Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 157: Preempt the planet

Xiao Yu is brewing a large-scale attack. The offensive will be launched by 3 billion miniature spacecraft and 20,000 large spacecraft. Within the 20,000 large spacecraft, Xiao Yu also loaded hundreds of millions of ground-based combat robots with the target of planet three, a satellite next to the Zerg mother-worm that reached hydrostatic equilibrium.

Hebei will follow these spaceships and once again show their powerful capabilities.

The supercomputing center has been completed, and the construction of the entire planet two has come to an end. On the nine large satellites, Xiao Yu's construction factories are everywhere, and throughout the planetary system two, there are various transport spacecrafts shuttled around.

After Xiao Yu issued an assembly order, a magical phenomenon occurred in the second planetary system.

Numerous search ultra-miniature spacecraft began to fly out of their warehouses. They seemed to be a torrent of currents that merged into the endless sea of ​​the cosmic sky. From a distance, in space, it looks like there is a ball of yarn. This ball of yarn is divided into several ends and connected to several different satellites. In the continuous tumbling of this yarn, its volume has gradually increased, and its quantity has increased.

The entire assembly process took Xiao Yu five hours. After the assembly, under the control of the Supercomputing Center, this huge fleet began to set off towards planet three.

Within the third planet, it has become the world of the Zerg. Countless bugs are raging in the third planetary system, and its scene is exactly the same as that of the second planet. It's just that the machinery and equipment have been replaced by worms.

Xiao Yu watched the movement of the Zerg nervously, and gave a macro command to the supercomputing center. These commands will be decomposed by the supercomputing center and complete the corresponding computing tasks.

"Swarm was found in front, the number ... about 100 million. A1 formation, came forward to meet the enemy." Xiao Yu issued an order, and immediately, this order was executed by the supercomputing center, among Xiao Yu's huge spaceship formation , Separated from a small team. This squad consists of about 100 million ultra-miniature ships, and they have an absolute advantage over this Zerg army.

"Beginning of long-range energy cannons, laser cannon attacks ... Close-in combat begins, and synergy increases to 90%, conservative operations."

The so-called conservative warfare is based on its own security, supplemented by the elimination of the enemy, and on the premise of protecting itself, the enemy. This mode of operation requires a large amount of energy, time, and computing power.

In the conservative combat mode, the dodge of the ultra-miniature spacecraft has become much more flexible. When faced with the danger of sharing together, the spacecraft will first choose to avoid, instead of sharing with the enemy.

In this case, Xiao Yu spent three hours and wiped out the Zerg army after paying the price of two million spacecraft.

At this moment, there is only one hour left from Planet Three, with a range of about 20 million kilometers.

This is close to the core area of ​​the Zerg. Xiao Yu saw that the Zerg mother worm seemed to be aware of the imminent war, thus speeding up the speed of making worms.

A troop consisting of more than 10 billion worms set off and flew towards Xiao Yu's troop. But Xiao Yu did not choose to meet the enemy, but chose to dodge.

The purpose of Xiao Yu's trip was not to destroy the enemy's living force, but to occupy a satellite and establish its own stronghold within the third planetary system.

The Zerg mother worm reacted quickly. Xiao Yu saw that with the change of Xiao Yu's fleet, that Zerg's fleet also changed its course.

But it was a bit late. During this time, Xiao Yu advanced the front by five million kilometers.

About 15 million kilometers away from Planet Three, the largest battle since the start of the war began in full swing.

In this battle, both sides invested hundreds of millions of basic combat units, and the battlefield covered almost a million square kilometers.

Countless ultra-miniature spaceships hurled fiercely towards the Zerg. After temporarily stopping the Zerg's crazy counterattack, all the remaining large spaceships, and some ultra-miniature spaceships, rushed forward in the direction of Hebei.

With the huge planet No. 3 as the background, in the distance, under the rays of the Sky Eagle III, countless Zerg and countless spacecraft are being killed fiercely, artillery fire is flying, and lasers are shooting randomly. Here, it becomes a real ground meat. machine.

"There are still 10 million kilometers away from the target. Well, there are probably one billion worms stationed on the target. What are they doing?" While manipulating Hebei to crash fiercely before, Xiao Yu began to observe the target planet. At the same time, a strange phenomenon was discovered.

After analysis, Xiao Yu reached a conclusion. This conclusion made Xiao Yu once again determined that he must speed up the implementation of his plan.

"They ... are collecting minerals? This, this is crazy." Xiao Yu was shocked.

Xiao Yu saw that countless bugs were busy on the surface of this satellite. These bugs are not the same as the fighting bugs in space, and they seem to be some kind of special zerg. They are constantly drilling holes on the surface of the satellite, and at the same time, they are devouring certain minerals with their mouths. After a period of digestion, some waste residues are excreted from the body, and some useful minerals are left in the body.

Xiao Yu saw a worm that had stored enough minerals, held a big belly, slowly lifted off, left the satellite, and flew towards the Zerg mother worm. After reaching the Zerg female site, it did not enter the female body and never came out again.

"You have to stop it." Xiao Yu immediately made up his mind. "If I don't occupy these satellites, these satellites will be occupied by the mother worm. It will have more resources and create more zerg."

"Go ahead, go ahead!" Xiao Yu increased the engine power of Hebei to the maximum, leading the spacecraft behind him, breaking through the obstacles caused by the swarm, and approaching the satellite quickly.

After all, this satellite is not the location of the Zerg mother worm. The Zerg's strength here is much smaller. Under the leadership of the Hebei, these worms cannot stop Xiao Yu's attack at all.

The front is advancing rapidly.

At this time, the Zerg mother worm seemed to be aware of Xiao Yu's true intentions. It began to accelerate the production of daughter worms and projected towards this place, but it was too late. The distance between Xiao Yu's fleet and this satellite has been shortened to only 100,000 kilometers.

This distance is already within the effective range of the energy cannonball.

"Ultra-small spaceship cluster, to block the bugs that come after it and the bugs that come to support, the large spaceship formation, and start washing the ground ..."

The first of these two commands was handed over to the supercomputing center and it was then executed. Immediately, billions of ultra-miniature spacecraft were dispersed into a semi-circular defensive formation, which protected 20,000 large spaceships and began to entangle with the Zerg. The second order was executed by Xiao Yu himself. Under control, the gun barrels of more than 20,000 spacecraft simultaneously aimed at the satellite.

On this satellite, the Zerg is densely packed, and the Zerg is also in space. The most effective attack method against such a large number of enemies is ... a large-scale killing of a weapon-style carpet attack, referred to as scrubbing.

"Launch!" Xiao Yu issued an attack order. Immediately, tens of thousands of large-equivalent hydrogen bombs were interspersed with a larger number of energy cannonballs and launched into the surface of the satellite.

Energy cannonballs are faster. They first reached the surface of the planet. In a huge explosion, countless rock fragments were thrown high into the sky. Among these rock fragments, there were numerous limbs of insects. They also Without having time to land, the second wave of attack, the hydrogen bomb attack arrived.

Above the surface of the planet, there is the blazing white glow of a hydrogen bomb explosion, billions of degrees of high-temperature radiation are scattered around, turning the surface of the planet into a world of fiery lava. Under such an offensive, no Zerg can survive on its surface.

This is a real scrub, Xiao Yu completely cleaned the surface of the planet.

"The cleaning work is completed ~ ~ Below, the cooling time is expected to take time, one day."

After Xiao Yu came to a conclusion, he turned to face another wave of enemies, and cooperated with the ultra-small spacecraft to launch a sniper attack on the Zerg.

Large spacecraft have long-range attack capabilities far beyond the Zerg. Therefore, these large spacecraft assumed the role of archers. Before the miniature spacecraft contacted the Zerg, they first launched a blow to them and tried to weaken their power.

With this satellite as its base, facing away from this satellite, Xiao Yu waged a world war.

This battle lasted for a full day and then gradually changed. The high temperature of the satellite surface caused by the hydrogen bomb and the energy shell has cooled to an acceptable level, so Xiao Yu launched the landing operation without hesitation.

There are a large number of ground robots that move from a large spacecraft that cannot reach the planet to a small spacecraft and are then transported above the surface of the satellite. The first time they reached the surface of the satellite, they started construction of various bases.

These robots, while not having weak combat capabilities, also have a certain degree of construction capabilities. At this moment, their construction capabilities were demonstrated. With the help of instruments transported from the spacecraft, they quickly built a base and laid a corresponding energy protection cover. After the construction of the base was completed, they began laying various ground-based weapons such as ground laser turrets and ground energy turrets.

It is not difficult to occupy a planet, it is difficult to hold it. Especially with the Zerg ring, it becomes more difficult to hold the planet. But Xiao Yu is not afraid, Xiao Yu has enough power to solve this problem.

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