Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 177: Looking for cleaners

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Chapter 177 Looking for Sweepers

The information storm lasted only 0.5 seconds, and it was almost instantaneous. Within this blink of time, Xiao Yu noticed that the information collection hard disks that he had left in the three-dimensional space were all full, and repeated reading and writing had occurred.

宇 Xiao Yu's storage technology is much more advanced than that on earth. Correspondingly, each piece of physical equipment can store millions of times more data than an equivalent volume of equipment on earth. And Xiao Yu fully assembled hundreds of spaceships to stay in three-dimensional space.

The storage devices loaded in these spacecraft can store tens of thousands of times more than all the data of all computers on the earth. However, in the information storm that lasted only 0.5 seconds, these devices were all occupied. After being full, there is a continuous stream of data being transmitted. Therefore, the data written at the beginning is erased and new data is written. After the new data fills the device, the second round begins. Erase ...

I was so reciprocating, Xiao Yu didn't even know how many times his device was occupied, how many times he erased and rewritten. Anyway, the final result was that Xiao Yu got hundreds of thousands of pieces of mechanical storage equipment.

"According to Tai Hao, the information broadcast by the information storm is distributed in the direction of space. I have a distance of at least 2.5 million light years from the Fairy Galaxy. If you imagine its broadcast range as a radius of two hundred The 500,000 light-year sphere, above the surface of the sphere, is so insignificant that I can receive so much information ... "

Xiao Xiaoyu's heart was silent.

"According to this method, how much information will be broadcast this information storm ... It is unimaginable."

"I am more and more interested in what you call the Guardian and Sweeper civilization." At this time, Xiao Yu received a message from Tai Hao: "From the information storm, I saw some sweeps Pictures of warriors and guardians. These pictures are very interesting. Unfortunately, I did not see the neutron star. But it does not matter, I can experience the power of the neutron star soon. "

"You, do you want to find the sweeper civilization and fight with them?" Xiao Yu asked carefully.

"Not necessarily. If they were willing to give me the relevant space technology to me, I wouldn't have the leisure to fight with them for life and death. Everything depends on the situation." . You are safe, do whatever you want. "

Xiao Xiaoyu felt as if he had passed through a cloud of smoke, and the scenery in front of him instantly returned to normal.

Xiao Yu's vision once again appeared familiar scenery, in the dark universe space, countless stars dotted it, like a gem.

In front of Xiao Yu, there was a large black shadow moving fast. Xiao Yu speculated that it should be the projection of Tai Hao's four-dimensional body in three-dimensional space.

"Little guy, if you have a chance, I hope we can see you again."

After I said this, Tai Hao's figure suddenly disappeared. At the moment when Tai Hao disappeared, Xiao Yu noticed a familiar wave of space. It seemed to be ahead and the space was distorted.

"Please wait!" Xiao Yu hurriedly sent a message, "Maybe you will need an audience to witness the process of such a magnificent event with your own eyes!"

"Little guy, this level of war is not something you can come into contact with." Xiao Yu quickly received a response from Tai Hao. "Our war will spread over a range of hundreds of light years. In this range Inside, any tangible or intangible existence will be destroyed. If you do n’t want to be affected, stay away from us honestly. Well, but you also have a little reason, after the battle is divided, I will send you A message that gives you an overview of the entire process of the event. "

"Well, that's it, goodbye."

This is the last message received by Xiao Yu. After this message, Tai Hao completely disappeared his trace and did not know where to go.

"Have you entered the super-light voyage?" Xiao Yu muttered to himself, thinking about what he experienced during this time, 恍 恍惚 惚, just like a dream.

"I don't know who will win the battle between Taihao and the sweeper civilization. It seems that Taihao also attaches great importance to the sweeper civilization. Can it be speculated that the fighting power of the two is not much different? Taihao mentioned one The word is 'battery of life and death', well, this is basically certain. "

"Just don't know what the result is. By the way, there is the Guardian Alliance, which has been fighting the sweeper civilization for tens of millions of years. I think they should not miss this opportunity. Maybe ... the final result, will It turned out that Taihao and the Guardian Alliance joined forces to fight the cleaners? "

"Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to witness such a magnificent incident." Xiao Yu thought without regret. "I still develop my own technology honestly. Well, in the storm of information, what I collected The information we have obtained will be analyzed as soon as possible. I hope that I can find useful information in it. "

Xiao Xiaoyu divided his computing power into several parts, and carried out observations of surrounding stars to determine his own position, and analyzed these data.

"The number of stars here seems to be too few."

After making a simple observation of the surroundings with an observation instrument, Xiao Yu reached such a conclusion.

Plutonium is within the Milky Way, usually between the two nearest stars, no more than ten light years away. Take the sun as an example. Within ten light years, there are at least dozens of stars. The sky nebula is even more exaggerated. The distance between the nearest two stars is generally not more than one light year.

However, the area where Xiao Yu is currently located, the nearest star is more than 130 light years away.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu reached a conclusion in an instant.

我 "I, it seems to be coming to the edge of the Milky Way. Only the density of stars on the edge of the Milky Way is so sparse, and these stars are generally aging."

"Here, it seems to be the tail of the Milky Way Orion cantilever. Is the nearest star more than 130 light years away ... then start sailing, and at the same time start the research of super-light speed navigation technology ..."

After Xiao Yu made plans for the future, he began to immerse himself in analyzing the information he had collected during the information storm.

After a little analysis, Xiao Yu found that most of this information was cluttered and unreadable, and a small part of the information that could be interpreted was mostly useless data. However, among them, Xiao Yu still found a small amount of useful information. data.

这 "This seems to be the formation of a star ... and this star is in the Milky Way."

Xiao Xiaoyu conceived such a picture.

After the black hole that sent out the information storm was formed, it was continuously collecting all the information that could be collected nearby. On a certain day, a beam of light from the distant Milky Way was captured by it. Although the details of the information carried by this beam were lost because of the distant distance, it was still barely discernible on the stellar scale.

The light beam came to the black hole continuously and uninterrupted, and was collected by the black hole. After hundreds of millions of years, this black hole reached the end of life for some unknown reason. After a violent explosion, it ended His long life broke out all the information collected in his life, and a tiny part of this information happened to be obtained by himself. This information happened to contain data about the star.

Xiao Yu saw that it was a huge red giant star. In the long time, it has reached the end of its life. After a violent explosion, it smashed its bones and turned its core into a neutron star. The rest of the material A nebula formed, spreading slowly towards the surrounding space.

This neutron star inherited most of the mass of the original star, and also inherited most of the momentum of the original star. The scattered interstellar dust is not the same. In the explosion, they already have a different orbit from the core neutron star ~ ~ So, this neutron star left its grave and walked endlessly The interstellar dust started his own space voyage and did not know where to go.

This process took at least several million years. In fact, these dusts will remain in their current state for a longer time. If there is no external force to interfere with them, they will continue their current expansion state forever, until they become thin enough and eventually dissipate in the vast universe.

Alas, just a few hundred million years have passed, and there was another supernova explosion beside this nebula. Powerful radiation rays disrupted the nebula's sleep, they were reactivated and began to converge toward the center.

Over time, at the core of this nebula, the density of matter is getting higher and higher, and the temperature is increasing accordingly. Correspondingly, the speed at which it absorbs surrounding matter is getting faster and faster, and the rapid accumulation of matter in turn increases. With its density and temperature, it entered a virtuous cycle.

Finally, after the core temperature rose to a limit, it was lit. At its core, nuclear fusion occurred, and light and heat began to radiate from it, turning it into a protostar.

After the formation of the original star, the matter around it still looks like raindrops and frequently falls on it. As time passes, its stellar wind also gets stronger and stronger, and finally reaches a level sufficient to disperse the surrounding matter. .

As a result, it unloaded its mysterious veil, and its figure began to become clearly visible.

A star is formed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to mobile phone (), give rewards, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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