Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 126: The last moment (4)

Time has come to the last minute. Satellite No.1, with Xiao Yu's spacecraft, and more than a thousand alive beasts, as well as countless wreckages of the spaceships, the remains of the beasts, mighty, like a huge army, storming towards white dwarfs past.

Through this cosmic dust covering the sky, Xiao Yu still heard the voice of that powerful strange beast, and it kept coming.

"Endless life! Unlimited energy! Unpredictable development potential! This is the ultimate life form ... They finally succeeded ... Are you curious? Are you worried about your destiny? Yes, you You guessed it, it's not accidental that you are what you are now. What's the specific reason? Don't expect me to tell you, ha ha ha ha ha! "

The strange beast was still snarling madly. At this moment, Xiao Yu's mind was full of echoes of this strange beast roaring: "Guess it yourself! Guess it yourself ..."

Xiao Yu kept his mind tight, trying not to think about these things. But these questions are like little bugs that bite through the heart, biting Xiao Yu's defense bit by bit.

"Not ... by accident? Not by accident? What is it, what is it ?!"

Xiao Yu shouted madly in his heart.

The speed of satellite No. 1 has exceeded 60,000 kilometers per second. Only at such a high speed can it be qualified to temporarily resist the gravitation of white dwarfs and become a springboard for white dwarf alien beasts. It is precisely for this reason that the white dwarf alien beast did not manipulate the Yabei civilization to accelerate a meteorite to serve as its springboard. Because of Yasui civilization, such high speed cannot be achieved.

Thirty seconds before the final impact, two million kilometers.

Above this distance, the powerful gravity of white dwarfs. It has already had a huge impact on the number one satellite. Xiao Yu saw that an extremely strong earthquake began to occur on the first satellite. The original earthquake caused by the planetary engine seemed to be tickling compared with now.

This is an earthquake that really affects the overall structure of the planet. On the side of the No. 1 satellite facing away from the white dwarf, strong subsidence occurs from time to time. Once it subsides, it is a depth of tens of kilometers. On the side facing the white dwarf, from time to time, mountain peaks suddenly pierced the ground and appeared in shape. Within seconds, dozens of mountain peaks up to tens of kilometers appeared on the surface of the No. 1 satellite.

Just between this in and out. The magma buried in the core of the planet rolled out like boiling water in a pot. Free flowing on the surface of satellite # 1.

Satellite One is no longer spherical. It now has the shape of an egg. Facing the white dwarf, it is the small head of the egg.

It was as if there was an invisible large hand, squeezing the satellite No. 1 flat.

A planetary engine that is hundreds of meters high and covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. In the face of such a world of catastrophe, it is like a toy in the hands of a child. It was easily distorted and deformed. Xiao Yu saw that a planetary engine páān suddenly had a strong subsidence. Under the shock of è, this planetary engine looks like a small stone and fell into the rolling magma without even a bubble popping up.

This is the wildest roar before a planet is destroyed.

After the consumption of the previous battle, Xiao Yu's spacecraft shield can no longer withstand the strong radiation here. All of Xiao Yu's spaceships are on the verge of destruction.

"My friend, goodbye, goodbye." Shortly before the destruction, Xiao Yu heard the words of the beasts.

"Goodbye, I ... will definitely protect your clan." Xiao Yu said silently.

Since then, more than 7,000 Yabei have all died, and Xiao Yu's 5,000 spaceships have all been destroyed.

Thousands of satellites that were launched early assumed the responsibility of monitoring the movement here. These satellites can continue to operate for one minute after the impact.

Through the surveillance satellite, Xiao Yu saw that the side of the No. 1 satellite facing the white dwarf was pulled longer and longer, and more and more pointed. Twenty seconds before the impact and more than a million kilometers away, satellite No. 1 has been pulled into a cone-like shape.

This is the powerful energy of tidal gravity. The diameter of the No. 1 satellite is more than 3,000 kilometers, and the magnitude of gravity is inversely proportional to the distance, that is, the longer the distance, the smaller the gravity, and vice versa.

Then, of course, the gravitational pull on the side facing the white dwarf is greater than the gravitational pull on the side facing the white dwarf. Because these two locations are separated by a distance of a diameter.

This gravitational difference between big and small has caused serious consequences. The side facing the white dwarf is pulled forward and raised sharper and sharper and longer because of the gravitational force. The side facing away from the white dwarf can still maintain the shape of a round surface because of the small gravitational force.

This is why the satellite No. 1 was pulled into a cone shape.

Ten seconds left before the impact, about 700,000 kilometers away.

The tidal gravity is getting stronger and stronger. The diameter of the No. 1 satellite has been stretched from more than 3,000 kilometers to 10,000 kilometers, and this length is still increasing.

The side facing the white dwarf is getting sharper and thinner. Finally, the main body of No. 1 satellite is more than 400,000 kilometers away from the white dwarf, and its long tail has reached the surface of the white dwarf.

It does not form the shape of a spiral disk. Generally speaking, if the satellite No. 1 is naturally attracted by the white dwarf, it will be torn up first, and its fragments will first orbit the white dwarf and then be swallowed a little. However, the orbit of this collision was calculated precisely by Xiao Yu, and this collision will be a head-on collision.

Xiao Yu saw that the tail of No. 1 satellite and the white dwarf ēchu burst into a strong light.

With the increase of impacting matter, this light will become more and more intense, reaching the apex after three seconds.

Through the surveillance satellites arranged in advance, Xiao Yu watched all this silently.

The last second has arrived.

Satellite No. 1 has been pulled into a long shape, reaching a length of more than 70,000 kilometers. Within a second, all the material in this strip would hit the white dwarf.

"Hahahaha!" At this final moment, Xiao Yu received another message. In the message, it was all the crazy laughter of the strange beast.

Xiao Yu saw an amazing scene.

At the last moment of this life, this powerful beast that had survived for more than 17 million years broke out the last leap in life.

It jumped up to the number one satellite! The initial speed reached an amazing six thousand kilometers per second! Even in mid-air, its huge fist has been raised, and in the face of the satellite matter that is constantly being attracted and hit down, it is a blow away!

Infinite flashes of light burst out. At this moment, millions and tens of millions of tons of material were gasified. Under an indescribable high temperature and high pressure state, electrons transitioned to low energy levels, releasing photons. High-energy photons, such as gamma rays, x-rays, and also visible photons, burst out together.

This punch, even if the No. 1 satellite is in good condition, will be blown by a blow.

The strength of this strange beast was revealed at this moment.

Below it, the most violent impact had already taken place. Gigatons of matter hit the white dwarf, and at extremely high speeds, the impact released extremely powerful energy.

The light from the impact has reached its highest point at this moment, and it will dim at the next moment. However, another more intense outbreak has just begun.

The hydrogen helium gas at the impact site finally fused under the extreme high temperature and high pressure environment erupted from the impact.

It's like a tinder. And, it is quite powerful. Previously, the fusion caused by this strange beast jumping up and falling down was like a match in the wind, which would be extinguished when blown, but this time the kind of fire was a torch. In the strong wind, the torch will only burn more.

Nuclear fusion was finally triggered.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

This torch lit the entire white dwarf. Uncontrolled nuclear fusion spread the entire white dwarf almost instantly.

This is a nova burst. One of the most energy-releasing ways in the universe.

The luminosity of this white dwarf lightened hundreds of thousands of times in an instant. At this moment, its brightness even exceeded its companion star ~ ~ This is the real ocean of light.

Optical radiation in the visible light band is only one ten thousandth of the total radiation. In addition to visible light, there is also extremely strong invisible light band radiation. And this is the most important energy release mode of the nova burst.

Just in this ocean of light, a giant monster floated. It had lost its strength and began to fall towards the white dwarf. At this moment, its huge body was like a light feather, fluttering, fluttering.


Xiao Yu received its last message.

Surviving more than 17 million years in this dark universe, a powerful existence that has experienced countless heroic events in his life, at this moment, finally falls.

The infinite amount of light drowned it out.

At this moment, with this white dwarf as the center, the indescribable energy burst out in all directions.

"Goodbye, goodbye." At this last moment, Xiao Yu also made his own response, expressing his awe to this powerful creature in his own way.

Just before the destruction of the satellite arranged by Xiao Yu here, Xiao Yu saw that a small black spot was separated from the body of this strange beast. Under the powerful explosion energy, it exceeded 8,000 per second. The speed of kilometers, speeding away in a certain direction in the void.

At the next moment, Xiao Yu's satellite was destroyed and lost the ability to monitor this area. (To be continued ...)

ps: The white dwarf alien beast is dead, this episode is over, Xiao Yu is about to start a new journey!

This chapter is a 150-month monthly ticket plus a chapter! There will be one chapter in a while, with 165 monthly tickets plus more chapters.

Finally, ask for a monthly pass again! !! !!

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