dark speaker smiled slightly and replied. “In fact, I was also surprised that Mr. Stark would make such a choice. But this is not a stupid choice, is it? In contrast, maybe this choice will be the most correct choice for you. .”

“That’s not necessarily, before everything is revealed. No one can say such a big talk. Or, you have a good idea to deal with those Iron Man Soldiers and those in this situation monster?”

“It’s not difficult, Mr. Fury. Especially as a Witch.”

For this kind of doubtful question, Anvina just He beckoned and answered with facts.

In her movements, pale shadows suddenly emerged from the ground. That is the soul of the war dead, the souls of their painful resentment and despair. And as soon as they appeared, these undead roared one after another, making a sharp sound that could not be heard with ears, but could clearly resound in the brain, like a gust of wind, they rushed towards the Iron Man Soldiers beside oneself. past.

It is difficult for human weapons to damage the heavy armor worn by the soldiers, but the supernatural damage from the wraith spirit is absolutely impossible to resist by such a layer of metal. It’s like passing through water and passing through air. The pale resentful spirit directly penetrated the bodies of those Iron Man Soldiers, and then, as if dragging something, pulled out this thin and transparent soul, a living soul from their thick tortoise shell.

That is the soul of Hydra soldiers, no matter how evil they are, no matter how well they wear weapons. As long as they also have the premise of being human, then in the case of this kind of soul being pulled out, they have only one fate, and that is Death.

Clean and thoroughly. There wasn’t even any extra action, there was a blockbuster Iron Man Soldiers who fell down and fell to the ground. Although they are still breathing, even though the armor on their bodies is still Blink with an indefinite radiance. However, no one believes that they are still alive.

In other words, looking at the undead flying in the sky like a mist covering the entire city, everyone is worried that oneself will be pulled out of the soul like this, Become one of them.

This is the fear of Death, the fear of the power that oneself cannot understand. Faced with this fear, Nick. Fury took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed all the anxiety. Asked An Weina next to oneself.

“This is what you can do?”

“Of course.” Faced with such a question, An Weina, who has shown the means, answered very confidently. “Moreover, our methods are more than just this.”

No one thought that Tony’s reinforcements would be these formidable strengths from the mysterious side. In the face of this kind of power, no one knows what will happen. Nick Fury will not know, Hydra will not know. They only know that everything has begun to gradually go beyond the pattern.

Tony dropped a big apple and the chessboard became confused.

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