Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 190: Questionnaire

After the previous attempts failed, Xiao Yu had a total of fifteen years left. It takes at least two years to make a gravity bomb ten times more powerful than it currently is.

The power of gravity bombs, after reaching a certain limit, will increase the difficulty exponentially each time it rises a little. This is very similar to the hydrogen bomb. But Xiao Yu believes that this attempt is worthwhile.

If the attempt to explode the four-dimensional barrier is of course the best, even if it does not, Xiao Yu can also obtain data on the other hand, that is, the gravity cap of the artificially manufactured gravity bomb, is it the strength of the neutron star. If this restriction does exist, then Xiao Yu will regain a direction of research struggle. Since there are restrictions, there must be a reason. As long as you find out the reason, it means another breakthrough in science and technology.

"During the manufacturing of gravity bombs, let's continue our discussion and research. We will list all the means that may have an effect on the four-dimensional barrier under our current level of science and technology and conduct a feasibility assessment. "

It does not require much computing power to make a gravity bomb, so Xiao Yu also issued such an order to the Lucas while making a gravity bomb.

"Master, I have a question." Luca III, the most outstanding scientist among the Lucasians, said, "My question is whether the four maintenance hoods will really have such powerful performance, which can make us ignore the same All attacks of the level civilization except gravity bomb attacks. This suspicion is based on a very simple contradiction. First of all, except for the white dwarf alien beast flesh and the owner's special way of existence, I don't think we will interact with the remaining four in the universe. There will be differences in the level of civilization, then. Contradictions will come out. If we can find a way to destroy the four-maintenance hood, the remaining four-dimensional civilization will naturally have the ability to destroy it, which proves that the performance of the four-maintenance hood is not strong. On the contrary, If the performance of the four maintenance cover is strong enough, then we have no chance to break it, which shows that Taihao is actually malicious to us. "

"In summary, my conclusion is that if Taihao is well-intentioned, then the performance of the four-maintenance hood must not be as powerful as we think. If the performance of the four-maintenance hood is strong enough, then Taihao is malicious."

Luca III's views aroused the thought of Lucca scientists present, for a moment. There was silence in the venue.

This view also greatly inspired Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu was also lost in thought.

After a while. Among the Lucca scientists, second only to the existence of Lucca III, Luca IV Wells stood up and said: "I have some ideas that can add something to the opinion of Lord III. I The conjecture is also very simple, I found. In fact, there is a possibility that you can take into account these two contradictory guesses. That is, Taihao is not only well-intentioned, but the performance of the four maintenance cover is also strong enough. To achieve this result ... then we can only think from the direction that the owner is different from the other four civilizations, such as the powerful computing power of the owner, such as the flesh of the white dwarf alien beast. "

"I agree with these two statements." Another pale-haired old scientist stood up and said, "At present it seems that this is indeed our only way of life."

"Actually, it's not just that." Inspired by Luca III and Luca 4, Xiao Yu also had his own point of view.

"It is also possible to take into account the two contradictory points mentioned on the third at the same time. That is to say, by breaking through the four-maintenance cover, all fourth-level civilizations can be mastered, but this technology may have some limitations. Therefore, it cannot be taken into the battlefield. Naturally, there is no way to affect the performance of the four maintenance hoods. "Xiao Yu thought for a moment and said.

Luca III stood up: "I agree with the master's point of view. I think we should put all these speculations together and make two preparations at the same time. The first preparation is that the master is different from the remaining four civilizations. The second kind of preparation is thinking from the scientific and technological aspects that can be mastered by the fourth-level civilization, but can not be used as a means of attack. "

"Very well, Luca III, you deserve to be my most powerful assistant." Xiao Yu praised and concluded: "We still have fifteen years. If fifteen years later, we will still be If we can't find a way, we can only die together. Then in these fifteen years, let us all work hard for survival. "

"The manufacture of super-equivalent gravity bombs continues, but I don't think you should give them too much hope. The focus of our recent work is on the two speculations mentioned by Luca III. During this time Within this time, everyone must brainstorm and break through the four maintenance hoods to regain freedom and a good time for development. "

After making the meeting summary, Xiao Yu announced that the meeting would be adjourned. As a result, a group of Lucca scientists broke up and started their own research. At the same time, under the suggestion of the Chief Social Officer, Luca II, Xiao Yu also specially conceived a questionnaire to be distributed to all Lucas in Luca society, trying to use the wisdom of all Lucas to break through the current Dilemma. Of course, this questionnaire was deliberately disguised. Xiao Yu hid what he really wanted to master behind a lot of word games, so Xiao Yu didn't worry at all that Lukas would speculate his true intentions.

The entire questionnaire was distributed in New Homeland and Heaven. All Lukas, as long as they have self-conscious individuals, must do the previous one. Even the young Lu who was only two years old and just received primary education Card people must do it.

What Xiao Yu paid most attention to was the questionnaire of the young Luka people. Although they do not have any scientific common sense and do not have any complete logical thinking, because of this reason, their thinking is also the most unrestrained, and they can imagine things that a year of the orangutan could not imagine.

Xiao Yu hopes that he can inspire himself with the answers of these young Lucas.

The reason why they attach so much importance to these young Lukas is that Xiao Yu feels secretly that he should have entered a misunderstanding. It is very likely that Taihao is well-intentioned, and the four maintenance cover is also strong enough, but he can destroy it. The method that can unify these contradictory points may be hidden in the corner of his own thinking, but even if he is searching hard, he cannot find it.

Two years later, the radius of the four maintenance hoods has shrunk by more than 100 million kilometers. Correspondingly, the temperature rise in the four maintenance hoods has further accelerated.

Just an hour ago, Xiao Yu had just completed the second explosion test of a gravity bomb. The test results did not exceed Xiao Yu's expectations, and they still failed. Except for the bump that once again attracted the four-dimensional barrier, it had no other effect.

In this explosion, Xiao Yu also confirmed a previous guess that the gravity limit of the gravity bomb was indeed the level of a neutron star. Even if the power of the gravity bomb that exploded this time has been increased tenfold, the experimental results show that this tenfold is only a tenfold increase in the killing range.

Xiao Yu speculated that this may be due to some nuances between the gravitational conversion of energy and the gravitational pull caused by the mass of matter. After becoming aware of this difference, Xiao Yu will once again deepen his understanding of the microworld and basic physics. However, at this time, Xiao Yu really has no intention to delve into this issue.

"It's only thirteen years before death comes ... It's only eight years before I have consumed all the fuel and had to dismantle the spacecraft to get supplies." Xiao Yu thought silently.

During this time, the Lucasians made many and varied suggestions, but most of them were shot out by Xiao Yu. There were also many suggestions that made Xiao Yu cry and laugh. In the questionnaire, Xiao Yu even received such answers: "Pray to the true god, the true **** will bless us", "What is the four-dimensional barrier? Can I eat?"

The most strange answer was from a kindergarten kid. It wrote in the questionnaire, "Our science teacher is so fierce. I think it is the most powerful monster in the universe ~ ~ Just let the four-dimensional barrier shout loudly in front of it, "Fight your palms again if you don't roll away," and the four-dimensional barrier will be obedient. "

But among the countless wonderful answers, there are many quite reliable answers. One of them aroused great interest from Xiao Yu.

That was a questionnaire from an unknown Lucasian, and it said in the answer, "I think you can try a large particle collider again and hit the four-dimensional barrier directly with very high-speed high-speed particles, maybe it can Like pieces of water in the first jihad, they were broken apart piece by piece. "

In order to verify this conjecture, Xiao Yu, while constructing a super-equivalent gravity bomb and conducting other research, also allocated a little computing power, spent five months adjusting the trajectory of the large particle collider, and conducted a collision. test. However, the test results still disappointed Xiao Yu.

The four-dimensional barrier remained well there, without any response, completely ignoring Xiao Yu's attack.

Looking at the tenacious existence of being able to beat and rush, Xiao Yu was very anxious and weak.

"Did I really want to die around this red giant star and become its burial? But, how could this be, how could this be?"

Countless attempts and countless failures made Xiao Yu's state of mind unable to remain calm. There have been many times when Xiao Yu thought of giving up, but always at the most critical juncture, through a strong reason, Xiao Yu suppressed this self-violent thought.

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