Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 105: Transformer

This is a scenario that Xiao Yu could not imagine. The gravity on a white dwarf is extremely strong, and roughly calculated, it is about tens of millions of times as large as the earth. In such an environment, any human being known to méu can preserve a well-preserved structure. Even the matter that makes up white dwarfs can no longer be viewed from the perspective of ordinary matter.

On white dwarfs, matter can only exist in the form of elements, that is, individual atoms. For example, oxygen, on the earth, exists in the form of oxygen molecules, expressed as 〇2. Above the white dwarf, there is only a single oxygen atom, and no oxygen molecule exists.

Atoms are composed of nuclei and electrons, and there is a large gap between the nuclei and electrons. Comparing an atom to a big theater, the nucleus is only the size of a basketball. The electrons move in this gap u.

But in white dwarf matter, the distance between electrons and atoms is greatly compressed. Under such pressure, the electrons truly become "clouds", and the nucleus is immersed in the electron cloud.

White dwarf matter is supported by the degenerative pressure of electrons in the Pauli exclusion principle. But the electron degenerative pressure has its upper limit, which also determines the upper limit of the mass of white dwarfs. White dwarfs have masses four to four times that of the sun. That electron degenerative pressure will not be able to continue to resist their own gravity. White dwarfs will collapse into neutron stars after the ia-type supernova explodes, relying on neutron degenerative pressure to continue to support their structure.

Extreme celestial bodies such as white dwarfs and neutron stars have some counterintuitive laws. For example, the mass and volume of white dwarfs and neutron stars are inversely proportional. That is, the larger their volume, the smaller their mass. The smaller the volume. It means that their quality is greater.

Simply put, a white dwarf is such an extreme star. With Xiao Yu's current technology, as long as the spacecraft is close to the white dwarf a certain distance, it will be torn by cháo tidal gravity, even if it is the latest type, the spacecraft built with the latest materials will not work, let alone land on the surface of the white dwarf.

Xiao Yu's spacecraft is close to the white dwarf at a certain distance. Under the influence of cháo's gravitational imbalance formed by the gravitational imbalance, Xiao Yu's spacecraft will first be pulled into a strip and hit the white dwarf in a spiral. In this héng. Any molecular structure will be destroyed, and matter will be reduced to the most basic state, which is a single atom. As a result, there is no doubt that it was ruined.

But Xiao Yu saw this unknown existence. Not only did it land on the surface of the white dwarf, but some sort of project was underway.

Xiao Yu received this picture. immediately. Xiao Yu broadcast this picture to the new home and the second base. Let those hundreds of Luca scientists watch together. As a result, hundreds of Luca scientists and Xiao Yu were shocked to stay there.

There was a huge rumbling.

"This, this is not kěnéng! How can there be something on the surface of a white dwarf that can still maintain its molecular structure?"

"Is this a miracle? Oh my god! What advanced civilization is needed to have such ability?"

"Is this civilization a six-level civilization?"

Amidst the loud noise, even a few old Lucas scientists were dazed.

This picture is really terrifying. It is too challenging for the thinking limit of living beings, and even the craziest Lucas scientists dare not imagine such a picture.

In the long silence, Xiao Yu received the message of this unknown existence.

"As you can see, we are transforming this white dwarf." In the message. There seems to be some kind of emotion called pride.

"This, this ..." Xiao Yu's thinking was frozen at this moment.

"There is no need to worry about the strong electromagnetic interference here, you only need to send what you want to say with a radio signal of ordinary strength, and I have the ability to receive your message." The unknown existence said.

"Me, what should I call ... you? And, you, you guys are doing me?"

Xiao Yu's thoughts were trembling, and he sent this passage out.

Xiao Yu heard a hearty laugh: "Introduce yourself, I come from a great civilization. Our civilization needs a white dwarf as an interstellar fortress. After screening 100,000 white dwarfs, we chose this white dwarf as a transformation Goal. I am the person in charge of this project. You can call me a transformer. I have worked here for more than 500,000 years. At present, the transformation of ng has been completed by 65%, and there are hundreds of thousands more. Year ān, my work will be completed. "

"White dwarf ... interstellar fortress?" Xiao Yu gǎào, his brain was about to crash.

"Yes, in order to build a strong interstellar army and protect our civilization, we need a white dwarf star fortress," the reformer replied.

"Then ... you call me, is there something me?"

"You dào, 500,000 years of work is always boring. I also need to find something to entertain. You are the first civilization to come here in these 500,000 years, so I Don't mind giving you small benefits. "

"In 500,000 years, the first?" In shock and excitement, Xiao Yu's thoughts remained clear.


Speed ​​Baidu mighty! Long live your mother! immortal!




▕╭┻┻┻┛┗┻┻┛ ┈╰▏




Professional floor grabbing, take my floor grabbing beast SpongeBob ~

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yu's heart was puzzled, but Xiao Yu only thought secretly in his heart, and méu said it.

"Luca II said that 370,000 years ago, there was a fleet of Tier 4 civilization passing by here, and all the creatures of the civilization had undergone a horrible mutation. Here, it is a Class 2 medium-danger zone. Um ... Also, to be able to make such a miracle, this civilization, at least, is a fifth-level civilization, and no, it is also very much a sixth-level civilization.

Xiao Yu quietly gave a definition to this unknown civilization in his heart.

"You are really a great creature, your civilization is also a great civilization without doubt." Xiao Yu thought in his heart, but sent a message full of worship and admiration to the past.

"Hahaha!" The reformer laughed, "You still have me doubts? You can ask them. But, I will not answer you about specific technology issues. To get benefits from me, you still need to go through Some small tests. "

"You want to pick this white dwarf for me? This white dwarf has a companion star and is rapidly acquiring material from the companion star. Will this violent companion star not affect your work?" Xiao Yu asked doubt.

From Luka II, Xiao Yu dào, the famous sweeper civilization in the galaxy, has a neutron war star. Compared with neutron war stars, it seems that the White Dwarf Fortress is not unacceptable. Previously, Xiao Yu had a completely méu concept of manufacturing neutron war stars, white dwarf fortresses and other big killers. Now that I have an opportunity, I naturally want to ask.

Even if it doesn't involve any specific technology, the concept of only one general direction will greatly benefit Xiao Yu's technology accumulation.

"This question is very good, and it is in line with your status as a third-level civilization." The reformer said, "Then let me test you, you guess it is because of me?"

Xiao Yu thought about it.

"The star ... companion ... Is it energy? This companion is the source of energy for your project?" Xiao Yu gave a guess. But Xiao Yu couldn't believe this guess. Because this is really crazy.

"Smart, you have great potential." The transformer laughed. "We chose this white dwarf, which is very close to the companion star, as the object of the transformation. Naturally, we fancy some fāng. Yes, you guessed it, just for energy . This white dwarf gets about 17 million tons of material from the companion star every second. These materials will be converted into energy in repeated refining. This energy is the energy source of our transformation project. "

Xiao Yu was shocked again.

What a huge skill! This is the real star catcher and moon, playing with the stars in the palm of your hands.

As one of the most extreme types of stars in the universe, the horrible existence of white dwarfs is just the object of this civilization's transformation. Raging stars are just the energy source base of this civilization.

This represents unimaginable technological strength.

"Is this the ability possessed by advanced civilization?" Xiao Yuman was shocked to think, letting go of all his cautions. Because Xiao Yu suddenly found that Caution was really ridiculous.

Xiao Yu's most powerful weapon now is the fourth-level civilization killer from the Luka fleet, the gravity bomb. But is a powerful gravity bomb comparable to the gravity of a white dwarf?

The gravity of white dwarfs can reach tens of millions of times of the earth. Gravity bombs can only be within a cubic meter of range, causing a gravity of up to 10,000 times the Earth's maximum.

These two,, are not a hierarchy at all.

This unknown civilization can accept the gravity of white dwarfs, how can they be afraid of the fourth-level civilization creations?

In the face of this civilization, Xiao Yu has no resistance ability. The transformer can kill Xiao Yu like crushing an ant. As for me scheme, it is even more ridiculous. Elephant, do you need to plot me from ants? Do ants need to be wary of an elephant?

At this moment, Xiao Yu was completely convinced.

"You are really a great being. It is my luck to see such a miracle-like project. I am happy to work for you. Do n’t you give me a test?"

"Well ..." The reformer paused, and seemed to be thinking about me. "With your current scientific and technological strength, méu can really help my fāng. However, I would like to find some reason to give you some benefits. This way Well, in this binary star system, there is a gas giant planet. From there, collect 100 million tons of deuterium for me. "

ps: the third is coming! There is one chapter at nine ten, what about the monthly ticket? What about subscriptions?


Speed ​​Baidu mighty! Long live your mother! immortal!




▕╭┻┻┻┛┗┻┻┛ ┈╰▏




Professional floor grabbing, take my floor grabbing beast SpongeBob ~

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