Sun God Marvel

Chapter 736

Like a brilliant and sacred light wheel, the moon in the sky slowly descended from the sky. Unlike many people imagine, as the moon approaches, it will expose oneself’s rough surface with pits. But as the moon descends, all people can see is the more and more prosperous moonlight and the amazing Goddess image among them.

divine light lingers, Yuehua is immersed in it. All of this makes the image of this woman enough to strike anyone’s mind. Including the silver samurai, this true samurai with a strong heart. He also felt the shock from the soul because of what oneself had seen. And this shock almost made him lose consciousness to let go of oneself’s weapon.

However, after all, he still did not do such a stupid thing. Instead, he fiercely swung down the sharp blade in oneself’s hand at the one that was getting closer and closer in front of oneself, almost equivalent to the incarnation of the moon.

The sharp blade is flying, and the unrolled bolt of white silk is empty. Just in an instant, the red radiance is like a hot knife dipping butter, fiercely deep into the depths of the moon. But it’s just going deep! The deeper it goes, the slower this red unrolled bolt of white silk travels. Until Serena’s body, the unrolled bolt of white silk was like touching something that could not be crossed over, and it was firmly blocked by the distance of only one person in front of her.

And as the moonlight around Serena becomes more and more condensed, even this theoretically no stronghold one cannot overcome the crimson light is gradually pushed, from that diffuse Yuehua retreated. Its skills stop here, and it is difficult to make any achievements.

The sword that no stronghold one cannot overcome actually stopped in front of the enemy, and could no longer advance any further. This fact caused an unimaginable panic in the Silver Samurai’s heart. This is the first time he has encountered such a situation, and this situation has shattered the greatest persistence in his heart.

until now, his value is actually the power that no stronghold one cannot overcome, and the meaning of his existence is precisely this. It can be said that if there is no such magical and terrifying superphoton slash, then there will be no silver samurai, he will exist. This is all he has.

When the whole meaning of own was denied by others, unimaginable madness and rage immediately appeared in the silver warrior’s heart. He waved his own weapon again and furiously attacked the moon in front of oneself again. And such an attack only made the core figure in the moon show a scornful smile to disdain as beneath contempt.

“act recklessly!”

This is Serena’s only evaluation of the Silver Samurai in front of her. In her opinion, the gap between them is already obvious. If he is a smart person, what he should do now is to surrender obediently and honestly, or find a way to withdraw from own as quickly as possible, just like his teammates. And his performance of waving his weapon and rushing towards oneself again is simply incorrigible.

Looking contemptuously at the silver samurai in front of oneself, while letting his unrolled bolt of white silk blade light flutter freely in front of the owner, then all stop under his own brilliance . The coldness in Serena’s eyes became more and more dignified, almost giving people the illusion of freezing to the bones at the first glance.

This means that she is already impatient. And when the blade light of the silver samurai came back again and again, he himself became crazy because of this blow. Serena has stretched out her hand and pointed at the enemy in front of oneself.

For her, the silver warrior at this time is no different from a mad dog. If he just bared his teeth, then maybe she would kindly let him go. But he had already rushed up desperately, so Serena naturally didn’t mind giving him an understanding of this, so as to save him from tarnishing this World.

With a single finger, the moonlight all over the sky immediately gathered together, forming a long and magnificent river. The silver river water instantly hit the silver samurai with a cold light, and this terrible scene made him immediately wield a long knife and made a slashing action.

Naturally, his action split the entire moonlight river from it. However, this was only a matter of a moment, and as the moonlight river flowed, the pressure that the Silver Samurai could feel became greater and greater. His movements and abilities have become increasingly difficult.

Soon, his body began to shift. At the same time, his blade light was also squeezed back in the river water. This strength has already exceeded the upper limit he can bear, and now, he just wants to retreat, without any chance.

His eyes narrowed, imposing manner Sheng. The surging moonlight river immediately became as ferocious as a waterfall bursting its bank. But just for a moment, the silver samurai who had just insisted on acting as the mainstay was blasted into flight, completely losing the power of defense.

The moonlight was like a strand of silk, like water like cotton, it washed over him completely, and got into his indestructible armor. Then, like a long dragon choosing people and devouring it, it engulfed the whole earth and flew into the sky that became darker because of the gathering of moonlight.

Like a real silver river, this moonlight just hangs between Heaven and Earth and never dissipates for a long time. Such beauty is enough to make anyone feel swaying. However, only those who truly understand its formidable power can appreciate the thrilling danger under this beauty.

Tony swallowed a deep spit on this, and flew to Serena’s side with a lingering expression on his face.

“Is that iron turtle dead?”

Because of the previous reason, he gave this silver warrior, who was wearing an armor that could not be worn, another name. This is obviously a practice with some elements of retaliation. But now, Tony rarely felt sympathy for this guy. Of course he could feel the fact that he was working hard before, so he couldn’t help being a little bit intolerant of his death.

Of course, the duration of this relationship is very short. Because anyway, this silver warrior is a member of Hydra. The people of Hydra are not worthy of any sympathy.

“Of course, do you think he has any other possibilities?” Facing Tony’s question, Serena’s expression asked indifferently. The tone of as it should be by rights combined with her cold eyes made Tony feel uncomfortable all over his body.

Where did Zhou Yi find this woman the monster? He muttered in his heart, but Tony managed to squeeze a smile from oneself’s face and said to Serena.

“Of course not, you take action with Serena Young Lady, I am very relieved. However, since you are my assistance, I can only ask you to work harder. Those difficult things Guy, please take action to help solve it. Especially the guy named Mandarin, I hope to catch alive.”

“You mean the guy you dealt with at first?” nodded, Serena walked straight to the place where she kept roaring in the distance. That was Hulk’s battlefield, and that was her second goal. She walked like this, while speaking to Tony indifferently. “If I see him, I will bring him to you. But if not, then please forgive me for nothing.”

“Of course, how dare I have any opinion on you. But really, if you can, I mean if! It’s better to bring that guy here, he’s really important.”

This time, I’m even disinclined to pay attention to him, Celine Na directly set up the moonlight and galloped away. In the dark in the sky, it seems that all the light sources are lingering around her, which makes her be noticed in an instant. Humans’ admiration for powerhouse and their admiration for beauty are all concentrated on her, allowing her to have countless supporters in an instant.

Under the rapid spread of the Internet, someone has spontaneously given her the name Moonlight Goddess. And this name immediately won the approval of countless people. The audience who watched the Washington live broadcast almost frantically called her title, watching her every move infatuated. That fanatical appearance almost exceeds the treatment that any star can enjoy.

This is obviously a kind of morbid psychology, but the United States at this time is a completely acceptable thing in the world at this time. After all, in this world, we need heroes and rescuers. Therefore, any form of worship and admiration are acceptable. It’s no surprise that Serena was pushed to the altar in this situation.

Humans always place their hopes on other people habitually. This point, even at this time, there are no exceptions. As the opponent of humanity, what Hydra had to do was to extinguish this hope, so Serena immediately became a new target.

So, the moonlight in the sky was just starting, and a bright red light suddenly rushed from the horizon. Like a falcon preying on food, and like a Flood Dragon out of its claws, with Raging of Raging Flames and terrifying heat, this crimson streamer hit the moonlight across the horizon almost instantly.

Icy cold and hot, red gold and silver white, two completely unused forces collide with unimaginable waves in the dark in an instant. Light and fire, instantly like a huge wave swept in, spilled endlessly from in the sky. The whole city was plunged into the hot fire sea on one side.

At the same time, the weird night that had been shrouded in Washington disappeared, and what followed was a huge scarlet gold fireball and a cold silver white bright light wheel hanging high in the sky, like Facing each other like natural enemies. Like the sun and the moon, it is magical and magnificent, brilliant and terrifying.

Watching what happened suddenly, everyone became dumbfounded. what happened? Many people have not yet reacted.

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