Sun God Marvel

Chapter 753

“Are you cracking a joke with me? Steve!”

Listening to Captain’s arrangement for the owner person selection, Tony’s first reaction is today. Is it April Fool’s Day? And when he confirmed that it was not April Fool’s Day, he immediately yelled at Captain incredulously.

“Just a few weeks ago, I said to all the reporters, hey, look, this guy codenamed Winter Soldier is the super killer of Hydra, the ultimate who has been active since the Cold War. Assassin. He caused the tragedy of the TV station. At the same time, his hands were stained with the blood of hundreds of people. I have made everyone in the United States regard this guy as an enemy, and now, you actually told me , Do you plan to let him join the Avengers? Captain, is there a brain problem with one of us!”

The mockery in Tony’s words is obvious, but it is the one who is in the wrong Captain could only accept this ridicule, and then persuaded him as much as possible.

“About this, I think you need to listen to my explanation.”

“I’m listening. Before I blast you out, you better give me a reasonable Explanation!”

Although Tony’s words are about to rise to the point of personal attack, he is finally willing to listen to own’s explanation, which is a good thing for Captain. . So he immediately stated the reason for owning.

“On this point, I need to explain to you. Bucky has not always been a Winter Soldier. Before he became a Winter Soldier, he was my best friend and Lieutenant Barnes of the Roaring Commando. . Back then, he was considered one of your father’s comrades in arms, until later, in response to Hydra’s full counterattack, he fell into Snow Mountain in order to save me.”

“After that, He was discovered by Hydra lurking in the Soviet Union. They controlled him, brainwashed him, and made him a terrifying killer of Winter Soldier. Although he did a lot of terrifying things, I can assure you, Tony . That’s not his intention. He doesn’t want to commit such an evil deed.”

“There is no such thing as a sympathetic and repentant murderer in the law.”

If Captain is interrupted, Tony is still unwilling to make any concessions regarding the Winter Soldier. But Captain was unwilling to give up, he continued to persuaded.

“However, the law did not blame a tool. Tony, he was only controlled by someone. At that time, he didn’t even have the sense of owning. He only knew to execute the order from Hydra. You can’t because This kind of thing concludes that he is the same evil as Hydra. If this is the case, then the weapons of the world should be destroyed! Please, Tony, he almost died to save me, he is my best Friends. Even if it’s for the sake of my face, can’t you give him a chance?”

Captain’s words made Tony inevitably fall into silence, and until a moment later, he He narrowed his eyes and said to Captain.

“I just found out that your tongue is so powerful.”|

“So, your answer is?”

Not caught by this smoke bomb Interfering with it, Captain was almost pressing on every step, wanting to know the answer in Tony’s heart. For this, Tony didn’t hesitate too much, and gave the own answer directly.

“Winter Soldier is not allowed to exist. You must understand this. The government has just established its prestige at this time, and I am impossible to overthrow oneself’s previous public remarks for personal reasons. It will make us lose the foundation of being trusted by the public.”


As soon as Captain wanted to say something, Tony stretched out his hand directly and stopped it.

“Listen to me to finish!”

“Although I did not agree with you to summon Winter Soldier among the Avengers, I did not say that I did not agree with you The lieutenant called in. Of course, I will still be looking for the Hydra terrorist named Winter Soldier across the country. As for Lieutenant Barnes, if he has nothing to do with Hydra, then he has nothing to do with Winter Soldier. I say so. , Can you understand what I mean?”

“Of course, I know it! Thank you, Tony. Thank you for your help to Bucky.”

I heard Tony say that, Captain, who didn’t know what he meant, immediately thanked Tony. And for this kind of thanks, Tony just curl one’s lip, responded.

“Don’t be happy too early, I have a prerequisite for doing this.”

“First of all, you must assure me that he must only be Lieutenant Barnes, and It is impossible to become a guy like Winter Soldier again. If I find out that he still has some connection with Hydra, or what purpose he has, like Pierce lurking in, I will not be polite to him. Even you and the Avengers must also take on certain responsibilities. Can you guarantee this?”

“Of course, I can guarantee!” Almost hesitantly answered, Captain was right This has full confidence. He is impossible to let his own friends return to their previous life. Even if he fights for his life, he won’t let Bucky be like that again. At this point, he has full consciousness.

As if he felt Captain’s thoughts, Tony not at all raised too many questions about whether he could do this. Instead, I continued on oneself’s previous question.

“Second, what I want to know is, if according to you, Lieutenant Barnes is really controlled by Hydra because of brainwashing, then how can you be sure that he is really out of it now Hydra’s control, and will not be affected by that organization anymore?”

“He has restored his memory and has remembered me. This proves that he has found himself. Moreover, Bucky also Told me that he was brainwashed on a huge machine and the process was very painful. So I think if Hydra really intends to brainwash him again, it must be done under that condition. And I It is impossible to make such a thing happen to Bucky.”

“I think in order to guard against the unexpected, you’d better make some special preparations. For example, you can ask a Professor Charles’s help. After all, he is the real expert in brain research.”

“I understand what you mean, I will do it.” A little impatiently nodded, but Captain still accepts Tony’s statement. Seeing his reaction, Tony immediately sat upright and said to Captain.

“Okay, that’s all I mean. If you have no problems, I think our conversation can be over here. If you need it, I can let you Send it back.”

“No, thank you for your kindness. Myself can go back.”

Thanks to Tony’s kindness, Captain got up and left White House. Watching the silhouette of Captain leaving, Tony was sighed, and then pressed a button on the desk.

“Get Cordier ready, I need to go out.”

“Yes, sir. I will let me know. In addition, you need to be accompanied by security personnel Is it?”

“No, it’s okay to have Cordier with me. Tell other people that they don’t make any unnecessary actions, just as if I’m still working in the White House.”

“Okay, sir. Cordier is ready, you can go anytime!”

Ending the conversation, Tony got directly into the secretly dispatched car. Anyone aware of the situation came down to a large laboratory under the name of White House. This large laboratory was originally at first, Pierce prepared for Tesla Court Academecian, but now, it can be regarded as the original owner, Tony put him in the hands of Tesla Court Academecian, Of course, it is not just him, but also Bruce and Reed Court Academecian, who just joined in, are also doing their own work in this laboratory. And their work currently has only one content, and that is the reuse of sentinel robots.

No one can deny that the sentry robot is an epoch-making invention. It can be said that as long as it can be used on the right path, it can even promote the leap forward of the entire era. However, there is a certain prerequisite, that is, this thing must never fall into the hands of people who have other plans. If this thing falls into the hands of a guy like Hydra, then war and destruction are the only results it can achieve.

This is obviously unacceptable to Tony. He spent so much effort whitewashing the Tuslak Court Academecian and returning it to the laboratory, but it was not for him to continue to produce this Kind of potentially threatening things. He needs a sentinel robot, but it must be completely harmless, impossible to be controlled by an existence like Hydra. Therefore, he arranged Bruce and Reid here, in order to find a way to change everything, by means of technology.

Of course, his hard work is indispensable for this. After all, as the inventor of Peak, such a thing would not work without him.

As soon as he entered the laboratory, Tony saw Bruce and the others busy. At this time, they did not at all produce any new sentry machines, because for this technology, the sentry machines have reached the limit that they can develop, and even if it is progress, it is extremely limited. Therefore, in order to get the results Tony wants, they must break through from another aspect, and in this aspect, they agree that the direction is the core system.

Because there are examples of artificial intelligence Jarvis, both Tony and Bruce believe that if there is an intelligent system that can judge, correct and manage itself, a completely self, autonomous, and even self-renewing To take over the entire sentry system, the sentry robot can be completely cut off from being controlled by others.

As long as the basic guidelines are set for this intelligent system, then it can replace the dangerous occupations of humans with endless sentinel robots walking down the production line, thereby maintaining the stability of the entire world And harmony. All crimes will be stopped in the hands of these machines, and even they can become pioneers against evil organizations like Hydra.

Of course, everything has a premise that the system can be successfully developed. For this problem, Tony is not at all too worried.

“Buddy, how is the progress today? Is there any good news to tell me?”

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