Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 3 Chapter 1058: Master the time!

If you can just go back to the past like this, then this ability is actually meaningless. Because this is different from time travel in the traditional sense. Different regions have different time progress, but as individuals, they can only exist on one time progress. Just like Xiao Yu exists in the present, Xiao Yu cannot exist in the past. If on the time dimension of five million years ago, Xiao Yu sent a robot to find himself at that time, then it could not find it, no, it could be found, but when the robot found Xiao Yu The time progress of that robot is also unified with Xiao Yu. It can only find the current Xiao Yu, but cannot find the past Xiao Yu.

There is only one Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu only exists now. In the past, there was no Xiao Yu.

The known past cannot be changed, and the unknown past has infinite possibilities. It is for this reason that the ability to master time has infinite power, making it even comparable to logical weapons, the rules of the defenders, the confusion of the dark king, and the dimensions of the spokesperson, and even surpasses the other four Species.

In the vast universe, there are many places that Xiao Yu has not observed. Even if Xiao Yu had observed a certain place, after the passage of time, that place was restored from known to unknown. It can be said that even with the seed network, what Xiao Yu knows is only a small range in this three-dimensional big universe. Outside this range, it is all unknown.

Since it is unknown, there is a possibility of being changed.

At this moment, the dark area in front of the human spacecraft is unknown to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu has not detected this area by any means, that is, what exactly is in this area. Xiao Yu didn't know. But now, Xiao Yu hopes a small spaceship will appear there. Obviously, there will not be a spaceship out of thin air. Since there is a spaceship, there must be a reason. These reasons may be that a civilization has arrived here before, a spaceship was placed here, or there may be a civilization developing there, and eventually a spaceship was created there.

The reasons may be different, but one thing is the same, that is. If you want a spaceship to appear there, you must change something in the past. Now, Xiao Yu has the ability to change the past.

In the area where the meaningless seeds detect, and the time progress is in the area where he passed, Xiao Yu combines the meaningless seeds into a meaningless machine. These meaningless machines make a meaningful little spaceship. Then, Xiao Yu began to steer the small spacecraft to the unknown area designated by him.

That area is more than six million light-years away from the small spacecraft at the moment. Xiao Yu didn't create a star gate there, so the small spacecraft could only sail with a normal curvature. According to its speed at this moment, it takes more than a thousand years to reach it from where it came from.

But it is clear that at this moment, Xiao Yu, manipulating the human spacecraft waiting in front of this unknown area, does not need to wait so long. After Xiao Yu finally launched a probe into this unknown area. Xiao Yu did find a small spacecraft staying there. And this small spacecraft is the one Xiao Xiao manufactured by manipulating the seeds.

That small spacecraft did sail here for more than a thousand years before arriving, but Xiao Yu did release the small spaceship that made it and let it travel from a distance of six million light years just recently. command. Fast unification of time progress. The different speeds of time have finally created this magical scene at this moment. Through this series of operations, Xiao Yu hopes that there will be a small spaceship ahead, and there will be a small spaceship there.

It was a wonderful experience. On the one hand, Xiao Yu did feel that he had spent a thousand years in that time, and on the other hand. Xiao Yu here only felt that he had only passed for a moment.

A thousand years, and an instant. Are all true.

Xiao Yu nodded slightly.

"It is necessary to adapt to two different time schedules at the same time, and to accurately analyze and control them. This is not an easy task." Xiao Yu lamented. "This requires a huge amount of computational power that is unimaginable. Even ten Together, the eight levels of civilization in the direction cannot cope with such a huge calculation. Sure enough, infinite computing power is one of the key factors in mastering time. Without infinite computing power, even if there are many other conditions, time cannot be mastered. . "

"Now I have changed the past and finally affected the present. I have unified the past and the present."

The time experiment is now over. As a result of the experiment, Xiao Yu has harvested a small spaceship from the past and equipped it to his current fleet. Don't underestimate this small spaceship. Imagine a situation where Xiao Yu was under siege at this moment, the situation was extremely critical, and the support of 10 million warships was urgently needed. Under such circumstances, sailing from the past to the present, No longer an insignificant small spaceship, but the ten million battleships that Xiao Yu badly needed?

"Meeting this little spaceship here, from the present point of view, I can think of it as an" incidental event, "or a small probability event. In other words, it is almost impossible. And Now, it actually happened. Mastering time means mastering accidental events. If I need a regular instrument, a regular instrument will appear in front of me. I need a star, and a star will appear in front of it. What I want, what will appear in front of me, and do not need my slightest preparation time. After mastering the time, I will not fear any conspiracy, nor any trap. Because for me, I can go back in time , Prepare ahead of time for any conspiracy and trap. "

"Now, I, who has mastered the time, can be regarded as entering the ninth-level civilization. I and the defenders, rebels, spokespersons, and the Dark Emperor have no essential power gap. "..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "Now I have the strength and qualification to answer the ultimate question."

"Of course, my ability is not complete now. I need to continue to improve it and continue to collect more primordial black holes ... When I fully grasp this ability, I will kill the rebel world and destroy the rebels. To seize their logical weapons-related technologies, and then join the spokespersons to fight the defenders. "

"I will grasp both cause and effect, time, and chaos, plus the dimensions of the spokesperson, to jointly fight the rules of the defenders ... we will have a great deal of victory. After integrating the rules of the defenders, I will find the ultimate The answer to the question, and share the answer with Chen Mo. "

Xiao Yu, standing in front of the porthole of the spacecraft Human, had brightened eyes and seemed to emit light.

Xiao Yu launched a large-scale construction operation based on the past time progress. That is the past, so it will not affect the present. In other words, Xiao Yu can harvest a lot of things he needs without consuming a little time now. Xiao Yu continued to move forward. In the course of this progress, there were continuously as few as 100 million ships and as many as 10 billion ships converged into Xiao Yu's army. The scale of Xiao Yu's fleet began to expand on a large scale in a short period of time. At this moment, Xiao Yu's fleet has more than a trillion ships. Even if Xiao Yu needs it, Xiao Yu can easily increase this number to trillions, or even calculate in trillions.

The numbers have almost lost their significance for Xiao Yu.

During this time, the seed network is rapidly recovering. Because of the initial mastery of time, in a very short period of time, the seed network recovered to the range covered by the most peak moments, even more so than ever. Xiao Yu's strength has been increased countless times compared to before mastering time. It's even improved by an order of magnitude.

But Xiao Yu still did not relax the pursuit of pure primordial black holes. Xiao Yu is looking for the primordial black hole even more insanely than before. But ... the development of things is not as smooth as Xiao Yu imagined ~ ~ At the moment, Xiao Yu is carefully observing a premature black hole in the palm of his hand. This primordial black hole has a full diameter of one meter, which means that its mass is greater than that of a Jupiter. The most important point is that this primordial black hole was discovered by Xiao Yu in the inter-system space, which means that it is very pure. This huge and very pure black hole in the beginning of the year will bring Xiao Yu much needed information. This is a rare great achievement for Xiao Yu.

But ... After Xiao Yu started to increase the speed of light and learned the information contained in this early black hole, Xiao Yu even discovered that this early black hole had been contaminated and was very seriously polluted. There is too much messy information inside it, and these messy information makes the rules and mysteries it originally contained broken.

Its pollution level is even hundreds or thousands of times more severe than the primordial black hole in the inner space of the river system.

"What's going on? Why is the primordial black hole in the inter-system space so contaminated so severely? There is no matter here, and the light is faint, and it has no reason to become like this ..." Xiao Yu muttered to himself Now, thinking silently. At this time, Xiao Yu looked up inadvertently, and saw that in the distant river system, the stars were showing some weird beats with a very inconspicuous and faint amplitude ... to be continued)

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