Sun God Marvel

Chapter 771

The omnic equivalent to Ultron’s Avatar, and Ultron can face Tony’s special presence. So there is no need to go through any steps and no one’s consent. He appeared directly in front of Tony.

“Father, my omnic just got a piece of information. I think you need to understand this information.”

“Must is now?” Starting his head, Tony looked towards the big light group in front of oneself a little strangely. But seeing that Ultron did not give any response, he immediately said with a smile to himself. “Okay, okay. Just now, what do you need me to know about.”

“father. I have a copy of Matt Pu, a former CIA agent who is now wanted by SHIELD. Mr. Rice’s self-statement. In his statement, he expressed a concern. And, he also mentioned a special mission content. About Mr. Howard Stark and Maria Collins Carbone Stark The truth about the lady’s assassination.”

Ultron’s plain words immediately detonated a bomb in Tony’s mind. And this bomb made him suddenly shrink, his face flushed, and even his hair was yelling.

“What did you say? You tell me again.”

“The Matt Prest worker’s report mentioned about Mr. Howard Stark and Mary The truth about the assassination of Ms. A. Collins Cabone Stark, I think this is something you need to know, father.”

Ultron repeated it obediently, but Tony heard it again. It was like going mad, and hit the cup beside oneself with a punch. The sharp shards cut through his palm, and blood flowed out like a fountain. But he was indifferent to it, and asked Ultron word by word.

“Tell me, where is that agent?”

“Father, you are bleeding. According to my test, you now need preliminary medical assistance, so… ..”

“Don’t worry about any medical assistance, tell me, where is the agent? Also, where did the news come from.”

Roaring like an angry lion, Tony’s mood is obviously extremely unstable now. Regarding this, Ultron silently notified the doctor stationed in the White House, while speaking to Tony.

“The news about Mr. Matt Price is currently uncertain. But based on the information I collected from the omnic, it can be roughly judged that this gentleman has been controlled by SHIELD. In addition, the source of the news is a video provided by this gentleman. Would you like to see it? Father!”

Tony, who had never been in contact with the truth about the death of oneself’s parents, trembled at this moment. , He moaned his own lips, gritted his teeth, and said to him from his dry throat.

“Let me see it, Ultron. I want to know the truth, I must know the truth.”

Ultron has never disobeyed Tony’s orders. Naturally impossible at this time Contrary to his meaning, so soon, an image of a man appeared in front of Tony, Matt Price’s report.

“I’m Matt Price, a former CIA agent and now working for SHIELD. I found a special mission profile when I was in Siberia during a mission to assault the Hydra base. The information is shown in 1991 In 1999, Hydra executed a special mission. The codename of the mission was sanctions recovery. The content was to assassinate the father of the current president of United States, the original SHIELD founder Howard Stark and his wife, and get something from them.”

Hearing this, Tony clenched his fists immediately. He directly pressed hard and directly on the wound he had just cut, causing him great pain. But this pain was totally incomparable to the pain in his heart. The pain made him ignore all this and stared at the image in front of oneself silently, like a wounded and desperate lone wolf.

Matt’s report continues.

“On the day we obtained this information, it was confiscated by the officer in charge of leading the team. Then, I was taken into the interrogation room by Agent Coulson of SHIELD, and I also got this The news that the officer was killed. They told me that it was because the officer was a Hydra rape, but I don’t believe it, because I know the officer, he is just a pure soldier. But I’m in a situation where I don’t believe it.”

“Finally, Agent Coulson gave me a password. I thought this was the end of everything, but I found out that it was just the beginning. Because I found Assassin on SHIELD’s Helicarrier. Yes, the killer who assassinated the old Mr. Stark is now on SHIELD.”

The statement finally reached the most critical part, and this made Tony immediately hold his breath, and even the heartbeat started. Stopped beating. He desperately wanted to know the answer, and Matt quickly gave him the answer.

“Lieutenant Barnes, Lieutenant Barnes next to Captain America. He is the murderer who killed the old Mr. Stark and his wife. And he is now appearing in the Avengers in an upright manner, as a Superhero Identity. I don’t know what happened in the middle, nor what kind of connection they have. I only know, but everyone who holds this evidence in their hands has been purged. It comes from SHIELD. So. I think this matter must be inseparable from the senior management of SHIELD. As far as I know, the senior management of SHIELD desperately conceal all this, concealing Lieutenant Barnes’s past.”

The old Mr. Stark’s past identity, and also the present action between SHIELD high-level executives. I have to wonder who the initiator of the mission is and whether it has an inevitable connection with the top few of SHIELD.”

“I don’t know if my guess is correct, but I know that once my guess is true, then it will be a disaster for this World. So, no matter who you are, do you believe me. at this Time, please disseminate this information to the White House. For justice and for humanity. Please, this is my last request.”

The image has become a piece here. Blank, but for Tony, its aftermath is still surging in the owner’s heart, causing the general shock of mountain cry out and sea howl. At this time, until his office was knocked, he completely recovered.

“Come in.” From his throat, there was a dry voice that even oneself could not believe, as Tony said to the people outside. And soon, a female doctor in a white coat opened the door and walked in.

The doctor first glanced at a messy tabletop, then noticed the wound on Tony’s hand. This made her cry out in surprise immediately.

“My God, Mr. President, your hands need to be bandaged immediately. Otherwise it will have a serious impact on your future life.”

“I see, trouble you Now. You are…” Sitting weakly on the chair behind oneself, Tony showed an unprecedented weakness.

And seeing the famous heroic president unexpectedly revealed this appearance, this very delicate female doctor immediately showed a distressed expression.

“I’m Maria, Maria Deborah, your newly appointed Chief Medical Officer. Mr. President, your hands need to be bandaged, and also your face is not very good. Can you tell How do you feel now? Headache, heart palpitations or shortness of breath? Maybe you need to take a break now.”

“No, Maria. Please trouble you!” Stretched out oneself’s injured hand , Tony closed his eyes. Seeing his performance, the doctor closed his mouth wisely, then took out the tools from the medical bag that oneself carried with him, and helped Tony bandage the wound.

Soon, she gave Tony the medicine and bandaged the wound. And looking at Tony, with his eyes still closed, without any response. She sighed cleaned up the mess on the table for him, and poured him a cup of hot water. Then he walked out quietly.

Tony opened his eyes when the door rang. At this moment, his eyes are already full of cold and blade-sharp radiance, and even if you look closely, you can still see a little madness in his eyes.

His heart is restless, but his surface is calm like a lake. The diametrically opposite appearance and inside filled him with a terrifying explosiveness. As long as he burst out the things in his heart, it would produce unimaginable destructive power. But he is sober and knows how oneself’s change drives this power in his heart.

So he didn’t do anything stupid, but asked into the air in front of oneself.

“Ultron, are you still here?”

“Yes, father. I am here!”

All of a sudden, Ultron’s yellow radiance reappears In front of Tony’s eyes. Facing Ultron who reappears, Tony said to him immediately.

“I need your help, Ultron. Help me control SHIELD!”

“Father, this requirement is somewhat beyond my code of conduct. According to my settings, I don’t You should interfere with the operation of important human institutions casually. Moreover, according to my judgment, you are now in a state where emotions cannot be controlled by yourself. In this case, the probability that you will make wrong actions exceeds 70%, so , Please reconsider.”

Ultron calmly refused. Even as he once said, he just respects Tony, but it doesn’t mean that he will obey Tony’s orders. He has own thinking, own thinking, it will only act according to own judgment.

And his reaction was not at all unexpected to Tony, so immediately, he said to Ultron.

“Listen, Ultron. I want to find the murderer who killed my parents. Is that wrong?”

“No, father. Find the murderer and bring him to justice Yufa is the most correct choice. Your judgment is not wrong.”

“Then, in order to prevent SHIELD people from protecting the murderer, in order to ensure that the murderer has nowhere to escape. I use your power to control SHIELD, is it wrong?”

“No, father. Any action against the law is wrong. If the organization becomes an obstacle to the implementation of the law, then there is every reason to control the operation of the organization .It’s just that there is still a little conflict in logic, father.”

Tony pressed harder and harder, and Ultron answered obediently and honestly. His answer was exactly what Tony wanted, and after he answered like that, Tony immediately pursued.

“Leave aside the law, as a child, revenge for the own parents, is this kind of thing ethically wrong?”

“No in theory, as long as you follow The legal procedure comes.”

“So now I am following this procedure. Ultron, tell me what your answer is?”

“Father, the omnipotent is on standby! “

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