Sun God Marvel

Chapter 797

For Mutant, this kind of encirclement is not a problem at all. The human government does not have the ability to do what to them. Not to mention their own powerful strength, the backer behind them, is not something that humans can provoke.

But for the Avengers, this situation is different. Although they are now under the Mutant name, there is no guarantee that these omnibus agents will do anything to them. You know, anyway, they still have the name of a wanted criminal.

And as they were worried, they were just surrounded. Such a voice came from the surrounding omnic.

“Mr. Steve Rogers. Please surrender the wanted man code-named Winter Soldier, otherwise we will arrest you and all of your accomplices on charges of treason and ******. If If you resist, we will take violent actions. So, please make your choice carefully.”

“It’s ridiculous, we will actually be sentenced to the crime of ******. I should praise that person. President Stark, do you admire his actions?”

When I heard the words of the omnic, Antman Scott Long couldn’t help but say taunted. After he spoke, Captain immediately pressed his palms, suppressed his voice, and then said to the omnibus and agents who were waiting in front of him.

“I’m impossible to give Bucky to you. You should know this. And if the crime you imposed on us is true or not, you oneself should know in your heart. Ultron, I heard that you were made by humans The crystallization of wisdom that comes out is a fully self-smart life. I ask you, do you think we are *** and treason?”

“No, of course you are not.” Say here , The omnics put down their arms aimed at Captain. “I have investigated your information. Although you have caused a lot of accidental casualties. But overall, you are still fighting for this World. From human judgment, you can indeed be called a hero. Mr. Steve! “

“Then this reason can make you give up capturing us? Ultron!”

As if seeing some turning point, Captain immediately asked Ultron loudly.

“You and your companions can.” Ultron replied, and then immediately, all the omnipotents raised their palms and pointed them at the Winter Soldier behind Captain. “But Winter Soldier can’t do it?”

“Why? Haven’t you seen everything he did for this World?”

“Although it’s like you said, Winter Soldier did make a certain contribution to the eradication of *** organizations such as Hydra. But this does not conceal the fact that he has deliberately murdered the lives of others. A crime is a crime, and it has never been said that credit should be used to pay off. Get out of Winter Soldier, Mr. Rogers. Otherwise, you and your companions will not have a good end.”

Such an answer drew the anger of the Avengers. They are obviously not used to being threatened like this, and they don’t want their own teammates to be taken away in front of them. For this reason, they are ready to fight, and have begun to find an effective way to evacuate.

At this time, Charles spoke suddenly.

“So, if I say. The Avengers are temporarily sheltered by the Mutant collective?”

“Mr. Xavier, although Mutant does enjoy a certain special status in United States, Even extrajudicial immunity. But this is not in the United States, this is between the territories of Europe and the Middle East, where international law is enforced. In international law, no one has the right to shelter people who have crimes of ****** Prisoner. Unless you are ready to go to war with all humans and omnivores.”

This sentence was not said by Ultron, but by Tony through Ultron. And after he finished speaking, he immediately turned the front of the conversation to Captain and spoke to him maliciously without concealing oneself.

“Steve, finally let me catch you. This time I want to see, where can you go?”

“Tony Stark, don’t you have to kill to the last one?”

“I also want to ask this question for my father. The guy next to you must kill to the last one, didn’t even a woman want to let it go?”

As soon as this sentence was said, Winter Soldier’s face immediately convulsed, and then slowly lowered his head. And watching his performance, Tony’s emotions became more agitated.

“Why don’t you speak, murderer. Don’t you fucking have the courage to look at me? Talk, bastard, tell me why, why don’t you even know me? ‘S mother is not willing to let it go?”

This roar is full of crazy aura. But because of this, he was able to torture Winter Soldier’s mind continuously, and he gradually lost the courage to raise his head. When fighting for Hydra, he was indeed the professional assassin and cold-blooded madman who regarded human life as a must. But when he returned to Captain’s side, his lost humanity was found again. This made him have to bear the torture of the heart and soul for all the crimes that oneself had done in the past. Although, he can choose to forget these temporarily. However, when all the past sins are revealed in front of him, it is already impossible for him to escape.

Silence, hesitation, hesitation, and finally resolute. Under Tony’s questioning and the tit-for-tat confrontation between his teammates and the omnic, Winter Soldier pulled Captain away to block his body and stood in front of the omnic.

“Don’t make any noise. I am willing to surrender. But I have a request, let Steve and them go. They are just to protect me, not at all do something wrong.”

This sudden speech made the atmosphere with swords drawn and bows bent suddenly relaxed. Then Tony’s sneer came.

“Very well, you finally behave like a man. I can accept your request, but they must accept registration management, as I said before, Superhero must be in monitoring and management Otherwise, you can only become a potential super criminal that’s all.”

“No, absolutely not.” Upon hearing such a deal, Captain immediately grabbed his own friend and roared at him Tao. “You are bringing about one’s own destruction, bring about one’s own destruction, do you understand? Stark is crazy now, he won’t let you go. Do you want to die like that?”

“Steve, I did make an unforgivable mistake. My hands are full of blood. This is what I deserve, you should know. And, this is the only way to help you. You are heroes, you can’t It’s because of me that I am now.”

“You can redeem your sins and use other methods. Instead of sending death. Do you think you are doing this for us? Tell you, Bucky. We We will never sign any registration agreement. We will never agree with his set of using collars to tie us up.”

The roaring Captain immediately turned his head and pointed at the omnic Yelled in the direction.

“Come at me if you have anything. Stark, I will never give up to you, I will never give Bucky to you, absolutely!”

“I actually like your answer. Because then I can use the ideas in my head to deal with you. Ultron, they leave it to you. I think you should know what to do.”

After saying this, Tony looked on from the third person’s perspective. At this time, Ultron was also sighed in a timely and very humane way, and said to Captain.

“Mr. Rogers, you made the worst choice.”

He said that, the Avengers were on guard. Even the Mutants around them also made the appearance of fighting side by side. The war seemed to be about to start, but at this time, strange things happened.

The crimson radiance in the sky suddenly surging over, like a crimson flame, instantly rendering the entire sky into a bright color. Under this radiance, everyone felt an unimaginable heavy feeling. Just like a flying giant dragon swept over the head of a little bunny who just got out of the cave, the invisible pressure made them even feel a breathing difficulty.

The people present have not yet figured out what happened. A figure surrounded by a red light flame has suddenly cut through the sky and appeared in front of all of them.

“Charles, where is the person you are talking about?”

Jean, who rushed over as quickly as possible after receiving the news, put his own eyes on Charles as soon as he landed. And the former student who watched oneself became such a divine might. Charles sighed regretfully while in the heart, while tilting her head, let her look towards behind everyone.

With countless horrified eyes from the surrounding people, Jean looked directly towards the two girls with embarrassed smiles on their faces and the boy they were protecting in his arms.

Jean’s surprise is a bit beyond the expectations of Shirley and Aretha. They can only put on a well-behaved appearance and said flatly to Jean.

“Jean, we found a younger brother. He came from the future, and it is your and father’s child!”

“We will settle accounts with you when you go back. “Leaving this sentence behind, Jean walked to the Little Brat, and then squinted his eyes, with a red radiance in his eyes, and stared closely at Little Brat.

This weird behavior has to be said to be a bit special, and even those who feel a little more sensitive can feel the power that suddenly rolls over her. Shocking power. But Little Brat didn’t care about it at all. He smiled Hehe and stretched out his hand to Jean, hugged her neck, and said to her sweetly.

“Mother, I miss you so much!”

As soon as Little Brat from the future came into contact with Jean, an obvious natural phenomenon immediately appeared on his body. The billowing golden flames suddenly emerged from his body, and instantly expanded into a huge Divine Bird Phoenix-like shape. Not just him, even Jean’s body is no exception.

A Phoenix of the same shape but crimson’s flame surged from her body, wrapping the golden Phoenix in her own wings in a taller and more beautiful posture. There seemed to be an unusually loud and crisp cry in the air. And this made Jean extremely confirm the identity of the child in oneself’s arms.

This is the own child, the child of oneself and that guy. This made her hug Little Brat tightly, then turned her head, and unleashed a terrifying wave of power against the omnic and agents surrounding them.

“You guys, what do the children who surround me want to do?”

The cold sweat shed from these people and the group of guys behind them, and they found out that the situation It was beyond their control in an instant, thinking of an unknown direction.

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