Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 186: Super Lightship!

In addition to the four-dimensional space shield in the concept, Xiao Yu is also conceiving several other new weapons.

Because of the breakthrough of the unified theory, it is foreseeable that in the next period of time, it will be an era of great development of science and technology, and there will be countless novel inventions.

The basic theory is so important. The word foundation does not mean that basic theory is not important, but that basic theory is the cornerstone necessary for any scientific and technological progress. Without the advancement of basic theory, technological development can only be limited to a range. No qualitative changes.

The gravity bomb is the first new weapon to be developed within the unified theoretical framework. Gravity bombs are achieved by converting energy into gravity. Correspondingly, Xiao Yu can also convert energy into another basic force, electromagnetic force, to create weapons similar to material disintegrating rays.

This weapon has taken shape in previous Luka experiments on elemental decay. Luca scientists use this kind of radiation to convert a piece of iron weighing one kilogram into only five hundred grams of hydrogen. Then, similarly, Xiao Yu can simply modify the shell of the enemy ’s spacecraft through this kind of radiation. This change has occurred, thus achieving the purpose of destroying the enemy spacecraft.

In Xiao Yu's plan, this material disintegrating rays will replace high-energy laser cannons and become one of his conventional weapons. At the same time, gravity bombs, elemental decay bombs, will take the place of hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs suddenly burst out of a large amount of energy through uncontrolled nuclear fusion to achieve the purpose of killing, but after mastering the unified theory. Xiao Yu can replace nuclear fusion energy with elemental decay energy, making it simple. And more powerful. And, it still has the advantage of the unlimited power of hydrogen bombs.

Among the previous several conventional weapons, only energy bombs cannot be replaced temporarily because of their advantages in taking into account lethality and launch speed.

Xiao Yu also made some calculations on the energy shields to defend these weapons.

After breaking through this red barrier, Xiao Yu will have a four-dimensional space shield, but Xiao Yu does not think that the remaining four-level civilizations will also have a four-dimensional space shield technology. But based on the simple principle that a spear must have a shield, since a fourth-level civilization can develop weapons such as gravity bombs and material disintegration rays. Then there is no reason why they cannot develop a means to defend these weapons.

Moreover, the four-dimensional space shield cannot shield off gravity. In other words, the four-dimensional space shield will not work in the face of a gravity bomb attack. Then, it is imperative to develop a fourth-level civilization conventional shield. Because the conventional shield of the fourth-level civilization can be foreseen. Must have the ability to guard against gravity bombs.

After intense modeling and calculation, the term force field shield appeared in Xiao Yu's mind.

"The most likely means of protection for Level IV civilization is the force field shield. The force field shield is also developed based on the unified theory. Through precise calculations, it can reversely improve the material disintegrating rays. The part that enhances the electromagnetic force is to achieve the purpose of protecting the material from disintegrating rays. At the same time, the force field shield can also take anti-gravity functions to prevent energy bombs through some processes. "

Xiao Yu speculated. When thinking of this, Xiao Yu was in his mind. Suddenly flashed.

"By the way, there is anti-gravity technology. After mastering anti-gravity technology, even provincial-level spacecraft can take off and land directly on the stars. At the same time, I will no longer create gravity through rotation, but directly through gravity. With bomb-related technologies, gravity can be created from energy. "

At the current stage, whether it is the New Home, the Heaven, or the Eternal Kingdom, gravity is obtained through rotation. This means that there will be a significant gravity imbalance on these ships. This caused a lot of vacancy inside the spacecraft. This is an extreme waste. After the development of gravity technology, Xiao Yu will be able to solve this problem perfectly.

"The theory of unification is really a big treasure." Xiao Yu sighed sincerely.

With regard to research on science and technology in super-light speed navigation, Xiao Yu has been nervously conducting.

Fifty years after being held in this red barrier, Xiao Yu finally achieved a staged result.

This is a village-level spaceship, driven by elemental decay technology and using space bending mode as a navigation means.

In the huge dock, countless robots are busy, carrying out the last comprehensive inspection. This scene is being watched by Xiao Yu and more than 2,000 Luka scientists.

This spacecraft embodies the hard work of Xiao Yu and more than 2,000 Luka scientists for decades.

When giving the start order, Xiao Yu even felt a little sacred in his heart. It was as if the test flight of the first hyper-light spacecraft was a sacred religious ceremony.

"The engine ignites." Xiao Yu ordered.

"The elemental decay engine starts normally and energy transfer is normal."

"The space bending instrument is working normally, and the current space curvature is ..."

"The conventional propulsion engine is off, and curvature drive is about to begin."

There are tens of thousands of monitoring instruments that are continuously transmitting groups of data to Xiao Yu. Through analysis, Xiao Yu quickly and accurately conveyed the next instructions.

In Xiao Yu's attention, the village-level spacecraft slowly left the dock and floated into the air. Then, around it, a little distortion suddenly appeared, and the entire spacecraft began to become hazy and unreal. It's like looking at things through the heated air above the fire while on Earth.

The spacecraft began to accelerate. Behind the haze, Xiao Yu saw the spacecraft begin to move forward at extremely fast speed.

"Successfully entered the curvature of navigation, the current speed is 0.3 times the speed of light."

"Continue to accelerate." Xiao Yu issued a name.

"The current speed is 0.4 times the speed of light."

Xiao Yu watched the spaceship closely. Because of the special mode driven by curvature, in Xiao Yu's inference, a spacecraft driven by curvature will not have a relativity effect regardless of its speed. In other words, even if a spacecraft driven by curvature reaches 100% of the speed of light, the time lapse on it is still normal speed, it will not speed up or slow down.

The reason for this phenomenon is that, in a strict sense, a spacecraft sailing in a curvature-driven manner does not move itself. In space, the speed of the spacecraft is actually zero. Since the speed is zero, naturally there is no relativity effect.

This is an important point. If a relativity effect is observed on a curvature-driven spacecraft, it proves that Xiao Yu's theory is wrong. Then all the relevant technology about curvature navigation must be overturned.

But Xiao Yu won again.

Dozens of precise observation instruments told Xiao Yu that even on this village-level spacecraft that reached 0.4 times the speed of light, time was still passing at a normal speed.

"Finally succeeded." Xiao Yusong took a sigh of relief, gave a new order, "continue to accelerate."

Different from traditional understanding, the curvature of the spacecraft developed by Xiao Yu is not the same as in science fiction movies. The previous moment was still regular sailing, and the next moment it entered the stage of super-light sailing. The actual super-light sailing is also a process of.

When this conclusion was reached, Xiao Yu thought, "Who said that the curvature of navigation must be faster than the speed of light? The speed of curvature can still be below the speed of light, but in the course of curvature, the speed of light cannot exceed this. Restrictions no longer exist. "

The village-level spacecraft under Xiao Yu's attention was advancing with curvature, but its speed was only 0.5 times the speed of light.

Gradually, its speed has reached 0.99 times the speed of light. If it is conventional sailing, the relativistic effect produced by this speed is quite obvious, but in the spacecraft sailing with curvature, Xiao Yu still has not observed any relativistic effect.

Xiao Yu notified the results to Lucca scientists, which aroused cheers from Lucca scientists.

The village ship is still increasing its speed. Finally, its speed exceeded the speed of light by one meter, and it disappeared from the visible light band.

Sailing beyond the speed of light was finally realized in Xiao Yu's hands.

At this moment, Xiao Yu had an excited feeling of crying. If Xiao Yu had eyes, Xiao Yu would shed tears without concealment.

What does it mean to sail beyond the speed of light? Needless to say its important significance. The most critical thing is that the super-light speed navigation technology was developed in the hands of Xiao Yu!

The most critical technologies for super-light speed navigation were all broken by Xiao Yu's independent research. Xiao Yu did not get these technologies through adventures, such as some relics. He did not obtain this technology through plunder, but obtained it through his own research!

Every subtle technology in the super light speed navigation technology embodies Xiao Yu's hard work.

At this moment, Xiao Yu once again proved his ability.

"My people, do you see it? I have mastered the technology of super-light speed navigation ~ ~ We on earth are not worse than any alien civilization. The technology that they can master, we study by ourselves, the same You can master them. They just have more development time than we do. "

"Did you see that? Earth civilization is not declining in my hands, but it is constantly being carried forward by me. Sailing at the speed of light ... This is our dream. Please believe me, my achievements will not stop here .Based on the super-light speed navigation technology, I will master more and more advanced technology. "

"I will definitely become stronger, avenge our tribe, and revive human civilization in my hands ..."

"Wait for me, this day, it won't be far away ..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (qn) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phones Users please read m.qn.)

PS: Three more outbreaks are over! For the last five hours, ask for a monthly pass again!


Speed ​​Baidu mighty! Long live your mother! immortal!




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Professional floor grabbing, take my floor grabbing beast SpongeBob ~

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