Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 132: Provincial spaceship, Hebei!

() After the woman's body was properly preserved, Xiao Yu urgently started research on biotechnology.

Life is the most amazing thing in the universe. Xiao Yu does not expect to resurrect this woman. This technique of resurrecting a dead life is not something Xiao Yu can master. Xiao Yu only tried to extract the information in this woman's brain through the study of the human brain. With this information, many of Xiao Yu's doubts may be answered.

But this matter cannot be completed within a short time. Xiao Yu only has a dedicated laboratory and is slowly carrying out research in this area.

After this matter came to an end, Xiao Yu continued his research on the flesh and blood of alien beasts.

This piece of flesh and blood is Xiao Yu's trophy. After he was born and died, it was so easy to get this. Xiao Yu naturally must find a way to make good use of it.

Now, what Xiao Yu is doing is the strength test on this flesh and blood specimen.

Xiao Yu cāo stretched the robot and transported this flesh and blood that began to emit a dark green light into the laboratory and fixed it on the target. Cāo stretched a robot and held a high The speed machine gun started to strike.

This is a machine gun that uses the latest electromagnetic coil acceleration technology. It fires bullets that can reach more than 10,000 kilometers per second. With its kinetic energy alone, its bullets can penetrate special steel plates up to one meter thick.

This target is made of a one-meter-thick steel plate.

The robot pulled the trigger, and immediately, a high-speed bullet came out of the muzzle, and it took only a short time to rush over the target.

This steel plate was worn directly.

This phenomenon was a bit unexpected for Xiao Yu.

"I originally thought that this piece of flesh would show that extremely powerful xìng could come out ... but it wouldn't be, was it so broken?"

Xiao Yu cāo walked past the robot and examined it carefully.

This bullet penetrated the steel wall directly, and was then blocked by the energy shield after touching the cabin wall.

"It was like this ... The flesh and blood xìng energy is really powerful." Xiao Yu, who saw the phenomenon in front of him, sighed heartily.

Xiao Yu found that it was not the flesh that was penetrated, but that the bullet carried it and penetrated directly through the steel wall with a thickness of one meter and penetrated behind the steel wall.

Xiao Yu put the flesh under the microscope again. After careful inspection, Xiao Yu came to the conclusion that under the impact of the bullet, the flesh did not show any signs of damage, even the cells. The structure was not damaged. It's just that the energy attached to it is reduced a bit.

After obtaining the experimental data, Xiao Yu cāo replaced a high-energy laser pistol with the robot, and proceeded to the next experiment.

As a result of the experiment, the high-energy laser pistol's ten-minute shè strike did not cause any damage to it.

"I still don't believe it." At this time, Xiao Yu developed a winning mind. So Xiao Yu threw this piece of flesh and blood directly into the nuclear fusion reactor and took it out an hour later.

The temperature and pressure in the nuclear fusion reactor reached an unimaginable level. As far as temperature is concerned, no substance known by Xiao Yu can remain intact at such a temperature. However, the powerful xìng ability of this flesh specimen once again challenged Xiao Yu's thinking limit.

Xiao Yu put it in a fusion reactor and roasted it for an hour before taking it out. Looking at this piece of flesh with no signs of damage in front of him, Xiao Yu heartily sighed.

"It is truly a powerful creature that can survive on white dwarfs ..."

Only this powerful xìng can meet Xiao Yu's vision.

In the next ten days, Xiao Yu tried various methods, but was still unable to cause any damage to the flesh.

After synthesizing all the experimental data, Xiao Yu came to a conclusion reluctantly.

"The strength of this piece of material ... is unknown." The reason why it is unknown is that Xiao Yu couldn't find a way to destroy it, nor could he know its strength limit.

But think about it, the strength of this flesh and blood should be about the same as the shell of that weird spaceship.

After reaching this conclusion, Xiao Yu took many specimens from different parts of this finger and started researching one by one. After mastering the approximate energy of different materials in various parts, Xiao Yu's mind gradually began to take shape.

"The total mass of these fingers has reached 350 million tons. So many things are enough for me to build a fleet. Well ... let's build a 50-million-ton provincial ship first, and the remaining mass , And then build some **** city-level spaceships, as well as county, township, and village-level spaceships ... "

In Xiao Yu's plan, this fleet will consist of 10,000 village-level spaceships, 3,000 township-level spaceships, 200 county-level spaceships, 15 city-level spaceships, and one provincial-level spaceship.

These spacecraft will all use the material on the fingers of the strange animal as the overall frame.

After spending three months to make the overall plan, Xiao Yu can't wait to start the construction operation. In the starry sky, due to resource constraints, the entire fleet cannot be built here, but by dismantling the remaining spacecraft, Xiao Yu will be able to build this provincial spacecraft first.

At the same time, a breakthrough has been made in the research and development of quaternary computers. Xiao Yu has completed the underlying hardware construction, as well as the compilation of various drivers and machine languages. After the application of new computers, Xiao Yu's computing power will be increased by at least 20 times on the current basis.

Xiao Yu transformed the county-level spaceship in the fleet into a manufacturing plant, converted three city-level spaceships, Shijiazhuang, Langfang, and Tangshan into assembly plants, and the township and village-level spaceships served as transportation tasks. .

A total of nearly five million robots were added to the construction project this time. They first divided the fingers of the alien beast, divided the materials of different uses into different categories, and processed them in various processes in the manufacturing plant. After the parts are completed, they are transported to the municipal ship for assembly, and then the final assembly work is performed in space.

In the vast space, Xiao Yu's construction project is in full swing.

Time passed slowly. After two decades, this provincial spacecraft had begun to take shape.

Because it is too bulky to fit in any spaceship, the spacecraft was assembled directly in space. To this end, Xiao Yu first built hundreds of large docks for construction purposes.

Xiao Yu's heart was full of joy as he looked at the huge spaceship that had gradually taken shape.

As long as the energy is sufficient, the spacecraft is almost indestructible. In addition, the improvement of material strength also means the improvement of maneuverability. This spacecraft will have no less flexibility than village-level spacecraft.

Of course, in order to have the same or even more flexibility as a village-level spacecraft, this spacecraft will consume more fuel.

"This is the first provincial-level spaceship, so just name it in my hometown and call it Hebei." Xiao Yu thought about it and came up with a name.

After the completion of the Hebei, its size will reach four kilometers by one kilometer by two hundred meters. It will be equipped with tens of thousands of energy cannons, and various types of laser cannons will be countless. Three trillion tons. These hydrogen bombs can be used as weapons in wartime, and they can be dismantled as fuel for spacecraft when fuel is scarce.

The Hebei spacecraft already has the ability to destroy a planet by itself, which is a remarkable technological leap for Xiao Yu.

The spacecraft Hebei is already a fortress-level war weapon.

In the busy construction work, Xiao Yu was getting closer and closer to his goal. The Skyhawk Samsung series was getting closer and closer, with only 0.1 light-years left, and about three years of voyage.

Above this distance, Sky Eagle III has become the brightest star in the entire sky.

The construction of Hebei has also entered the final stage. The main body of the spacecraft has been completed. As long as some internal lines are laid and some instruments are installed, the entire spacecraft is completed.

In order to build the Hebei spacecraft, Xiao Yu disassembled nearly 5,000 spacecraft and installed all these materials on the Hebei spacecraft. The total mass of the Hebei reached 50 million tons. If it is fully loaded with weapons and fuel, its mass will reach about 80 million tons.

In total, more than 300,000 robots are responsible for the routine maintenance of Hebei, and more than 300 billion nano-robots are in service.

This is by far the most powerful war fortress built by Xiao Yu.

Sky Eagle III is getting closer.

There are three planets in the Aquila Star System, two of which are large gaseous planets and one is a rocky planet. The parent star of the vector animal civilization is the rocky planet.

Xiao Yu numbered the rocky planet one, and the two gaseous planets numbered two and three, respectively.

Tianying III is a youth star ~ ~ Its star activity is not strong, so the distance between the top of the sphere layer and the star is also close, about 15 billion kilometers.

Xiao Yu is now in this position. The distance from the outermost gaseous planet is only 9 billion kilometers, and Jupiter is 14.8 billion kilometers away, leaving only a voyage of about 20 days.

Above this distance, the advance troops finally merged with the capture fleet that fell behind.

The quaternary computer has been successfully developed, and after several years of testing, it has been fully put into use. The zhōngyāng computer above Hebei is the latest computer using quaternary.

The computing power of the zhōngyāng computer above Hebei is about 20 times stronger than that of Xiao Yu's current flagship, the zhōngyāng computer on běijīng.

"It's time to move." Xiao Yu thought with joy, after confirming the safety of the surrounding environment, Xiao Yu sent himself from the Běijīng to the Hebei by radio waves. (To be continued.)

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