Countless lightning lingers at low altitude, and the sound of thunder is spreading wildly in the air. That is the movement caused by the impact of lightning in the positive and negative electric field in the air, again and again, like a war drum that shook the sky, people’s heartbeat began to tremble involuntarily with its rhythm.

The whole city is caught in this inexplicable shock rhythm. The media has begun to notify all citizens, using extreme thunderstorms as an excuse to persuade all citizens to stay away from the most famous city as soon as possible. area.

Panic and riots have begun to spread among mankind. Those with upper-level identities immediately received the notice from the government, and they had already begun to leave the city long before the situation escalated. Zhou Lan and the others are naturally one of them.

With the power of his partner, the Asifford family, Zhou Yi asked Alfred to take away his own mother and younger sister and protect them before oneself returns. Of course, as a price, the cooperation between him and Alfred must be deeper. Of course, the specific depth can only be determined through negotiation between the two parties.

When Zhou Lan and Clarice were picked up by Alfred himself, they would naturally ask Zhou Yi their whereabouts, because it was not just Zhou Yi, but also Ororo and they lost track. There is no reason for some people not to think too much about this situation. Especially Clarice, who has seen Zhou Yi’s power, has exploded unimaginable interest in what is happening now, but it is a pity that she is destined to not be able to make any waves by Zhou Lan’s side.

At this time, Zhou Yi is already at the most concentrated location of lightning, the discharge terminal of the magnetic storm coil that surrounds the entire city.

That is where Magneto is. At this time, Magneto Erik is suspended in countless thunderbolts with the help of the weak magnetic field of his own organism. The magnetic force surrounds him, making him surrounded by countless lightning. In it. Even because the magnetic force is too concentrated, it has formed a huge attraction to all around the escaping lightning. The lightning was gathered together, and the current gathered in a small space. This caused the voltage here to rise sharply, and countless colliding electrons were deprived of atoms during the impact, and there was obvious plasmaization. These plasmaized electrons form a large amount of liquefied plasma, and the terrifying temperature is enough to make anyone shudder.

If you want to stand here, you need not only courage, but also sufficient strength. What Magneto wants to express is very simple. It wants to challenge him, the leader of Mutant, and negotiate with him on an equal footing. At the very least, you have to appear in front of him. This is the first test. If you can’t do this, you don’t even have the qualifications to negotiate.

Zhou Yi’s super vision made him easily find Magneto’s trace, and the moment he saw Magneto, he also understood the meaning of this Mutant leader. However, if I dare to challenge Magneto, I have some confidence in my heart.

With Rogue, Zhou Yi rushed directly into the middle of countless electric lights. Lightning strikes him, but the Telekinesis shield is strong enough to protect him and Rogue. The electric light directly turned into countless fragments of electric current in the impact, but it could not cause any impact on Zhou Yi and the others.

However, Zhou Yi had to be vigilant when entering the plasma surge area. The highly concentrated plasma brings absolutely terrifying temperature. The temperature of hundreds of thousands even Zhou Yi is not willing to get involved easily.

But this does not mean that Zhou Yi has no other way. It’s like Magneto uses magnetism to form a huge magnetic force field to prevent all current intrusion. Zhou Yi also uses the magical power of oneself talent to resist all the dangers here.

Gravity and magnetism are both the basic mighty forces of the universe. Just like Magneto’s infinite magical use of magnetism, the use of gravity also has various magical magics that are difficult to describe. Although Zhou Yi’s application of gravity is still superficial, only this superficial application is enough to deal with such a situation.

The force field immediately spreads out. All currents began to flow in a certain direction under the action of gravitational force. A completely blank field was instantly formed around Zhou Yi, just like an island in the ocean. This twisted force field makes the current, even The temperature is isolated from the force field. It can’t affect Zhou Yi and Rogue at all.

In front of the two, the violent sea of ​​electric currents completely lost their willfulness and publicity, as if the obedient subjects bowed down in front of the king, leaving only meekness and acknowledge allegiance.

This is just the basic application of force field. If Zhou Yi can expand the force field’s gravity to a certain limit, he can even affect the flow of time. Of course, such existence is impossible on a small Earth. That kind of power can only appear in the bottomless black hole in the universe.

Looking at Zhou Yi step by step, leading Rogue to conquer the sea of ​​thunderbolt and appearing in front of the owner, Magneto’s city government also had to show a surprised expression. The old man sitting cross-legged on a suspended metal seat clapped and praised him.

“You deserve to be the youngster entrusted by Charles and the world-famous Superhero. I agree with your abilities. You are indeed qualified to sit in front of me and talk about challenges. But before that, I need to confirm again, youngster, are you really going to challenge me?”

Zhou Yi took two steps and floated to a height equal to Magneto, and responded.

“I don’t think I need to think anymore. People who are only hesitant in my heart can’t reach the end of own. If you really want to be sure, then I’m happy to tell you, yes! Magneto Erik Mr. Lanchel, I want to challenge you and use Rogue himself and you to sit down and negotiate with me as a bargaining chip. Do you accept it? Mr. Erik?”

Magneto closed his eyes slightly, and after a moment his The eyes immediately opened, and the enthusiasm that was different from his old body was revealed in it. The long-lost flame in his heart has been ignited by Zhou Yi.

“I accepted your challenge, Dawn Knight!” With the help of electromagnetic diffusion, his volume was loud enough to shake the entire city. “With the future of mankind and Mutant as a bet, let us start a duel. If you win, I will give up my plan and talk to the humans in your mouth about their so-called peace. But if I win, then let all The human beings are ready to usher in an era of mutation.”

His voice not only shook the city, but also shook all the humans who heard this. The battle between Mutant and Superhero is still related to the future between the two races. Such an event instantly rose from a city problem to a huge height. Almost all eyes were drawn to this city once famous for its romance.

“Come on, I have this intention.” It is enough to fight against a powerful Mutant like Magneto, which is enough to ignite the fighting intent in Zhou Yi’s heart. A superhero like him is rare. Can meet the kind of opponent who can use full strength. But Magneto is definitely one of the most qualified opponents.

He is ready to fight, but before the fight, he still has to settle the bystanders. Rogue’s life is very important, and Zhou Yi doesn’t have the slightest idea of ​​sacrificing her in his heart. So he motioned to Magneto with his eyes.

The mature Magneto naturally understood what he meant, and he stretched out his hand. At the foot of the Phil Iron Pagoda, several heavy steels split immediately. These steels split into tiny metal particles under his control, and quickly regrouped again to form something like a birdcage. Of course, its volume is definitely much larger than an ordinary bird cage, and there is no pressure to fit a person.

He waved his hand, letting this huge bird cage levitate in front of Rogue, said solemnly.

“Go in, girl. Soon you will have your own destiny, and use your life to lay the first brick for the opening of the new era of Mutant.”

His words are enough to make Rogue a freshman, not many people can be calm in front of Death, let alone she is just a child. However, Zhou Yi’s voice came over, bringing courage back to her heart again.

“Don’t worry, Mary. Soon, I will take you back. This is my agreement with Logan!”

After gritting his teeth, Rogue resolutely stepped into the bird In the cage, the moment she stepped in. The birdcage closed in an instant, and under the control of Magneto, the birdcage was placed far behind the two of them, forming a unique platform for paying attention to the battlefield.

“You can start, youngster. Let me see what you are proud of.” The Mutant leader laughed after doing all of this. He fully demonstrated the demeanor of a top powerhouse, let Dawn Knight makes the first strike.

The victory of the battle is to expand the advantage little by little. Zhou Yi who firmly believes in this point decisively accepted Magneto’s kindness, and turned into a storm and lightning, aroused in this thunderstorm environment. The same shocking roar.

As soon as he took action, he exploded a supersonic attack five times the speed of sound. In an instant, he surpassed all the obstacles in space, and launched an own offensive towards Magneto with a roar that was more shocking than Thunderbolt.

His fist with no difficulty tears through the air barrier, and the combination of speed and power even makes his fist a violent fire, which is the scene of the air being ignited by friction in the rapid. At the same time, there are waves like waves rippling around him. At this speed, even the air itself cannot maintain stability, and a large vacuum area is pulled out, creating such a weird scene.

With such power, Zhou Yi believes that even Magneto will have to suffer. He was very confident, even if it was a building in front of him, even the Phil Iron Pagoda at his feet. He can also blast it to pieces, combining power and speed, it is definitely the most terrifying violence.

However, in front of him is Magneto, the king of magnetism.

A layer of invisible shield appeared around Magneto. The closer to this shield, the more Zhou Yi could feel the repelling power coming from above. But these powers still couldn’t make him hesitate. He didn’t believe that just relying on these Magnetos could stop oneself.

When his body collided with the invisible shield, a huge roar came out. This sound is not only from the air, but also from the underground. The foundation of the entire Phil Iron Pagoda began to sway, and the huge tower and even the surrounding ground began to send out a deep depression.

Zhou Yi’s body was ejected from a distance like a lasing cannonball. The ejection speed was even faster than his at first speed. In just an instant, he was ejected into the cloud a few thousand meters away. Explosive ripples swelled in the sea of ​​clouds, and it looked like countless doughnuts appeared in the air at first glance.

In the middle of the donut, Zhou Yi stared at the distance with amazement. There, Magneto sat there steadily, the shield next to him was not damaged at all. It seemed that he could still feel Zhou Yi’s gaze, and smiled at Zhou Yi from a long distance.

For Zhou Yi, this smile is really dazzling.

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