Sun God Marvel

Chapter 740

In an understatement, Zhou Yi has solved Tony’s big troubles in less than one minute. This gave Tony an unreal feeling in his heart, and at the same time, he once again intuitively realized how strong his friend is.

Can’t guess, can’t estimate. Even at this moment, he thought of the information provided by the Shandar. The news that the tall giant slashed the stars deep in the starry sky. If the news is true, and the protagonist inside is also the person they think. Then turning this description like a legend and myth into an understandable reality, then it is definitely a horror and horror enough thing.

This is beyond his imagination, or he can’t imagine such a thing anymore. Therefore, he could only respond dumbly to the voice beside his own ear.

“Thank you, Buddy!”

“No thanks, this is what I should do. After all, you are my best friend. Since you have needs, then I Naturally, I have to do something for you. It’s just that I hope that this kind of thing will not be too much. Otherwise, I can guarantee that Ida will find a way to kill you.”

“I don’t want to Next time, Buddy. But no matter what I say, I still want to thank you. You saved this country again.”

Once again sincere thanks, Tony intends to hang up and deal with the next Trouble. But at this time, Zhou Yi said to him.

“I don’t have to owe all this to my head. I don’t need these anymore. And I know you need fame now, so use these as much as possible. I believe you have this Ability!”

“This thing is not easy to use, after all, there are that many eyes watching.”

shook the head, Tony immediately smiled wryly. However, Zhou Yi has his own opinion on this.

“You haven’t tried how to know impossible, don’t forget, there is also an old fox by your side you can use. He will help you figure out a way.”

“But , The crux of the problem is not here, Buddy. The crux of the problem is the woman in your family. If I dare to do this, then maybe tomorrow, she will mail the bomb to my office.”

“Don’t worry about this problem, I will let her trouble me alone. But only this time, this can be considered my last help on this problem.”

“Should I thank you for your kindness?”

“Of course!” With a grin, Zhou Yi looked at oneself in front of oneself’s son who was smirking and suddenly had such an idea. “But as a price, I think you should take time to come to me.”


“I want you to meet my son, my real child .Of course, if you can, I hope you can be his godfather. Of course, it’s just that. After all, we don’t believe in God.”

“Wait, wait?” Hearing Zhou Yi’s words, It took Tony a long time to react. When he reacted, he immediately screamed in surprise. “You have a son, you actually have a son? When did this happen?”

“Before we met last time, but I can’t talk to you in detail for the time being.”


“Damn it, you are not married yet, and you already have a child.” It seemed that the topic of oneself was a little ridiculous, and Tony chuckled his mouth immediately and moved to another topic. “Well, it’s really weird for the two of us to say this kind of topic. So, who is the child’s mother? That blond girl Selana, or the Mutant named Jean I saw last time?”

“Neither!” On this question, Zhou Yi is somewhat sorry. But looking at oneself while looking at own Jill with a smile, he still said obediently and honestly. “Jill Valentine. It turned out that a policeman in Laken City used to fight alongside me. We also established friendship at that time.”

“I remember you seem to be in Laken City. The riot lasted only one night. You just one night…well, when I didn’t say it!”

Shook the head again, and Tony suddenly laughed.

“This weekend I will visit you and also my Little Nephew, and I also want to see what the woman who defeated Ada looks like.”

“You’d better not let Ada hear this!”

He warned me kindly, and at the same time, I had to admit Ida’s greatness in disguise. Zhou Yi jokingly said to his own friend. And Tony also laughed and replied.

“Don’t worry, I know very well what kind of woman is not to be offended. So that’s it, see you this weekend!”

Hung up the phone and ended the conversation. A cold boo among old friends. When Tony looked up, he immediately saw Selena staring at own. The cold eyes stared at the owner, and the playboy who was used to seeing beauties felt a panic all over his body. This made him ask Serena involuntarily.

“Do you have anything? Serena Young Lady?”

“You seem to be very familiar with the master?” Hearing the question, Serena immediately asked him . But her question surprised Tony. But after being surprised, it is understanding. Under normal circumstances, beautiful girls always have endless curiosity about men who interest them, and they are eager to know everything about them. Both Zhou Yi and Tony oneself have a very deep understanding of this point.

The only difference is that Zhou Yi can deal with such a woman, and he has always stayed away. So when she asked, he immediately gave up all the principles of privacy and privacy protection and directly replied to her.

“The guy and I have known each other for more than ten years. We are true buddies and friends. Of course, I know that you now want to know everything about this guy you call the master. But I am also very sure that this is something I will not finish talking about for a while. So, give me some time and I will organize it into a document and send it directly to your mailbox. What do you think?”

The refreshing and refined Tony who even betrayed his friends said to Serena. Serena also gave an own reply immediately.

“I don’t have a mailbox!”

“Then I will organize it into a hard disk. By the way, I also attached a new projection computer. Just as I thank you My help. What do you think!”

This time, Serena was nodded with approval. Accepted Tony’s opinion, and Tony immediately withdrew.

“Then it is so happily decided, I also have things to do, don’t you mind if I disappear from you for a while.”

No words, but already avoided Serena, who is oneself, has apparently answered. And this immediately made Tony praised.

“Seriously, your character is really beautiful. I kind of understand why that guy would choose you.”

“Huh?” I haven’t waited for Serena to express own Doubtful, Tony had already greeted Bruce walking towards oneself and yelled at him. “Hey, Buddy. How is your situation there?”

“Not very good!” Bruce. Banner, who answered while rubbing his own eyebrows, gave a deep wry smile. “The three insects are very tricky. It’s not that they can defeat Hulk, but they leave him empty but there is nowhere to vent. Especially when they finally evacuated, Hulk simply couldn’t stop them. This really made him. I’m very angry, and it took me a lot of effort to calm his emotions.”

“Be more detailed, Buddy. For our enemies, you’d better be more detailed.”

Holding Bruce’s shoulder, Tony put on a very solemn expression on this question. Obviously, he values ​​these guys very much.

“Well, let me think about it. There were three people who entangled Hulk at the time. One was the guy we had seen with the Winter Soldier. They called him Wilson. This guy He is flexible in his movements and seems to have the ability to mutate his body. I clearly saw him turning his own arm into a disgusting alien limb. This makes me doubt whether he is related to those biochemical monsters. Maybe we should investigate. Check Umbrella’s information.”

“also a guy seems to be a little like Peter, but much stronger than him. I remember that guy’s name-Venom, a guy who was defeated by Peter Space parasite. At the time, Peter’s handling of him was handed over to SHIELD. But it seems that this seems to be something that makes Hydra profitable.”

“also one, is a guy I don’t know A man who looks like an Insect. The outer skeleton of his whole body has wings and can super high-speed movement. At the same time, he also has some special ability, such as using something in the body to cut everything that passes by, also uses own blood to generate strange flames and the like. The most important thing is his speeding regeneration ability. He was torn off a leg by Hulk, but he grew back in the blink of an eye. This ability is really exaggerated.”

shook the head, Bruce as Scholar obviously feels a headache for these annoying enemies. And Tony patted his shoulder understandingly, and said to him.

“Learn to get used to all this, Buddy. We have a long time to deal with these guys.”

“I will get used to it.” nodded with a Smile, Bruce stood by Tony’s side. Together with him, he faced Nick Fury who came with a large group of people. At the same time, he whispered in Tony’s ear. “Guess he’s here to do and so on, abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal?”

“He doesn’t dare!” He replied quietly, and Tony immediately asked Nick Fury loudly . “What’s the matter? Cyclops!”

“Of course.”

I clicked, and Cyclops Nick let the people around him scatter and cleaned up the mess everywhere. Then he walked straight to Tony’s side and said seriously to him.

“I’m here to report our loss to you. The city, the army also, the public opinion, the international influence. I have to say that all of your arrangements have exceeded expectations and developed It’s a direction that should not be developed. You are playing with fire, Tony!”

“So what?” Tony faint smiled at Nick Fury, hugging his chest. To this, Nick Fury’s answer is.

“Congratulations, you won. So, now is your time to enjoy your victory. The crown of United States is waiting for you to pick it up, Tony Stark!”

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