The car drove into the old manor, and there were waiters waiting there early, and opened the car door respectfully, guiding the distinguished guests in the car to the already laid velvet red carpet , Step into the hall of this banquet.

When Zhou Yi walked into the banquet hall with Clarice, even the music in the hall stopped. The beauty of Clarice has the magic that makes people stop breathing. Watching the guests in the banquet hall have stopped moving. Watching here, Clarice tightly clasped Zhou Yi’s arm tightly.

“Don’t worry, Clarice. You are the brightest star at the banquet. Look, their eyes are full of envy and jealousy. You should be proud of it!” Patting the back of Clarice’s hand, Zhou Yi held her to the host of this banquet, Alfred. In front of Asifford.

“long time no see, Mr. Asifford. I am honored to accept your invitation!”

Alfred is a blond man full of feminine aura. His face is exquisite, not inferior to many women. Some long and narrow eyes make him always look like a shady bird. Such people are often much more difficult to deal with than those with crude temperaments. Especially when he also has the status of aristocrat.

Alfred saw Zhou Yi, his narrow blue eyes lit up, and he immediately greeted him. Graciously held Zhou Yi’s right hand.

“long time no see, my dear friend. I heard that you have come to Paris, and I have been looking forward to your appreciation. It would be great to see your health and well-being again. “

“Where? You are too polite.” Zhou Yi shook his hand politely, and took out the own right hand calmly. It feels really bad to let a man hold his own hand all the time.

At this time, Alfred seemed to notice the female companion next to Zhou Yi, lowered his head a little, and asked politely: “I haven’t asked for advice yet, this beautiful Young Lady Is it?”

“This is my younger sister, Clarice. Ferguson. It is the first time she followed me to such a banquet.” Zhou Yi introduced Clarice, which is the rule in formal occasions. The identity of the female partner is also very important, not who can bring it to such a banquet. Unless that man is so prominent that he ignores this rule.

“It’s nice to meet you, Miss Ferguson. Your beauty can overshadow all the stardust.” Holding Clarice’s fingertips politely, lightly kissed the back of her hand. Alfred’s performance is full of United Kingdom gentleman style, polite but not nasty.

But Clarice still has a cold face. She is not very used to these etiquette things. Withdrawing his own hand quickly, Clarice said coldly.

“Your reputation, Mr. Alfred. You have to welcome the guests, so we won’t bother you.”

“Then let’s leave first, Mr. Zhou Yi . I hope I can have a deeper exchange with you later.” Alfred said apologetically, as the host of this banquet, he has a lot of responsibility.

“Of course!” Clearly nodded, Zhou Yi took Clarice and left here. With his own younger sister by his side, he has no idea of ​​attracting bees and butterflies, and of course he does not want some mad bees and butterflies to appear in front of own. Clarice is his baby younger sister, he doesn’t want those playboys who are so young to be able to cheat Clarice’s feelings.

So he chose a relatively corner place and took Clarice to sit down. By the way, he used oneself’s tall body to block the gaze that all around had been prying at Clarice.

If it was before, he might also be one of those playboys who kept wandering around here. But now, he is a good big brother at all means to protect the younger sister. That is, at this time, he finally realized the feelings of those fathers who came to this kind of banquet with their daughters who had just come out of the cabinet. Sometimes, I really wished that oneself could take out a double-barreled large-caliber shotgun at any time on his body, so that he could not The little bastards who knew where they came from were all smashed.

Although Zhou Yi used various means to disperse a lot of act recklessly, there are always waves of people in the world who are not afraid of death. Especially with Clarice at the side, this group of people is more excited than taking the drug, and they always appear in front of Clarice one by one pretending to be in front of Clarice, wanting to use their own charm to gain favor from the beauties.

Clarice has been watching these strange male creatures with a zoo-view mentality. In her opinion, these guys are as strange as the gorillas in the zoo. Their pretentious performance and behavior have absolutely no other effect except to add a little capital to Clarice to talk and laugh with Zhou Yi.

However, this group of playboys couldn’t hold back their self-feeling good. They rushed to Clarice one by one, using various kinds of emphasis to promote oneself. In the end, even Clarice couldn’t stand the endless harassment.

“Big brother, did you invite such boring guys to the banquet?” After Clarice coldly rejected a slick French youth, he began to complain to his own big brother.

Zhou Yi really can’t say anything about this issue. Because in many cases, he also plays such a role, but he thinks that oneself is much better than these guys, at least it will not cause disgust from women.

“Don’t you have any way? I really can’t stand it anymore.” Clarice complained, Zhou Yi’s silence was not the result she wanted.

“Let me think about it, you have to know that this kind of entertainment has always been not pleasant to people.” After patrolling the crowd for a while, Zhou Yi found oneself wanting The goal. “Come with me, Clarice. I think a physics class is better than dealing with these fools.”

“In this case, I would rather be taking Ororo’s physics class.” Jiao Qiao Glancing at the oneself big brother, Clarice reached into his arm. Then follow his own big brother step by step towards an unremarkable gentleman in the banquet.

“long time no see, Mr. Richards!” Zhou Yi’s object was a gentleman who looked a little boring. His appearance was unremarkable, but his eyes were exceptionally bright. Show that this is a guy who is good enough. For Zhou Yi, who knows the details of this gentleman, he is indeed a not easy guy.

Reid. Charlize, graduated from the United States State of New York University and received multiple PhDs. The research in physics can be said to be the Peak level of the world, especially the research on cosmic rays is ahead of everyone.

Unfortunately, this is a staid guy. He is more willing to study those magical but useless cosmic rays, and he does not want to transform own technology into products that can stimulate consumption. Therefore, in the eyes of many investors, this guy is not welcome.

“Are you?” As a researcher, Reid. Charlize obviously not at all left in the own memo the information about the world’s top investors. So he could only ask a little awkwardly. “Sorry, have you been a bit too confused recently?”

“Reid, you are a bit too forgetful. This is the famous Mr. Zhou Yi, the largest investment in scientific research institutions in the United States One of the people.” Another gentleman came to Reid, taunted with harboring malicious intentions. But when he faced Zhou Yi, he immediately put on a gentle face.

“Hello, Mr. Zhou. I’m Victor. Von. Dum, director of Dum’s board member. It’s a great honor to be here for the first time!”

Looking at this guy who extended his right hand to oneself, Zhou Yi held his hand while looking at his appearance. The neat and tidy golden hair was combed, and there were a few scars on his face that looked a little tough. His eyes are a bit sharp, and he even looks intently when he looks at people. This kind of person generally belongs to the type who swears not to give up until the goal is reached. And this type is precisely the most troublesome one.

“Dum Company, I have heard of it. It is a promising company!” After a little compliment, Zhou Yi didn’t say more. After all, a Dum company has nothing to do with the worst. There are too many companies in America that rely on Wall Street’s Vampire to support the foundation. It is the kind of Little Brat that cannot withstand any setbacks. Perhaps an economic turmoil may make it disappeared. So for this thing, Zhou Yi generally does not waste time to remember.

“Mr. Richards, I am very interested in your last research paper on cosmic rays. Do you have any more specific ideas?” Compared to Victor’s Dum Enterprise, Zhou Yi focused more on this talented professor of physics. The content of his research is very useful to Zhou Yi.

When he asked a topic like this, anyone who knew him knew that he had already invested in it. As a financial tycoon, the funds in his hand are enough to make any research labs and companies that need funding jealous. Perhaps a single investment can enable a studio to complete several cycles of research carefree. Such heroic methods are completely incomparable to those of Wall Street Vampire.

But not everyone can let him say this, but Reid. Richards has exactly this ability that’s all.

“Are you talking about the question about solar periodic quantum storms?” Reid thought for a while, shook the head. “Sorry, sir. The research is still in the theoretical stage. I have just negotiated a contract with the United States Space Agency. If we want to have further experiments, it may take some time to collect data.”

This kind of words actually revealed only one meaning, not accepting Zhou Yi’s investment for the time being. This kind of ignorance made Victor’s jealous eyes a little red when he was watching.

“Really, that’s a shame.” shook the head, Zhou Yi showed obvious disappointment. “Seriously, I really hope to see some research results on cosmic storms, but since Mr. Reed said so, I will wait for a while.”

“Excuse me , Can you? Mr. Zhou Yi!” Victor on one side couldn’t help but cut his mouth. “If you are interested in investing, you might as well take a look at our Dum Enterprise research project? I believe we will not let you down.”

“Oh! Let’s hear it!” Investment, Zhou Yi, who has a large amount of money in his hand, behaves rather indifferently, as long as he is rewarded with value, there is no problem at all.

“Of course, our project is like this.” Looking at Zhou Yi nodded, Victor said seriously and slightly fanatically. Being able to get Zhou Yi’s investment is a huge boost to his company’s development, and this temptation can’t help but not work hard.

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