Sun God Marvel

Chapter 784

The Skyhammer Bureau also Mutant had just acted, and even before they acted. Apocalypse already had a hunch.

This is an ability derived from a Mutant who can sense the danger encountered by oneself, and under this ability, Apocalypse has escaped many accidents. If he wasn’t dazzled by a huge surprise more than five thousand years ago, the Egyptian pharaoh might not have the ability and luck to seal him up.

Now, history will not repeat itself, and Apocalypse will not be fooled for the second time. Therefore, when this dangerous feeling came, he immediately summoned oneself’s men who had just summoned, and said to them.

“Scott, Victor. I need you to find more and better fighters for me. I already feel that those who are ready to conquer me are starting to move.”

Hearing Apocalypse’s orders, Scott’s decadent and gloomy face immediately showed an obvious embarrassment expression.

“My lord, in this world, there don’t seem to be many people willing to cooperate with us. Unless it is, you are willing to cooperate with the people from Hydra who contacted us last time.”

“Heh! Are you talking about those guys?” Apocalypse’s face suddenly showed a mocking expression. “But it’s just a group of Low Level slaves. What qualifications do you have to cooperate with My En Sabah Nur. You must remember that we are Mutant, the most noble and powerful race. We as it should be by rights. Above all human beings. So humans, Low Level creatures, simply don’t need to be in your eyes.”

“Yes, sir. You are right!” Scott lowered his head and agreed, but soon he Said to Apocalypse again. “But, that’s the problem, my lord! We can’t find anyone willing to work with us right now.”

“Don’t be too impatient!” The eyes began to emit a bright white light, and Apocalypse looked at it. A glance at the distance across the sea. Then he pointed there and said to Scott. “I have felt it, there is the existence I want to find. Moreover, he seems to have some connection with you, Scott.”

“Some connection with me?” Hearing this, Scott’s decadent face A little dazed appeared on it. Then he lowered his head and looked at his own hand, said with a bitter smile. “My lord, now I am afraid that even the closest person to me can’t hold me. Not to mention the existence you want to find.”

“That’s not necessarily, take a look first.” Indifferently In reply, Apocalypse’s tone was a little tougher that could not be denied. “If they don’t want to work for me, then I will help him and change his wrong thinking.”

He said without waiting for any response from Scott. He suddenly pulled up a purple mask, leading him and Victor and suddenly disappeared in place. When they appeared, they had already appeared on a highway that crossed the wilderness and stopped a motorcycle directly in the road.

The two people sitting on the motorcycle stopped the car immediately after seeing the light cover that appeared suddenly. Looked towards this unknown thing vigilantly. And when the mask faded and the figure inside was revealed. One of them immediately exclaimed at Scott who appeared in front of oneself.


As soon as this shout was made, a dazed expression appeared on Scott’s face. He looked at the tall man in front of oneself, and asked him somewhat unfathomable mystery.

“father? Are you talking to me?”

From his point of view, the name of this man is a bit weird. Because in any case, he seems to be much older than oneself. And such a guy opens his mouth to father when he sees the owner, which sounds weird.

But besides the weirdness, Scott has a special feeling. That is, he felt that there seemed to be a special connection between oneself and this big man, and this connection led him to subconsciously think that there was nothing wrong with this person calling oneself, as if he should be called that way.

I didn’t answer Scott’s question. The cable who asked this made a suspicious look at him and Apocalypse back and forth a few times. Then he froze on Apocalypse, and showed hostility to him with obvious opinions.

“Apocalypse. Why are you with Apocalypse? What about the professor? What about everyone in the also school?”

“It looks like you know me?” Hearing his words, Feel his hostility. Apocalypse grinned, showing a weird smile. “What should I call you? A child from the future?”

“Do you know who I am?” Hearing his question, the cord immediately felt breathless. Oneself’s biggest secret or dependence was penetrated, which made him immediately feel an instinctive threat.

“I can feel that you do not belong to this World. You should not exist in the present, nor in the past. You are a visitor from the future, and your goal seems to be me, right? “

Hearing Apocalypse, the cable fell silent. He was right, the electric cable shuttled back from the future in order to fight against the guy Apocalypse.

In his future, such a vital event has happened.

Apocalypse woke up from the awakening, he wanted to restore oneself to the rule of Antiquity Era, so he summoned the terrifying Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, gave them great power, let them to the entire world A terrorist attack was launched.

The power of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is very powerful. Human beings simply cannot resist these terrifying monsters. Therefore, relying on violence, Apocalypse has conquered many countries. It even almost destroyed human civilization.

Later, in order to seize Charles’ power of mind control, there was a fierce conflict between him and X-Men. Although the final result was good, the alliance formed by X-Men and the Avengers won the final victory, but that also brought human emotions toward Mutant once again reached a critical point.

Sentinel robot came into being in this situation and became a weapon for humans to deal with Mutant. And that also brought the most terrifying and dangerous fate to the entire Mutant tribe.

The war between the Sentry Robot and Mutant lasted for nearly 20 years, and the Mutant casualties even exceeded 1,000,000. This is an irreparable loss for the entire Mutant group. Even in the end, they defeated the sentry robot and won the tribe’s victory and future. But at that time, they actually had no future at all.

It was in this situation that Dianciao decided to cross over and go back to the past and change this sad future. But he didn’t expect that when he returned from crossing over, history had already undergone unpredictable changes, and it became completely unlike what he remembered.

The sentry robot hasn’t appeared yet, and a new machine life called an omnic has appeared before his eyes. At the same time, New York was hit by a war that had never appeared before, and it was completely turned into rubble. A city I’ve never heard of, a city belonging to Mutant. also The Apocalypse that woke up in advance, and looks not exactly the same as the Apocalypse in the memory.

Is this really the past of his world? He doubted it again. And just when he was silent and thoughtful. Apocalypse had reached out to him and said.

“I can see it, child. You are hostile to me in your heart, but you are also full of doubts. Your doubts come from the era itself, from the error in your memory. You from the future Come, but what you see does not match what you see in the future. This is the source of your doubts now. Then now, I want to ask you. This kind of thing has never happened to you. In the past, you who came for me will insist on your idea of ​​at first and be an enemy of me?”

“Of course!” Although my heart is full of doubts like Apocalypse said, But the cable still resolutely said. “Apocalypse. I know what kind of person you are. If you allow you to do anything wrong, you will destroy everything in this world. Whether it is to humans or to Mutant, you will bring them a huge disaster. So, I You must be stopped. I will never let you bring them everything I see!”

As he said, he drew his weapon and assumed a fighting pose. And seeing him move like this, Deadpool, who was sitting behind him and watching the show, also suddenly pulled out the double knives behind oneself. Playing with the sword, poked his head and patrolled Apocalypse’s body. That kind of expression is like a butcher observing where oneself should cut the knife from the pork in front of oneself. If you don’t look at the weird floral dress on him, then his movements and demeanor are indeed somewhat deterrent. Only now…

The movement of the electric cable made Apocalypse silently tilt the corner of his own mouth. At the same time, his eyes began to show the white light.

“Since you still insist on being an enemy of me, don’t blame me for not showing mercy to you. I am in a hurry now, so knee down for me!”

coldly Snorted, the powerful Psychic Power immediately felt like an electric drill, straight into the brain of the electric cord. Even if Telekines inherited a huge amount of Telekinesis from his mother, when faced with Apocalypse, this power is simply useless.

So, just a moment. The cable hugged owner’s head and knelt directly on the ground. He is desperately resisting Apocalypse’s invasion of his brain, but this resistance is not at all useful. Soon, his exposed right eye turned into a pitch black color. At this time, he can no longer be regarded as him.

Although he is also self-conscious, and can also make logical judgments of himself. But his thoughts are no longer free. At this moment, he is just a servant of Apocalypse, just a walking corpse following his orders.

“Very well, stand up. My Knight! Cable, Nathan Christopher Charles Summers.”

With a cry, the cable is obediently He stood up honestly and walked straight to Apocalypse’s side. At this time, Apocalypse put his gaze on the dead waiter who was dumbfounded, even the knife fell on the ground.

“also you, Deadpool. Wade. Wilson. Would you like to serve me? Or do you want to be like him?”

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