Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 118: There is light from afar

The closer to the target, the more vigilant Xiao Yu was. Xiao Yu didn't believe that this mighty alien beast creature was willing to accept the end of its extinction. It must have hidden some means to suppress the bottom of the box.

There was only one month left until the impact. What the bottom-bottom of this strange animal was, Xiao Yu was going to know soon.

In order to cope with this, Xiao Yu's 5,000 warships have all been lifted off and entered a state of combat readiness. Various detection methods have been fully opened, and all have reached the highest power. Xiao Yu looks like a vigilant hunter, patrolling around the prey.

"There is only one month left ... as long as satellite No. 1 enters within 100 million kilometers of this white dwarf, then the collision will become inevitable, and no force can change this."

Through the measurement of quality and speed, Xiao Yu reached a conclusion.

Here, it is already within the range of the celestial layer of the Double Eagle Galaxy. Because of the constant loss of mass by Sky Eagle X, its stellar wind is extremely strong. In the Sky Eagle Nebula, it has completely cleared an area with a radius of more than 200 billion kilometers. Within this area, there are essentially no traces of interstellar dust.

Naturally, the number one satellite also lost its food, its mass stabilized, it no longer continued to grow, and saved many troubles of Xiao Yu.

Time passed little by little. Every time a little time passed, Xiao Yu was closer to success.

There are still ten days before the impact.

"Small technological civilization, stop it. Don't force me." At this time, the beast that had been silent for several years finally issued a new space broadcast.

"Finally revealing his cards?" Xiao Yu's mind was strained to the limit, all the ships were discharged from the combat team, and the high-power detection instruments were constantly scanning around to ensure that everything was ready. Xiao Yu replied: "I don't know Who is pushing who. In my civilization, there was a sentence called blood for blood. Tooth for tooth. At the beginning, you deceived me and caused me a huge loss. Then do n’t expect me to believe You, and don't expect me to let you go. "

"I have given up on relying on you to let me escape this white dwarf. You can leave the Sky Eagle Nebula. I will not stop you. In exchange, what are your plans to give up hitting the white dwarf with this little thing?"

Xiao Yu laughed coldly: "I have already been in sight, why should I give up? And, you once said that the body of the alien beast civilization can be made better than the scientific civilization of the same level. The toughest material is even stronger. And according to My calculations are that when the nova bursts, you are likely to be blown up, and, under the action of the shock wave, a part of your body is likely to be blown away from the surface of the white dwarf. So I got it. There is so Great benefit, why should I give up? "

In the past few years, Xiao Yu has awakened Luka II once. From Luka II, it was confirmed that the technological civilization encircled the alien beast civilization, and then used the body of the alien beast civilization creature to build the spaceship.

Luca II said that the body of an alien beast civilization is similar to some kind of additive. When forging a material, adding it to the body tissue of a strange animal creature can greatly improve the various properties of the material.

"If you look at it this way, the effect of the alien beast creatures is not much different from those of the black bugs I found on Titan." Xiao Yu concluded.

At the same time, Lucca II also illustrates another point. That is, not only science and technology civilization encircle alien beast civilization, alien beast civilization sometimes encloses science and technology civilization.

The body tissues of alien beasts can be used as additives, and the spacecraft of scientific and technological civilization can become an excellent food for alien beast civilization. Both need each other. Demand for each other, so it is the case that science and technology civilization and alien beast civilization are deadly enemies.

After learning about this situation, Xiao Yu immediately made up his mind to kill the alien beast creature above the white dwarf.

After hearing this from Xiao Yu, the strange beast said coldly: "I just want to get my body tissue? I give you one last chance to change the orbit of this satellite. Don't come to hit the white dwarf. At the same time, you We can leave the Skyhawk Nebula unhindered and find another star to develop technology. We are irrelevant. "

"You're a good abacus." Xiao Yu is tit-for-tat, not letting it go, "I don't know what confidence you have to come to talk to me about the conditions. Let me go, yes, you can break your arm and throw it out of the white dwarf Gravitational field, leave it to me, and I will leave. "

Xiao Yu didn't believe it at all. From the beginning, Xiao Yu determined that it was delaying time, so he deliberately proposed a condition that it could not agree to, and deliberately provoked it.

Besides, even if this strange beast does not hinder Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu will not leave. Xiao Yu lost so many ships here and was so miserably deceived by it, Xiao Yu's heart kept flaming.

"Very good, even a third-level civilization, dare to propose such conditions to me, very good." This strange beast sneered, "So, let's take a look, this little thing, can Can't kill me. "

After saying this, the strange beast was quiet again.

"It seems that it really has a means to press the bottom of the box ... don't know what it will be?"

Xiao Yu thought nervously, "From the point of view that it wants me to leave, it does not seem to want to develop with me to the last period. In other words, its means of pressing the bottom of the box does not hold me 100% sure. Then ... what is it then?"

"Combined with its usual means of doing things, it has no way to affect external matter except mind interference. At least, even if it can only manipulate a few meteorites, I stayed here before to monitor its villages. The class spacecraft has also been killed long ago. "

"Interference in thinking ... Interference in thinking ... Is it brewing another round of manipulation attempts, trying to control me again? Well, it is very possible, and this time, at least 7% of the manipulation A success rate of more than ten. "

"With the preset procedure reminding me, it should know how hard it is to control me, but this time, where does it come from?"

"After all, it is a higher creature, and there may be some hidden means. Just in case, wake up Luka III." Xiao Yu considered and made a decision.

Luca III is the young Luca scientist who reminded Xiao Yu at the most critical moment. Xiao Yu gave it a code name called Luca III. Lucca society is proud to have obtained the code name of Xiao Yu. This young scientist is the second Lucca person to get the code name after Lucca II.

After coming to the Skyhawk Nebula, Luca III showed an extraordinary ability. During the meeting to discuss how to deal with this unknown creature, Luca III first proposed to maliciously guess its behavior; in Lu The Karen were completely manipulated in thinking, and when the mutation occurred, Luca III remained awake, and the body had not been mutated.

Even afterwards, Xiao Yu also made some experiments. He kept Luca III awake with this beast while he was still awake. As a result, he was all manipulated by his own thinking. The reminder of the program can wake up, but Luca III has remained sober.

Combining various factors, Xiao Yu decided to wake up Luca III just in case.

Under the control of Xiao Yu, within a quick-freezing instrument, Luca No. 3 opened his eyes blankly, and then it received instructions from Xiao Yu.

"In the next month, you are responsible for monitoring my behavior. If you find anything wrong with your behavior, you must immediately remind me to wake me up."

Luca III's expression suddenly excited: "Master, I am honored to help you do something."

"Well, just in case ... this thing, you still have it." Xiao Yu manipulated the robot and sent a controller to Luca III.

"If I'm confused, and after all your attempts to wake me up have been declared unsuccessful, you can use this controller to try it out. If this controller doesn't work, then ... let it be."

"Yes, Master." Luca III replied with excitement.

"Now, go to the control room. From the control room, you can monitor my behavior throughout. When you think that my behavior is abnormal, you can always try to wake me up through the dedicated communication channel. OK, go . "

Having arranged all countermeasures, Xiao Yu put all his mind on manipulating 5,000 expeditionary spacecraft and maintaining satellite orbit.

Time passed slowly, Xiao Yu, only 21 billion kilometers away from this white dwarf. About five days left.

Just then, Xiao Yu saw some flashes from the other side of the Sky Eagles Double Galaxy.

At the beginning ~ ~ The flashes were extremely faint. Xiao Yu accidentally discovered them through a high-precision optical telescope during a routine all-sky segment inspection operation.

The brightness of these flashes is increasing at a very amazing speed. Through measurement, Xiao Yu learned that these flashes were approaching himself at a speed of 76,000 kilometers per second.

If you take this white dwarf as a reference, you are approaching the white dwarf at a speed of 50,000 kilometers per second. Opposite these flashes, you are approaching at a speed of 26,000 kilometers per second.

Xiao Yu couldn't know what the flash was. But the number of flashes was easily determined by Xiao Yu.

There are at least 7,000 bright spots, gathered in the sky, like stars in the sky.

"This seems to be the light from the fusion engine ... is this the bottom of your tank? Is it strange creature ..." Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read.)

ps: the second more arrived, the next more at seven o'clock, ask for a monthly pass!


Speed ​​Baidu mighty! Long live your mother! immortal!




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Professional floor grabbing, take my floor grabbing beast SpongeBob ~

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