Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 112: Alien creature!

Ten million kilometers away from the white dwarf, Xiao Yu looked at the scene with shock.

At this moment, Xiao Yu remembered many things.

Now thinking back to the whole process of the incident, Xiao Yu found a lot of strange things. For example, before the operation started, why the young Luca scientist's warning was ignored, for example, why so many loopholes in the words and deeds of this weird creature were subconsciously ignored.

Not only did they ignore it, but most of the Lucasians also ignored it.

"Is it disturbing again ..." Xiao Yu thought silently, "Should it be the first message I received, I began to be faintly disturbed by it, and then I made many mistakes. Decide. "

"From this point of view, its ability to interfere with thinking is a little worse than the unknown existence that controlled me to leave the solar system at the beginning. That unknown existence controlled me for thousands of years until I wiped out The Moluton civilization was suddenly shocked. This unknown creature can only affect me secretly. "

"But it ’s terrible even if it's hidden. I almost made a big mistake and almost gave 100 million tons of deuterium fuel to it. If it came out of the white dwarf with this 100 million tons of deuterium, I would absolutely There is no hope of survival. But there is a weird place. Such a high-level creature still uses nuclear fusion to become a source of energy? Maybe ... some of its functions are damaged, so it can only use such low-level energy. Xiao Yu guessed.

"How can there be such a terrible creature in the universe? What exactly does it exist? According to Luca II, there are mainly three major camps of science and technology civilization, mechanical civilization, alien beast civilization, and some ghost groups Exotic existence. This weird creature ... should belong to the strange beast civilization. I heard that the strange beast civilization does not develop science and technology, and takes its own evolution as the direction. It can evolve an unreasonable and powerful ability, and can travel in the flesh. The flesh sails beyond the speed of light. "

"This weird creature should be a powerful creature in a strange beast civilization, just don't know its current level." Xiao Yu calculated quickly, "I don't know the Taihao civilization in his mouth, but how many levels is it? Civilization? Are there guardians and sweepers with strong civilizations? "

"Yes, it said before that it was seriously injured by Taihao civilization in a war, so it was trapped on this white dwarf and couldn't get away. Then ... is it possible, this white dwarf is this Taihao civilization detained it ... prison ?! "

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu was shocked.

"With a white dwarf as a prison, what a big deal! What a courage!"

When Xiao Yu thought about it, this strange creature was still running and jumping above the white dwarf, roaring in anger, and the space broadcasts spread one after another in space.

"This time, thanks to the young Luca scientist who reminded me at a critical moment, otherwise I'm afraid I'm dead now. I must reward it well. Alas! I don't know what happened to Luca civilization now!"

Xiao Yu suddenly thought of this problem, and immediately turned his mind to the New Home and Heaven.

Presenting to Xiao Yu is an extremely miserable picture.

In the New Homeland and the Heaven, there were pus and blood all over the place, and they were lying on the ground with unknown Lucas. Only a few Lucas remained awake.

Xiao Yu's heart was so tight that he immediately controlled countless robots and began to get busy.

These robots picked up one Lucca star after another and sent them to the hospital. Inside the hospital, Xiao Yu was manipulating the robot while conducting inspections on tens of thousands of Lukas.

The result of the inspection made Xiao Yu take a breath of air.

"This is really ... a terrible mutation." Xiao Yu sighed.

The Lucas have a body structure similar to that of the Earth. Although the internal organs and organs are not the same, at least, the Lucas are also composed of cells. Xiao Yu saw that a considerable part of the cells that make up the Lukas have mutated into a huge black cell. This cell is extremely powerful and can grow by swallowing the remaining normal cells.

Such huge black cells will also swallow each other. Xiao Yu saw that the largest black cell has grown to the order of one centimeter, which can be clearly seen with the naked eye.

Without interference, these cells are expected to devour the Lukas' body, and then the black cells will swallow each other. Eventually, a Luka will become a single giant black cell. Even such black cells may continue to devour each other. Eventually, the Lukas in the entire spacecraft may merge into a single cell. By that time, Xiao Yu couldn't guess what kind of harm the cells would have.

"This is probably a side effect of manipulating the mind. This weird creature is passing some unknown

At the same time that the method affects the brain, it also mutates the cells of the affected organism, leading to such a result. Fortunately, I don't have a body, otherwise my body should have mutated already. "Xiao Yuman thought fortunately.

Xiao Yu couldn't help thinking of the fourth-tier civilization fleet that passed here 300,000 years ago.

All civilized creatures in that fleet have undergone a terrible mutation. The result is without a doubt all death. According to the current understanding, after the death of those fourth-level civilizations, their bodies will turn into black cells and continue to swallow and swallow each other.

"When they mutate, their fleet must be as horrible as hell." In such a scene, Xiao Yu could feel a tremor from the soul as long as he imagined it.

Faced with this weird black cell, Xiao Yu was helpless and could not find any cure. Xiao Yu had to quickly freeze all the mutated Lukas. Under ultra-low temperatures, the mutation process of their bodies will be suspended, and after Xiao Yu finds a cure, they will be thawed.

Instant ultra-low temperature freezing will not kill a living body, but will cause it to fall into a deep sleep similar to hibernation. Under this state, the body's metabolism will slow down to an almost nothing.

This technology has been studied on the earth, and successful experiments have been performed on animals.

Less than three thousand Lucas are left unmuted. In order to prevent them from mutating, and at the same time, so as not to worry about themselves, Xiao Yu simply frozen them.

After processing everything, Xiao Yu began to think about the next course of action.

"Escape or attack?" Xiao Yu thought silently. "At least, under the circumstance that I already have vigilance, it will not be able to get help from me, that is, it will not be possible from White Dwarf. Escaped from the top, so that the only thing that has lethality is the thinking that affects only one. "

"If I can resist the influence of thinking, then whether it is escape or attack, I have at least been invincible. If such a powerful creature can kill it, I wonder if I can get any benefit?"

"As long as I can resist the thought attack, I cannot fail. As long as I cannot resist the thought attack, what I do will be the end of death! So, the key point is here!"

Xiao Yu came to a conclusion.

Thinking back to the time when he was controlled by this weird creature, Xiao Yu felt a palpitation for no reason. That was affected by Xiao Yu's lack of awareness and inability to make any precautions. Even when under control, Xiao Yu didn't know he was under control.

"There is a way to solve this problem!" Xiao Yu came up with a way.

While this horrible unknown existence was roaring wildly and venting his anger, Xiao Yu quickly wrote a program.

This program is very simple. The whole program consists of some simple multiple choice questions.

These multiple-choice questions are common sense questions, such as, "Is my hometown on Earth?" "Is this strange beast kind?" "Should I help it?" "Should I go to Skyhawk?" Two double galaxies? "

There are hundreds of thousands of simple multiple-choice questions at, covering almost any possible action.

Xiao Yu has pre-set fixed answers to these multiple-choice questions. Are there any answers to these questions? As long as the wrong selection is made, a violent current preset in advance will be released. This current will burn several sensitive core components, and such an action will definitely make Xiao Yu wake up immediately.

While doing his own business, Xiao Yu will dedicate one percent of his energy, repeat these multiple choice questions at a rate of 500,000 times per second, and then compare his own answer with the preset answer. See if you get it right.

If your answer is the same as the pre-set answer, you prove that you have not been abused. If your own answer is different from the preset answer, it proves that you have been insulted, and the program preset in advance will release enough current to make Xiao Yu wake up.

After setting everything up, Xiao Yu began to think about **** this **** one, and almost destroyed his own beast civilization.

"Dare to cause me so much trouble, without giving you a lesson, how can I get out of this bad breath? You are terrible? Lao Tzu is not afraid! Lao Tzu is on top of you! After all, you are imprisoned in White Dwarf Prison Come out, I'm here to find a way, and develop science and technology at the same time, ten years a year, one hundred years, ten thousand years, there will always be a year, I will develop enough to kill your technology, find you Way, then I must kill you! "

Xiao Yu made up his mind.

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