Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 144: Battle! Battle! (on)

After completing the final inspection of this tens of millions of combat robots to ensure that all parts are normal, and to fill them all with fusion fuel, after completing all preparations, Xiao Yu issued an order to start the battle.

Immediately, more than 10 million robots stepped out of their warehouses, lined up their teams above the squares of their bases, and began to set out outside the bases.

Base 397 is close to the edge of the forest. Since the base was built, there has been basically no cessation. Every time, a small group of worms came to launch a harassing attack. Therefore, the high-fire rate machine guns, laser turrets, and miniature energy turrets on the high wall of Base 397 have basically not stopped.

Even on the eve of this war, there were still thousands of Zerg attacking the outer wall of the base.

After Xiao Yu issued the order for the start of the battle, thousands of combat robots in the base of No. 397 all boarded the outer wall and looked at the swarming worms below, like dumplings, directly from up to ten The five meter wall jumped down.

Still in mid-air, the high-speed machine guns equipped with the left arms of these robots have begun firing, and at the same time, miniature laser cannons equipped on the chest, arms, and skulls have also begun firing.

By the time these combat robots land from the wall to the ground, thousands of Zerg have been halved. The remaining bugs turned a blind eye to their dead kins. They didn't even waste any time and immediately attacked these combat robots.

A fast-moving bug has even jumped into the air, its sharp forelimbs glowed with black light, and it quickly chopped down towards a combat robot.

Immediately, the optical collection device and air wave detection device installed on the robot. Various instruments, such as orbital analyzers, collected all the information of this jumping bug. The information was first transmitted to the base by radio waves, and in the base, it was transmitted to Xiao by means of ultra-long-range communication. Within Yu's mind.

Xiao Yu's huge computing power was launched. With only a few billionths of computing power, this information had been completely processed, and the next action instructions were given.

"Move one meter to the left, bend your knees, and swing your right arm. Angle, thirty degrees, strength, half power."

This message followed the opposite path to that message, and was first transmitted to the base via distance communication. It was transmitted to the central processing unit of the robot by radio waves.

The central processor of this robot immediately understood Xiao Yu's instructions and translated them into specific operating information: "The micro-engine No. 3 is running at 60% power. The joint controller of No. 9 bends the joints. .Angle, 29.5 degrees, Joint Controller 16 angle ... "

From the robot's capture of the bug's movement to the execution of Xiao Yu's instructions by its central processor, the entire process took less than a thousandth of a second.

Xiao Yu's instructions were faithfully implemented. This robot followed Xiao Yu's instructions, and before this bug attacked itself, it had done a clever dodge motion, and then swiped it suddenly with a long knife on the right arm.

Still in the air. The worm's abdomen had been completely cut open, and the dark green liquid sprayed to the ground. It fell straight towards the ground, twitched a few times, and died.

After reaching the conclusion that the bug had been eliminated, the robot immediately jumped a few meters high and chopped off at another bug.

A total of more than 5,000 insects were eliminated by more than 3,000 robots within 30 seconds. Under the unified control of Xiao Yu, the cooperative combat capability of these robots has reached an astonishing level.

After destroying these bugs, the robots spread out into a semicircular shape, separated by dozens of meters from each other, and headed towards the forest.

This is just a scenario in base 397, which happened almost simultaneously before every base built by Xiao Yu. After destroying the Zerg in front of them, more than 10 million robots started to move towards the forest at the same time. During the march, Xiao Yu directed these robots to make various combinations. In the end, these robots each formed a team of tens of thousands of people, and quickly killed each other in the forest.

This is Xiao Yu's combat strategy.

The average combat capability of these robots is about 15 times that of ordinary Zerg. After coordinated operations, their strength has risen to some extent. In other words, as long as a 10,000-person team does not face more than 200,000 Zerg attacks at the same time, they can all win.

The team that Xiao Yu formulated for them came into play at this time. Under the ten-thousand-team battle, a ten-thousand-team front is only about 30 kilometers in length. This thirty-kilometer front can only allow up to 60,000 zergs to attack at the same time. The remaining zergs only Will be blocked by the body of the same family, unable to directly attack the combat robot.

Don't worry if the Zerg is constantly replenishing. After the war damage rate of these 10,000 teams reached a certain level, Xiao Yu would manipulate these robots to set off to the supply base, and receive maintenance and support in the base. Xiao Yu has already laid it out. In this forest, within a range of 50 kilometers at any point, there must be a large supply base.

With the constant replenishment of spaceships, these bases will not have any shortage of materials.

A total of ten thousand people will intersperse in this forest, constantly consuming the power of the Zerg until they are all killed.

The marine robots at base 397 and the combat robots at bases 398 and 399 gathered together to form a 10,000-man squad and set off towards the forest.

In each 10,000-person team, Xiao Yu also brought in more than 500 maintenance robots. These maintenance robots have no combat capability, so they will be closely guarded in the central zone. They carry a large number of accessories, fuel and other materials. As long as the materials are sufficient, they will be able to repair any marine robot with a damage level of less than fifty. These maintenance robots will follow the action robots.

As the 10,000-man squad progressed, aiming at the surrounding trees, they randomly launched gadgets the size of rice grains. That's the miniature camera that Xiao Yu specially developed for the forest environment. With their own energy, they will be able to work continuously for two months. Xiao Yu will monitor all movements in this forest comprehensively through these things.

After launching, these things will stick to the trunk and will not fall off. Due to their small size, they can be carried by robots in large numbers, and often more than a dozen of them are launched at the same time on a tree. Watching the surroundings closely.

After the ten-thousand-thousand-man team interspersed several times in the forest, Xiao Yu expected that these cameras could cover about 90% of the forest area. At that time, Xiao Yu's mind would directly appear this With a full-scale three-dimensional three-dimensional real-time image of a large forest, Xiao Yu will be able to grasp the movement of any Zerg in the forest. Such information is undoubtedly extremely beneficial to Xiao Yu's command and battle.

This forest deserves to be the world of the Zerg. As soon as the 10,000 team entered the forest less than ten kilometers away, they encountered a powerful sniper attack. As a result, the 10,000-team team had to stop the pace of advance. After covering the surrounding trees with miniature cameras, the 10,000-team team started fighting here.

This zerg is about a million in size. They use their thick trees and low bushes to hide their body shape, and quickly set off towards the robot group. At the same time, the long-range attacking zerg concealed in the rear began firing miniature energy cannonballs.

At any time, long-range attacks on the Zerg need to be eliminated as soon as possible. Xiao Yu strictly followed this rule. Under the surveillance of ubiquitous cameras ~ ~ No matter how good the hidden long-range attack Zerg will be found by Xiao Yu, then, the Marine Robots will immediately use miniature laser cannons to fight back against these bugs . Normally, long-range attack Zerg will be attacked after launching the first miniature energy cannonball. They usually die before firing a second shell.

After the long-range attack Zerg is resolved, the Marines will fully deal with the melee Zerg in front of them. Under normal circumstances, people who are at a disadvantage in quantity will soon be surrounded by the Zerg, so correspondingly, they will also put out round battle arrays to fight.

The length of this circle is only about 30 kilometers, so there are only about 7,000 combat robots on the front line. These 7,000 robots have to face the attack of about 60,000 Zerg.

The remaining 3,000 combat robots are in the second echelon. While serving as a backup force, they also undertake the task of destroying any Zerg that breaks the first line of defense. There are two lines of defense, and the most central 500 maintenance robots are closely protected.

Thus, in this area, such a scene is presented.

The battlefield radius of this battle reached nearly thirty kilometers. Within this area, there are dense zergs everywhere. However, so many zerg are completely useless, because only the innermost zerg can reach it. Those combat robots. Most Zerg can only be anxious at the periphery, watching the Zerg inside fighting hard.

The Marine Robots, who are at a disadvantage in the overall situation, have locally found a combat strength advantage. With this advantage, they will be able to continuously consume the Zerg's power until it is consumed.

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