Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 175: A world without secrets

Xiao Yu has also carried out some research work on four-dimensional space, and also made some assumptions on four-dimensional space.

There is a certain pattern of dimensional increase to follow. It is mainly divided into two points. The first point is that the low-dimensional space is completely visible to the high-dimensional space. The second point is that the low-dimensional space is unstoppable to the high-dimensional space.

In simple terms, suppose a piece of paper is a two-dimensional world. Draw a circle on this paper, then the inside of the circle is closed to the two-dimensional creature, and the two-dimensional creature cannot see the inside of the circle. But in a three-dimensional world, there is no obstacle to seeing the inside of the circle. This is where the two-dimensional world is fully visible in the three-dimensional world. The two-dimensional world has no secrets in the three-dimensional world. Correspondingly, Xiao Yu speculates that the three-dimensional world is also completely visible to the four-dimensional world.

Unstoppable, you can still use the circle of this two-dimensional world as an example. Suppose that the circle is a castle in a two-dimensional world, it is extremely strong and cannot be destroyed, and two-dimensional creatures outside the circle cannot enter the circle anyway. But it is not the same for three-dimensional creatures. Three-dimensional creatures can easily enter the inside of the circle through the "high" dimension that does not exist in the two-dimensional world. In other words, in the two-dimensional world, no matter how strong the shell of an object is, it cannot block the entry of three-dimensional creatures. Similarly, the solid shell of the object in the three-dimensional world cannot block the entry of the four-dimensional creature.

This is a simple explanation of the characteristics of "fully visible" and "unstoppable".

These two points, Xiao Yu had long thought of it. But this was the first time I saw it.

Presenting to Xiao Yu's eyes is a world that is completely visible and unstoppable.

In the three-dimensional world, a spaceship is closed to Xiao Yu, a star is closed to Xiao Yu, a Luca is closed to Xiao Yu, a cell, a nucleus For Xiao Yu, everything is closed.

But after having a four-dimensional perspective, all these things became open to Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu can see all the details of all the objects in front of him.

In the laboratory of the Hebei, the black ball that Xiao Yu used to conduct super-light speed navigation experiments was no longer a ball in Xiao Yu's eyes. No, it should still look like a sphere, but Xiao Yu can see the sphere at the same time as he sees its core.

Xiao Yu can see the inner wall of a spacecraft at the same time. While seeing the skin of the Lucas, they saw their hearts. When you see the epidermis of the heart, you can also see the blood vessels inside the heart. When you see the blood vessels, you can also see the blood inside the blood vessels ...

Three-dimensional world, there is no secret to the four-dimensional world. If you lost a ring in the 3D world and do n’t know if it fell under the bed or in the table gap, after you have a 4D perspective, you can see it directly without moving the bed and table The presence of the ring.

The four-dimensional world is so amazing.

But it is completely visible, and it means an extremely large amount of information. Fortunately, Xiao Yu had extremely huge computing power, so she didn't fall into dizziness.

"I can see all this through optical instruments and prove that light can propagate in the fourth dimension. I can feel gravity and prove that gravitons can also propagate in the fourth dimension. That is, three-dimensional objects, In four-dimensional space, there is still quality. Four-dimensional space is really amazing. "

Xiao Yu sighed, manipulating a robot directly across the wall.

The walls and robots were not damaged. Because the robot crosses the wall through the fourth dimension.

Even stronger walls and stronger defenses have no defense ability for objects above the fourth dimension.

At this moment, Xiao Yu thought a lot.

"If I can master the fourth dimension, would n’t it be any enemy, to me it looks like a paper tiger. Even if their spacecraft shell is strong, supernova bursts cannot be destroyed, and they will definitely not be able to withstand attacks from the fourth dimension. ... "

"However, the fourth dimension seems to be a technology that can only be mastered by a seventh-level civilization. What Taihao is saying is that evolution has failed, and it is on the verge of destruction. I do n’t understand it, but I seem to understand it simply It is an existence between the sixth-level civilization and the seventh-level civilization. Taihao can only have incomplete four-dimensional space capabilities. Does this mean that if you really enter the seventh-level civilization, you can fully grasp the four-dimensional space? "

"Science and technology that neither the sweeper civilization nor the guardian civilization have." Xiao Yu sighed, manipulating all the instruments to collect data, "Taihao said, it is a type C Taihao civilization, I don't know A type, B What kind of special abilities does Taihao Civilization hold in D-type and D-type civilization? I do n’t know how many types there are in Taihao civilization? ”

"The magic of the universe is indeed beyond my guess." At this moment, Xiao Yu felt extremely moved.

"You guys, are you watching enough? It's time to go out."

At this time, Xiao Yu received a message. Immediately after, Xiao Yu's eyes were shaking again. Looking at the world through optical instruments, he had returned to normal appearance.

The scenery in the four-dimensional space is like a dream.

"It's really amazing." Xiao Yu sighed.

"Is it magic? I miss some three-dimensional perspectives," Taihao said. "Civilization can only evolve in the collision. I hope the trip to the galaxy will allow me to make some breakthroughs."

"Collision?" Xiao Yu said tightly, tentatively, "In our galaxy, as far as I know, there are two, no, at least three super civilizations exist."

"Oh? Listen to it." Taihao asked with interest.

Xiao Yuqiang suppressed the excitement in his heart, organized the language, and said, "The first one, we usually call it the sweeper civilization. This civilization is very powerful, so powerful that I would never imagine it."

"Is the sweeper civilization?" Taihao said, "Looking at the name, it seems that it is a destructive civilization, which will destroy all civilizations it perceives. It is similar to me. But it kills weak civilizations, It does n’t make sense to me anymore. Otherwise, you guys, you are already dead. ”

After hearing this, Xiao Yu didn't know what it was like. I had to curse in my heart: "Crazies, they are all lunatics."

"The second civilization, we call it the Guardian Civilization." Xiao Yu said, "This civilization and the sweeper civilization are in confrontation."

"Guardian civilization? Look at the name, like the type of civilization that gains luck by stifling the development potential of small civilizations, but they also deceive civilizations of level 4 and below. Level 5 civilizations will basically not be on them. When. Encountering the fifth-level civilization, they will tear off their masks and act as cleaners. This is a very hypocritical civilization. "Tai Hao commented concisely.

There is a message in this passage.

"Fifth-level civilization will not be fooled?" Xiao Yu thought, "Does that mean that in the galaxy, in addition to the two forces of cleaners and guardians, there are many independent fifth-level civilizations? This It ’s also a big variable. By the way, Tai Hao said that the information storm has lethality to the third, fourth, and fifth civilizations. Although the fifth-level civilization will not extinct the civilization, it will also have great vitality. Maybe this is mine A chance, find a chance to sneak in a fifth-level civilization ... "

Xiao Yu thought secretly.

"The third civilization is the D-type Hao civilization I said to you." Xiao Yu said.

"I am not very interested in this Taihao civilization. It belongs to a different type of evolution from me. Its evolutionary path has no reference to me. If there is no other goal, I will be happy to fight it. Solve the boredom, but since there are other civilizations, let it go. I am very interested in the cleaners and guardians. In the next time, I will find them, exterminate them, and get all of them. Technology. "

Tai Hao said lightly ~ ~, as if he was going to kill a chicken.

"The strength of the sweeper civilization may be unexpected," Xiao Yu said. "I have heard that they hollowed out a neutron star and transformed it into a neutron war star. Moreover, they have also cut Killed a powerful ghost race ... "

"A neutron battle star? A neutron battle star?" Taeho suddenly became excited. "It turned out to be a neutron battle star? Then I'm going to meet them for a while. It is not complete to transform something like a neutron battle star." Who would believe in the four-dimensional space technology? I want to find them, kill them all, and plunder their technology. "

Xiao Yu's heart was quietly relieved.

In order to survive, Xiao Yu didn't mind using some means to help him cut off some enemies.

"It's enough to have this information. In order to thank you, little one, the next information storm, look at me. By the way, during the information storm, there may be some interesting scenarios, you should pay attention to collecting."

"Information storm? Isn't it a year away?" Xiao Yu asked strangely. "And, what exactly is an information storm? Very interesting scene? How can I collect it?"

"I'm sailing at the speed of the super-light to the edge of the Milky Way. Through a four-dimensional search, I noticed the breath of a powerful civilization there. Under the conditions of movement near the speed of light, the time flow rate will change. You know that, right? "Yes, a year from the outside world has passed. After an hour, an information storm will come."

"Get ready for observation, little one."

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