“What is the situation, report the detailed report immediately!” In the face of the emergency, Nick Fury immediately threw down his two subordinates and returned to the command position.

“Ultra-high energy index appeared near the solar storm, and huge fluctuations in the magnetic field detection device. The temperature in the center of the storm increased greatly. Sir, this situation is very dangerous.” “I can see it!”

Nick .Fury, who was staring at the satellite image, turned pale, before his eyes. The endless golden fluid began to roll like crazy, they entangled with each other, and went desperately towards the hottest Core Zone in the middle. As with own life force. And when these terrifying solar winds were so entangled, a huge and hot fireball was directly formed in Earth’s orbit. The light and heat it spit made humans on the surface of the earth tens of kilometers away clearly Feel. For a while, two suns seemed to appear in the sky.

“What the hell is going on? Did Magneto do it?” Nick Fury asked loudly, but no one could answer him this time. All the technicians were caught by this weird sight. Shocked, this completely counterintuitive state of affairs gave them the idea that they had fed the dog all they had learned.

“Damn!” Nick Fury could only wave his hand fiercely, turning his head and commanding to the own deputy. “Contact Quicksilver, I want to talk to Magneto!”

“Sir! I think you should take a look at this first!” Coulson pointed behind him incredulously, where the satellite imagery was transmitted. Once again there was an unpredictable change.

The huge fireball began to spontaneously collapse toward the center, and countless goldens were gathered at one point, becoming a brilliant light that could not be seen directly with naked eye, and in that light, one The creature of Shenjun stretched out its wings.

Just like the feathers condensed from the most gorgeous red gold, arranged on its body like countless blades, there is an unspeakable majesty just on the surface. The glittering eyes are as dazzling as the shrinking sun. Every time the huge wings are swung, countless solar winds linger around it. Three sharp claws full of power shrank behind them, with golden flames flowing on them.

“What is this…monster?” Nick Fury exclaimed. The sense of majesty and power made him feel oneself as if he was in a myth, looking directly at a mythical Divine Beast . But in the end he still made such a definition. Myths no longer exist, for humans. Everything that cannot be recognized can be named with the word monster.

However, no one answered his question. On the one hand, they didn’t know how to answer. On the other hand, their minds were all attracted by this beautiful and wonderful creature.

The golden Divine Bird is flying in the endless space. It circulates a few times, converging the blazing solar storm into its own within the body, and then suddenly bowed its head and plunged into the vast expanse Earth’s atmosphere. Its speed is incredibly fast, just flowing light flashed, it completely lost track in the satellite surveillance. The speed that was completely inconsistent with its huge stature surprised everyone who watched it.

“Quickly, find it for me. Don’t let this creature stray on Earth.” Nick Fury who reacted loudly ordered, he clearly saw what the Divine Bird was like It swallowed the almost infinite solar storm, if it appeared on Earth, I really don’t know how to stop it. That is a creature that condenses countless solar wind power. When it appears in a place that shouldn’t be there, it brings real destruction and destruction.

And at this time, Commander Hill suddenly opened the mouth and said. “Sir, Paris. I think it should go in the direction of Paris. I think there must be an inevitable connection between it and Dawn Knight. If so, it will definitely fly to Paris.”

“Can you tell me the reason for your judgment, Commander Hill?” Nick Fury asked. He couldn’t put his nervous manpower in one direction based on a little speculation, and he might lose more. So he wants to know the reason for the decision of the own deputy, he needs this reason to convince oneself.

“Intuition, sir. This is my instinct!” To Nick Fury’s gaze, Commander Hill straightened up and replied calmly. But her answer was to make Nick Fury 10,000 unsatisfied.

“Intuition, this is not a battlefield, commander. You must be in order to own intuition.”

“I believe in my intuition, sir. This is the only one at the moment. Direction.” Commander Hill will never stop because of others’ eyes, even if the terrifying eyes are from a cyclops.

Looking at this unusually determined subordinate with one eye, Nick Fury gave the order after all. “Aim all the satellites at Paris. I want to know all the conditions in this city. Also, Commander Hill, you better hope that everything happens according to your instincts, otherwise you can be prepared to put your resignation letter on me On my desk.”

“Yes, sir!” With Commander Hill’s answer without any emotional changes, all the surveillance forces of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division began to shift to the city of Paris .

At this time, in Paris. On top of the Phil Iron Pagoda, Magneto once again encountered a problem. As his cognitive victor, he feels that oneself has the right to take the stakes in this battle, Mutant Rogue. But obviously some people didn’t think so, and a woman stopped in front of him. For this, he can only say patiently.

“Storm, you should know that your side failed in this bet. As losers, can’t you stand aside obediently and honestly and watch me take away what the winner should get Is it?”

Ororo obviously went through a hard fight, with many obvious scars on her body and a little tattered uniform. But being able to stand here shows that she has cleared all obstacles. But she didn’t have any pride at this time, on the contrary. Guilt began to brew in her heart.

She scanned all around desperately, almost turning every corner over. But in the end she didn’t find what oneself was looking for. So she can only dry her throat and make a voice that is completely different from her usual voice.

“What about the others, tell me. Magneto, where did he go?”

“You mean Dawn Knight, I’m very sorry, dear.” Magneto Erik lowered his eyes slightly face. “I’m afraid you can’t find him anymore. He should be buried in the radiance of the sun now. I am afraid that even a so-called remains does not exist.”

“No, no…” Ororo’s spirit reached a level of collapse in an instant. “You are lying, you are deceiving me with lies!”

“Sorry, child! This is a battle that cannot be stopped. I admit he is a great fighter, but this is a fighter’s Fate. Get out of the way, you can’t stop me.” Magneto stood in the void and answered her with a somewhat regretful tone. He gave Dawn Knight a chance, but this chance was not cherished. Then naturally someone has to pay the price, although the price is too high to be acceptable.

“No, easy!” Ororo covered her face, and tears began to flow down her face. By her side, storms, lightning and ice and snow emerged one after another, and that manic gesture fully reflected her psychology at this moment. The sorrow of losing what I love, and the pain that goes deep into my bones.

Magneto sighed, walking towards Rogue silently. He didn’t think oneself was wrong, but he didn’t think Dawn Knight was wrong.

This is a tragic world, and their positions have already doomed their opposition, and in this opposition. Sacrifice is always inevitable. As an old man who has crossed the centuries, he has seen too many such tragedies, and his soul has long since become numb.

His only goal now is to build a perfect world that can contain all Mutants. He believes that such tragedies will not exist in this World. At that time, all sacrifices were acceptable.

Toward Rogue’s direction, he slowly opened his palm. For him, this is the key to the door to New World. And the moment he stretched out his hand, a lightning bolt fell on him.

The winding lightning snake was instantly shattered by the magnetic field, and countless trivial electric lights wandered around, but it no longer made any sense. Following the direction of the electric light, Magneto Erik turned his attention to Ororo’s body.

“Don’t you understand that this is meaningless? You have failed, why do you want to do this. Isn’t it enough to sacrifice?”

His is a howling storm, and denser lightning. Ororo hung in midair, the natural mighty power turned into wind, snow and frost, lightning storms mapped around her, these terrifying powers were now like countless bows and arrows that were wound up, pointing straight at Magneto’s body. Under Ororo’s control, they were like roaring beasts, rushing away in an instant.

The pain has flooded Ororo’s heart, she has only one thought now. Revenge, revenge with the life of Magneto Erik Lanchel. Under this almost crazy concept, her ability began to increase in Infinity to increase the formidable power. The power of these wind, frost and thunderstorms almost plunged the entire Phil Iron Pagoda into an endless natural storm, and even the nearby urban areas began to be affected by this. Covered by terrifying wind, frost, ice and snow.

However, for Magneto, such power is not enough. The power that can’t shake the earth itself can’t touch his body at all. Ororo’s power is strong, but the distance shakes the earth also has a long way.

“Don’t you always learn, stop the price I have to pay!” Magneto’s face became savage, and he was thoroughly irritated by the repeated offenses. “I am fighting for the future of Mutant. For this goal, I have sacrificed everything that can be sacrificed. Why, you guys still have to stand in front of me, don’t you know the purpose of what I did? Are you really not afraid of Death?”

He waved his hands, and countless metal turned into sharp lances rising from the Iron Pagoda. These lances were pierced by the storm with a sharp wind. The surrounding sky didn’t even have time to react quickly, one after another, and finally, like a densely intersected cage, Ororo was controlled in midair.

Even if imprisoned by Magneto, Ororo is still controlling the own power and carrying out unnecessary attacks. She has completely let go of own life and death. In the face of love and life, she has chosen the former.

“I see, Storm. Since you want to die so much, go find the dead Knight. I will do you!” Magneto closed his eyes, and the magnetic storm coils gathered frantically and terribly. Thunderstorms, these terrifying lightnings are all under his control, ready to attack the direction specified by their master at any time.

“Be a part of the sacrifice of the insignificant, Storm. Your love is worthless in front of Mutant’s great cause, go to death.” Countless thunderstorms rushed towards the cage woven by steel lance. . In the face of such a terrifying thunder and lightning, everything is doomed to vanish.


My saved manuscript is almost ready, now it is normal update. Usually two chapters a day, special circumstances are explained.

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