Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 196: War picture

The aging red giant that has become a black hole will continue to orbit the silver heart in the same cycle according to its current orbit. In fact, it does not become a black hole, and it has no effect on the rest of the galaxy. Because its quality has not changed. It is like a small stone abandoned in a corner. No one pays attention to it, and no one knows how magnificent incidents happened around it.

This is the first thing, Xiao Yu didn't put too much thought on this matter. The second thing, Xiao Yu was very concerned. This level of civilized battle pictures may bring some unexpected benefits to Xiao Yu.

Because the distance is too far, most of the details of this battle have been lost after it reached Xiao Yu's observation instruments, which led Xiao Yu to observe the war from a macro perspective.

The exact location of the war was within an open star cluster. The diameter of this open star cluster has reached more than a hundred light years, not to mention the edge of the Milky Way, even inside the Milky Way, such an open star cluster is quite huge. It contains at least hundreds of stars, and a very rich interstellar gas.

A huge war took place here. Xiao Yu saw that on the side of the open cluster, several stars suddenly disappeared. After disappearing for a period of time, they suddenly appeared again.

"This should be due to Tai Hao's body blocking their light." Xiao Yu guessed.

As the shadow continued to progress, Xiao Yu saw another shocking scene from the other side of the open star cluster. The stars on the other side suddenly increased their brightness by dozens of times in a certain period of time, as if the flame of a candle had become a fire. and. Their brightness increase also follows a certain law, it seems that it is also caused by some unknown existence of the amplification effect.

This picture, to Xiao Yu, looks like two invisible things are approaching each other. One side is Tae Ho who can block the starlight, while the other side is a sweeper who can enhance the starlight.

Finally, the two met at the center of this open cluster.

Because the distance is too far away, Xiao Yu can only observe the war at a macro level. Xiao Yu saw that dozens of stars in the center of the battlefield had fallen into an extremely unstable state. Their luminosity is at a strange speed. Constantly increase and decrease, sometimes the luminosity may even increase thousands to tens of thousands of times than usual. At the brightest, they are brighter than the moon when viewed from the earth, and at the darkest they are completely invisible.

In order to better watch the process of this war. Xiao Yu deliberately slowed down his fleet and advanced at a slower speed. Thus. Xiao Yu will be able to better receive these signals.

Ten years after the war began. Xiao Yu saw that the luminosity of a star increased hundreds of thousands of times in an instant. This is the largest increase since the beginning of the war. And, its shape. It is no longer a point, but gradually becomes an irregular planar shape.

"Is the star exploding ..." Xiao Yu thought silently, and could not help thinking of Tianyuan IV, who was destroyed by the Guardian Alliance.

This star suffered the same fate as Tianyuan Si. If following the normal life cycle. It will turn into a white dwarf. However, due to the indiscriminate disaster, it exploded helplessly, and even the corpse could not remain.

This abnormal supernova explosion is not enough to form a neutron star or black hole. This is an explosion in the true sense. Under the influence of this explosion, it will throw all the masses that constitute itself into interstellar space.

In this stellar wreckage, huge wars continue. Xiao Yu did not know their specific means of war, but through the impact of this war on the surrounding space, Xiao Yu could speculate the fierce degree of the war.

"They seem to be evenly matched, and no one can help them." Xiao Yu speculated.

"It seems that the cleaner civilization also has related four-dimensional space technology, otherwise, according to common sense, even a neutron war star, when faced with an attack that is higher than one dimension, it cannot be resisted. It is indeed a super civilization that has suppressed the Guardian Alliance for tens of millions of years. "

Through this scene of the war, Xiao Yu also made some speculations on the illusory seventh-level civilization above the sixth-level civilization.

"First of all, we can be sure that the sweeper civilization has not stepped into the realm of the seventh-level civilization. The neutron war star should be the product of their adventure. Through the performance of Taihao and the sweeper civilization, it seems that the key point of breaking the seventh-level civilization lies in Among the words 'space'. However, the other Taihao civilization that imprisoned the earth girl seemed to choose the direction of soul breakthrough, not space. Does this mean that after reaching the peak of the sixth-level civilization, you must choose Can a major attack direction break through to the seventh level? Or space, or energy, or time, or soul ... This classification is also likely to be the basis for the classification of various types of Taihao civilization, such as Type C Taihao civilization, such as D-type is too civilized. "

Guessing in his heart, Xiao Yu closely analyzed distant pictures from hundreds of light years away.

These pictures have been broadcasted by Xiao Yu in real-time to the Eternal Kingdom for more than 2,000 Luka scientists to conduct research at the same time.

The evenly matched war scene continued for another ten years. Ten years later, Xiao Yu saw that an unknown object suddenly appeared from the direction of the cleaner's civilization.

The emergence of this object caused chaos in the entire open cluster. Xiao Yu saw that the stars that originally operated in their own orbit suddenly became confused at this moment.

"Is it powerful gravity?" Xiao Yu guessed. "So, this thing should be the neutron war star of the sweeper civilization."

A neutron star is also divided into several different types. There is an ordinary neutron star. If it can emit strong radiation, it is a pulsar. If it has a strong magnetic force, it is a magnetic star. Magnets or pulsars are both types of neutron stars.

Neutron stars are actually invisible, just like black holes. The difference is that black holes are invisible because they can bind light, while neutron stars are not visible because they do not emit visible light.

The surface temperature of the neutron star is too high. According to the principle of black body radiation, after the temperature has reached a certain level, the radiation emitted by the object will be mainly emitted in the form of X-rays. star.

Compared with the quietness of the visible light band, it is extremely intense X-ray radiation. The radiant intensity of this neutron war star completely suppressed the entire open cluster of over 100 light years.

With the emergence of this neutron war star, from a macro level, Xiao Yu saw that the darkness representing Taihao began to be suppressed by the light representing the civilization of the sweeper. The dark area belonging to the Taihao civilization is getting smaller and smaller.

"It was during this time that Taihao issued a space broadcast, calling for the Guardian Alliance to join the war. The Guardian Alliance also summoned more than 500 civilizations of level 4 and above to come together, and finally brought this war, It has evolved into a huge war that affects the entire galaxy. "

Sure enough, the development of things did not exceed Xiao Yu's expectations. After another period of time, Xiao Yu saw that countless stars began to converge on this open star cluster. Xiao Yu knows that each light spot may represent a large and powerful fleet, and each fleet may contain tens of thousands or even millions of spacecraft. It was only because the distance was too far away that the light emitted by the engine of this orangutan gathered into a little point, which seemed to Xiao Yu as a faint starlight.

The fleet representing all high-end combat power of the Milky Way, except for the civilization of the sweepers, had an extremely significant impact as soon as it joined the war. Xiao Yu saw that at this moment, it seems that even the neutron war star has to temporarily avoid the edge, which represents the black area of ​​the Taihao civilization. At this moment, it suddenly expanded, and even suppressed the Sweeper Alliance ~ www. ~ but good times are not long. Xiao Yu saw that after the war continued for several years, the neutron battle star and Taihao had a head-on collision. At this moment, the neutron battle star disappeared from Xiao Yu's observation instruments, and neither visible light nor X-ray was completely invisible.

"The neutron battle star should have entered Taihao's body. The time has come to determine the final fate of this war." Xiao Yu thought.

Of course, Xiao Yu already knew the end result. However, witnessing this fierce war, Xiao Yu could not help but start to get excited.

"The interior of Tai Hao's body is a semi-four-dimensional structure. I don't know what the neutron battle star's fighting style is in this environment." Xiao Yu guessed silently, imagining the magnificent scene.

The neutron battle star was taken into the body by Tai Hao, and fierce battle with Tai Hao was invisible. Outside, a huge fleet of hundreds of civilizations has waged a fierce battle with the conventional combat power of the sweeper civilization. In this war, Xiao Yu saw that at least 80 stars suffered the disaster of the pond fish, and the helpless explosion broke up.

The fierce war lasted for more than thirty years. The neutron battle star also disappeared for more than thirty years, representing the black area of ​​Taihao, and also quiet for more than thirty years.

Finally, more than thirty years later, Xiao Yu once again observed the intense X-ray radiation representing the neutron battle star. At the same time that the neutron battle star appeared again, Xiao Yu saw that the black area, which represented Taihao, was fiercely cracked into countless pieces, and the pieces drifted away.

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