Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1048: Growing up now

"I know that with this seed network that has been destroyed by the rebel camp alone, it is not possible to break the guardian's protection and kill the Underworld, but do n’t worry, when you launch the seed network, I will use my means to Help you ... this is your only chance to get rid of the guardian surveillance, and also your only chance to break away from the identity of a chess piece! Xiao Yu, my lover, don't give up this opportunity ... "

This message is extremely secretive. During the transmission of this message, I don't know how many wonderful reactions occurred. The specific principles of these reactions are not even known to Xiao Yu. Obviously, this is transmitted through the technology specific to the endorser camp. The information contained in this message also made Xiao Yu be shocked. However, at the moment Xiao Yu did not feel the slightest excitement, but was slightly heavy.

Because Xiao Yu thought of something like lightning.

He is always under the watch of the defenders. The spokesperson contacted himself at this time. what does this mean? Does this mean that defenders also know the message these spokespersons pass on to themselves? So does the spokesperson know that what she told Xiao Yu will also be known by the defenders? As the spokesperson of one of the three major nine-level civilizations, there seems to be no reason not to know this. Then, if she knew that the information she had passed to Xiao Yu would be leaked, why did she tell Xiao Yu?

Think about it a bit further. Will the spokesperson expose his location information if he does so? Don't forget, it was precisely because Xiao Yu reached the rebel world that the twilight city of the rebel camp was destroyed by the defenders. Then Chen Mo contacted himself at this moment, would something similar to the rebel camp also happen?

It was precisely because Xiao Yu figured out many things in an instant that Xiao Yu's mood was heavy. Xiao Yu knew that Chen Mo risked the greatest. Even the risk of exposing their own location information is passed on to them. Xiao Yu wanted to get rid of the guardian's surveillance, but Xiao Yu didn't want to put Chen Mo at risk.

But things have happened now, and Chen Mo's sacrifice has been paid. In order not to let Chen Mo's efforts go to waste, Xiao Yu detonated the seed network. It is imperative to kill the Dark Emperor. Moreover, Xiao Yu's movement must be fast, Xiao Yu must attack before the defenders respond to this arrangement.

But ... At this most critical moment, Xiao Yu felt a little confused in his mind.

The seed network has indeed been hit hard by the logical weapons of the rebel camp, although repaired by Xiao Yu's efforts. But it is still far from being restored. It can be said that the seed network at this moment is not complete. However, even if the seed network is not complete, it is also Xiao Yu's most powerful attack method at the moment.

Through precise operations, Xiao Yu can infuse the most powerful power into the position of the Dark Emperor and allow himself to be least affected. Coupled with the help of spokesperson Chen Mo. Killing the Dark Emperor with a single hit really has promise. Just ... Do you really want to do this?

It is undeniable that his identity as a defender's complement plan has brought him many obstacles and brought himself many benefits. Previously Xiao Yu felt disgusted with the identity of this **** because of these constraints. When it was possible to break away from this identity, Xiao Yu hesitated because of the benefits this identity could bring to himself.

If this is done, it means that the defenders will no longer be secretly helping themselves. And will be his most powerful enemy. It also means that in the future, you will need to face everything in this dark universe independently, if you encounter another situation similar to the current situation. Even if they were really killed by the rebel camp, the defenders would not come forward to help themselves.

An inappropriate analogy. When Xiao Yu was a child, Xiao Yu was often dissatisfied with his parents' discipline and many restrictions on himself. As a child, Xiao Yu was extremely eager to leave the family and go out in the society alone. But when that day really came, Xiao Yu was hesitant.

It was Xiao Yu's eighteenth birthday. On that day, Xiao Yu's parents gave Xiao Yu a birthday gift. Also brought a word.

"From today, you are eighteen years old. You are officially an adult, and it is time for you to become independent." The majestic father said slightly sadly at this moment: "From today. You need to move out and live by yourself. You will arrange everything for yourself, you can sleep whenever you want, you can eat whatever you want, you can play whatever you want, we will never interfere in your life again. Because you have grown up, Because you are already an adult. "

Xiao Yu originally thought he would cheer for joy, but at that time Xiao Yu's heart gave birth to a little worry and fear for the future. Already living under the wings of his parents for so long, now, to face all these storms and tribulations independently ... Xiao Yu felt very scared.

Now Xiao Yu, although the situation encountered is different from when he was eighteen years old, the essence is actually the same. Xiao Yu went to the most important crossroads in life. Choosing which direction to go will have the most critical impact on Xiao Yu's future.

"Perhaps it is not necessarily a bad thing to stay in the sight of the defenders. The defenders may not be malicious to me. At least for these millions of years, the defenders have never done anything wrong to me Good thing."

"Perhaps, the completion plan is not necessarily as scary as I thought."



There are too many possibilities, too many possibilities circling in Xiao Yu's mind, there are too many important choices that Xiao Yu needs to make a choice. At this moment, Xiao Yu really discovered that he was hidden deep in his heart and had never been discovered by himself before. His most lethal weakness was.

But also from this moment, Xiao Yu became strong.

Xiao Yu sighed secretly: "I never grew up."

Xiao Yu still sighed secretly: "Then, let me start from this moment and really grow up."

"The wings of my parents, or the attention of the defenders, or the help of the spokesperson to me, are basically the same thing. There are advantages, but there are disadvantages. Things cannot be perfect. When you choose one, you just There is bound to be another loss. But ... I can't live in such an environment forever. Parents will grow old and die, just as the defender may show me vicious fangs someday in the future .Guardian, I don't need you to continue to pay attention to me, nor do I need you to continue to help me. I can handle all of this myself. I am Xiao Yu, I am just Xiao Yu, this matter, no matter Neither the past nor the future has changed. "

"So ... Seed Network, start it." Xiao Yu solemnly issued the order.

Infinite computing power has brought Xiao Yu an extremely scary speed of thinking. The moment after receiving the message from the spokesperson, Xiao Yu thought about many things, but thinking about these things until he reached a conclusion, it took Xiao Yu less than a tenth of a second. In this short time, the defenders have responded.

Xiao Yu observes that the black mist that represents the rules surrounding the Dark Emperor is more intense at this moment, and even has an almost explosive growth. Obviously, the defenders have realized the intention of Xiao Yu and the spokesperson, and have made corresponding measures accordingly.

But this time is too short after all. In this moment, Xiao Yu has made up his mind. The seed network has been officially launched.

The endless space explosion has finally begun. The space explosion at this moment, although much worse than the explosion when the seed network was intact, is still very powerful. Moreover, after Xiao Yu's intentional guidance, this huge energy almost rushed towards the gloomy emperor bound by the defenders.

The black mist representing the rule was fragmented and broken by the violent energy at this moment, and even the infinitely huge claws appeared cracks at this moment. The Dark Emperor is crazy at this moment ~ ~ Struggling and roaring there, it seems to have realized that death is coming.

But this is not enough, it is not enough. The launch of the seed network is enough to cause some damage to the defender or the dark king, but it is far from breaking the shackles of the defender and killing the dark king. At this time, Xiao Yu noticed that the space in which the Dark Emperor and the Guardian were located suddenly produced a strange movement. The three-dimensional space seems to be changed at this moment, and it begins to shrink abruptly so that it becomes an infinitely tiny point. This is a point in a purely mathematical sense. It has no volume, no length, no width, no height, it has nothing, it is just a simple point. After a moment, it started a sudden skyrocketing. It not only has length and width and height, but also has more information. It has the fourth dimension, the fifth, the sixth ...

Its dimensions have grown to ten. After having the tenth dimension, it began to shrink again, became a zero-dimensional point, and then continued to skyrocket ...

This kind of action repeatedly appeared ten million times in a tenth of a second. Xiao Yu knows that this is the most powerful attack from a spokesperson who has mastered the dimension, the dimension attack.

The spokesperson Chen Mo also launched his own attack at the same time after Xiao Yu's shot. (To be continued)

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