Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1022: War between the defenders and the rebels!

Xiao Yu does not know where this power comes from, nor does it know the specific attributes or certain characteristics of this power, but Xiao Yu knows that this power is extremely powerful, at least at the same level as the Rebel Alliance. . .

An idea suddenly appeared in Xiao Yu's mind, which suddenly made Xiao Yu's heart shake.

"The spokesman will count, and with the planning of the four eight-level civilizations, he will secretly send you to this rebel universe, which will make it easier for you to become a eight-level civilization, and also use this to attract the eyes of the defenders here. In the rebel universe, this will provoke war between the defenders and the rebels. "

This is the message that music civilization once told Xiao Yu. Then combined with the situation at the moment, the answer has been ready in Xiao Yu's mind.

"Yes, this is where the defenders have come to attack the rebels. I am the defender's pawn. The defenders have been watching me. Wherever I arrive, the defenders see. I have reached the rebel universe. , The defenders have a glimpse of the rebel universe. Then, after thousands of years of preparation, the defenders waged a war against the rebel world at this moment. "

"One masters cause and effect, one masters rules. One is the strongest of the three-dimensional universe, and the other is the founder of the rebel world. They are the most powerful beings beyond the eighth level of civilization. At this moment, they are in me. There was a war in front of him. "Xiao Yu sorted out all these thoughts in the shortest time.

"Perhaps I should leave here, and the war between the two mighty powers may spread to me. At this moment, I am still a negligible existence for both of them." Xiao Yu thought silently. If you think according to ordinary thinking, Xiao Yu should really leave here as soon as possible. The so-called Great God fight. The little ghost suffered, this is really not a place to stay long.

But Xiao Yu didn't want to go. Because Xiao Yu clearly realized a little. That is, whether this war is the ultimate victory of the defenders, or the ultimate victory of the rebels, some of the deepest mysteries will be revealed in the war between the two powerful men. Such as rules. Xiao Yu has never forgotten, this is the twilight city, this is the heart of the entire universe. The universe's rule system starts here.

Xiao Yu suppressed the fear in his heart and stayed here without leaving. Not only did not leave. On the contrary, Xiao Yu took out all his observable power and aimed it at the great building tens of thousands of light years away. Xiao Yu didn't want to give up any details about this war, because Xiao Yu knew that it was even the smallest detail. It may also be crucial to becoming an eight-level civilization.

Xiao Yu watched quietly here. Feeling quietly.

Xiao Yu noticed that the rules in this universe are becoming increasingly unstable. Xiao Yu always believes that rules are the same as order. Even the worst rules are better than no rules. At this moment, the consequences of the unstable rules are slowly showing in this universe. Xiao Yu saw that a star beside him was originally running quietly, but suddenly, accompanied by a regular shock. The star disappeared out of thin air. When it appeared again, it would become only half. The rule shock has passed. Under the rule of restoring calm, the star obviously cannot exist in a half shape, so it exploded and disintegrated, but in the process of this explosion disintegration, another rule oscillated, so It was once again shaped into a weird look ...

This is just something that happened to Xiao Yu by chance. Xiao Yu knew that in the vast universe that he could not see, he didn't know how many things were lingering between the edge of survival and destruction.

There is a legend since ancient times that the continent on the earth was carried by a giant turtle. The turtle moved slightly, and there was a violent earthquake on the continent, and countless creatures died because of the earthquake. Here, Xiao Yu noticed that there is something magical about this legend. One, two, or more rule shocks are trivial for both defenders and rebels. But for this universe, it is an unbearable weight. In this short time, I don't know how many stars in this universe are destroyed, the river system is broken up, and civilization is extinct.

But the war has not really started. From the perspective of Xiao Yu at this moment, in the distance beyond tens of thousands of light years, beside the magnificent and great building that has exhausted all human language, it is unknown when a shadow appeared quietly. This shadow seems to be more than just a simple shadow. It seems to contain many unfamiliar and unknown forces in Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu didn't even know what it was.

This shadow is slowly eroding this great building. Xiao Yu saw that the countless black gems, topaz, sapphires, and rubies dotted next to this great building were disappearing and extinguishing one by one. Every extinguished gem means that a star or a black hole has died. In the war between these two powerful men, stars or black holes are just trivial things. No one would notice their death.

But Xiao Yu is different. Xiao Yu noticed this unobtrusive process and could understand the profound meaning behind the incident. Xiao Yu knows that the rule system that he is struggling to pursue may be playing an unpredictable mysterious force in the process.

As the gems that dot it extinguished one by one, the twilight city became brighter. There is endless mighty power being radiated from it. Under this power, those destroyed black holes, or stars, once again appeared around it from nothing. They are even brighter than before they disappeared. Under the shadow of that layer, they seemed even more radiant.

They disappear because of the erosion of the shadows, because of the attacks from the rule level. But their appearance did not make any sense. No physical system supports their reappearance here, but they reappear in a vacuum.

Xiao Yu knows that this is the force of cause and effect.

"Perhaps this is the most powerful weapon of the Rebel Alliance. The mysterious, the first logical weapon that can produce results without any reason. The rebels have cause and effect. At this moment, the rebels are using cause and effect to defend the Dao Attack by the rules of the player. "Xiao Yu watched all of them intently.

The regular shocks that spread throughout the universe became more intense, and even Xiao Yu was affected. Due to the instability of the rules, Xiao Yu has been unable to obtain any energy from this universe.

Even middle- and low-level civilizations such as the Abyss civilization are aware of the unusual moment. Of course, this unusualness is still only discoverable by scientists at this moment. Countless Heiyuan civilization scientists hurried out of the laboratory, talking loudly and excitedly. Because in the experimental environment they set up, countless things happened that they couldn't understand or imagine. At this moment, they felt that their physical system had collapsed in an instant, and everything that they had previously believed to be truth was destroyed at this moment, with no residue left.

Panic continues to spread, eventually spreading from the group of scientists who have the highest truth to ordinary people, and to all aspects of life. The intelligent creatures of the Heiyuan civilization may pick up a cup, but found that the cup suddenly disappeared. After a while, an unknown object appeared at their feet. Maybe they suddenly floated, or their head suddenly disappeared ... anything weird can happen. Because the rules are no longer stable.

Heiyuan civilization quickly asked Xiao Yu for help. At this moment, they can only rely on Xiao Yu. In their hearts, Xiao Yu is the omnipotent and omniscient god.

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, and did not respond to the cry of the scientists of Heiyuan Civilization, but just gave a command in his mind.

Extremely high-intensity energy can prevent the erosion of the rules and ensure that the rules environment within a certain area is not affected by the outside world. This was discovered by Xiao Yu long ago. Previously, this method isolated the erosion of the rebel universe rules, allowing Xiao Yu to survive in the electronic equipment manufactured by the three-dimensional large universe rule system. At this moment, Xiao Yu can also use this method to ensure himself The security of the Heibuchi one's own side from the shock of rules.

It is no longer possible to obtain any energy from the universe at this moment, it does not matter, Xiao Yu has a lot of energy reserves at this moment. Xiao Yu has been reluctant to split up, and has kept the huge number of warships until now. At this moment, it can finally be used.

Xiao Yu has a faint feeling that after the incident, these battleships that have been left to their own hardship will lose their value. Rather than holding a pile of waste in the future, use it now.

As a result, a large number of warships were demolished, and a large amount of building materials were turned into energy. Under the control of Xiao Yu, a faint pink light ball appeared slowly, covering Xiao Yu and all of Heiyuan civilization.

Outside the light ball is the **** rain, which is the most terrifying rule shock, but inside the light ball, it is calm as usual. At this moment, all the strange phenomena that plagued Heiyuan civilization disappeared.

Xiao Yu, however, was still watching closely the distance, the huge building and its surroundings. (To be continued ...)

ps: Three more is over! It's raining and the weather is cold. Please get a monthly pass to keep warm again!

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