Sun God Marvel

Chapter 778

Charles’s commentary is really bluffing. Even if the monster was still alive more than five thousand years ago, he still thought about ruling the world and so on. No matter how he thought about it, it was a bit too ridiculous.

Be aware that today is different, especially in the development of mankind. More than 5,000 years ago, humans just learned to smelt metals, but now humans are already able to launch spacecraft into the sky. Human beings 5,000 years ago gathered tens of thousands of people to fight each other, fearing that it would take day and night to get a conclusion, but now human beings can wipe out more than tens of thousands of people as long as they have the heart, a finger, and a button.

The disparity of the times is too great, and the factors of weapons and equipment are also too far apart. So it’s really hard to imagine how such an arrogant would be jealous of Charles also Magneto.

But think about it carefully, although such a guy is unlikely to do such a thing as dominating the world, but with his strong power that even the leader of Mutant can admire, it is enough to stir the world. . After all, the power of Mutant is unreasonable. In this World if not there is such an incredible existence as God, I am afraid that Mutant is really going to come out first.

So just a moment of thought, Captain said to Charles.

“Do you need our help? If necessary, we will pass now.”

This is to provide help, but also to seek asylum. Faced with such words, Charles immediately said slightly.

“It would be great if you are willing to help. We will be waiting for you in Steel City.”

Get the answer oneself wants, Captain is naturally delighted and inexplicable . Hanging up the communication, saying hello, all the Avengers immediately boarded the plane, left Japan at the fastest speed, and returned to the United States. And shortly after they left, a team of special agents smashed open the door with the omnic and rushed into this secret base.

Of course, the bases that have already gone to the empty building naturally made them emptied. And this also caused the leading agent to curse bitterly, and then reported the situation.

“Sir, we are late. They took a step earlier.”

“Trash! This can’t be done well.” The unceremonious reprimand came from my ears. It came, but the agent did not dare to have any grievances. He knows what a violent and terrible temper the new boss of own is, and if he rashly provokes him, there is absolutely no good fruit for own. So it is better to be trained obediently and honestly.

Maybe his tortoise attitude makes the boss feel uncomfortable, maybe it is not helpful to scold him. After two more reprimands, he chose to give up. Then directly ordered.

” Seal up this base and inform the idiots in Japan to always pay attention to the things here, and don’t let others get a sudden thrust. Also, keep looking for me until you find them, Understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

With a sigh of relief, the agent hung up the communication and got busy as ordered. But when he was busy, on the other side of the ocean, Mutant’s two leaders set a chess game and played against each other.

Chess is the hobby shared by the two, and it is also their preferred method of communication. It’s just that this time, they are a little absent-minded, but put all their energy on the enemy they are about to deal with.

“Charles, this time it was a fool for you to pull those people in.”

“That’s not necessarily true, don’t forget, your children are all inside, they But the rare high-level Mutant is very important to our time mission.”

Hearing this, Magneto couldn’t help being frowned immediately. Then he showed a kind of unbearable.

It’s strange to say that until now, Magneto are both cold blooded and emotionless guys. For the sake of ideals, let alone children, even if oneself is sacrificed, there is nothing at worst. But now that Mutant’s situation is gradually calming down, he is getting more and more soft with age.

Especially for this pair of children who have never fulfilled any responsibilities, there is a bit more guilt and worry. In a situation like this, he really doesn’t really want Wanda also Pietro to be involved.

As an old friend, Charles naturally saw what Magneto was thinking. He sighed and dropped a chess piece.

“Erik, don’t think too much. This kind of thing can only be overcome by our work with a common purpose, so Wanda can’t get away. I don’t think you want one day. That guy finds Wanda and the others, and then turns them into own subordinates, or swallows their bodies directly.”

Hearing this, Magneto’s brows twitched, and then he suddenly became a little bit more The color of violence.

“If he dares to take action against Wanda, I must break his body into pieces.”

“The idea is good, but you should also know that this is an impossible thing. We have already fought each other. I believe you also know that with the two of us alone, it’s not his opponent at all.”

“A good student you taught.” At this point, Magneto immediately turned his face. Convulsions, becoming more gloomy. “It’s okay for that woman to be obsessed with the own man, even the successor you consider to rely on has betrayed you. Seriously, Charles, this time you disappoint me.”

Magneto’s criticism Ruthless, so that Charles held the chess piece in oneself’s hand for a long time, and the bitterness on his face became an insoluble mass.

“I didn’t expect that people’s hearts would become so fast. Let’s forget about Jean. After all, from the very beginning, I’m sorry for her. But Scott, I really didn’t expect that Scott would choose to betray us. , Stand on that guy’s side. Fortunately, there is only one Scott.”

Although he was a little angry at Scott’s choice, Charles was also a little bit lucky.

Today is different. Today’s Mutant forces are not what he used to be in school. Only a few Teachers came out to support the scene. The new generation of Mutant grew so fast that he completely exceeded his imagination. Especially those Mutants who hold important positions in Huiyao City are capable enough to make the older generation blushed with shame.

Of course, the ability is only one aspect, the most important thing is the mind. Under the temptation of Eun Sabah Nur, these youngsters almost all firmed their own position and expressed disdain for him. This is what makes Charles most gratified.

“It shouldn’t be just a Scott now.” Interrupting Charles’ gratification coldly, Magneto calmly analyzed. “That guy has very powerful mental abilities. Although he can’t arbitrarily enter other people’s thoughts and control them like you. But given him time, he can always find oneself’s favorite goal, and then use his own mind to change them with unnoticeable influence I have received the news, it seems that several guys have been bewitched by him.”

“For example?”

“The madman Victor chose him. And also some guys who never listen to our suggestions.”

This is one of the reasons why Magneto complexion is gloomy. Not only the students of Charles, but even his own subordinates could not accept the temptation and chose to betray them. If Scott made the stupidest choice just because of a relationship problem, then these people really have a brain problem to make such a decision.

Behind them, there is a real God standing, a monster who can Exterminating All Living Things with their hands raised. With such a backing, I just want to hug the thigh of a mummy thousands of years ago. Even a pig is not so stupid.

Magneto, who was completely desperate for some people’s brains, could only sulk in secret. And seeing the oneself old friend showing this appearance, Charles smiled slightly, dropped the own chess piece, and then urged him to move.

The two of you faint with one step, and I blunder one step. Soon the chessboard was messed up, but fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise it must be the sadness of the idol’s broken heart. And in the process of passing time like this, they soon welcomed their own guests, the arrival of those avengers.

“Captain Rogers, thank you for helping out at this time.”

As Charles, who has a lot of friendship with Captain, he took the lead in greeting him. Even Magneto, the Old Guy, showed kindness towards Captain slightly.

In any case, Captain has struggled for Mutant. For such a soldier who is dedicated to others, even a person like him is rarely admired. So naturally, the attitude towards him is quite different.

“Me too, professor. Helping you is also helping us oneself. Our current predicament can only take shelter from your Mutant.”

For the situation of own, Captain is blunt. . After all, this is not a secret, it is good for everyone to make everything clear. As for the meaning in his words, the professor just nodded and replied.

“Of course, of course. You can rest assured with us, I don’t think who will have the courage to come here to find you.”

This is no different from a guarantee , And this naturally made Captain’s face an obvious joy. However, he restrained himself very well, and quickly converged these colors. And then, he asked Charles.

“Then professor, do you have any specific information about this ancient Egyptian Mutant of En Sabah Noor?”

know yourself and know your enemy, before you can fight every battle without defeat. Now that he has decided to help Mutant, Captain will naturally not be like a headless fly, directly fighting the enemy. He must figure out the enemy’s ability, and only in this way can he be sure to make a plan to defeat the opponent.

Faced with such an inquiry, Charles and Magneto looked at each other, then cleared their throats and said.

“First of all, what I need to tell you is that you are not the only one you have to deal with. Some Mutants cannot stand his temptation and have chosen to defect to his side. In other words, there may also be some difficult Mutants among our opponents.”

“Of course, the most difficult one is definitely this guy. You would never imagine how powerful this guy is. .”

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