Super Battleship Reborn

Chapter 262: Decipher

After the newsletter was over, Xiao Yu once again collected observation data on the red dwarf and began to analyze it. At the same time, the huge array telescope barrel aimed at the red dwarf again.

Xiao Yu conducted detailed analysis of the red dwarf's evolutionary state, atmospheric composition, environment, heavy element abundance and other related aspects at the time of the event. As a result, everything was normal and there was no special place.

However, the early warning from the ghost family gave Xiao Yu a bad feeling.

"My research seems to have entered a misunderstanding. Well ... from the beginning, analyze the incident carefully, the ghost senior said that this may be the beginning of a disaster ... then, with the ghost senior and my current Strength, do you need to be afraid of disasters caused by natural causes? Well, this is a bit big. River-level catastrophes such as supernova outbreaks can still kill me, but this is just a small star. It does n’t happen. Ability."

"Then, it could only be a disaster from intelligent creatures. Intelligent creatures? Doesn't that mean that this unusual change in the red dwarf will be caused by intelligent creatures? If it is intelligent creatures, then this catastrophe will be Would n’t it be a message? But there is no reason. If it was a message, how could the predecessor of the Ghost Tribe not be able to decipher it, but I could decipher it? "

Xiao Yu thought silently, thinking about the meaning of these messages in his head.

A moment later, Xiao Yu's spirit shook like a thunderbolt across Xiao Yu's mind.

At this moment, Xiao Yu had deciphered this information.

After mastering the trick, it is not difficult to decipher this information.

"I see, I understand, I understand why this message can only be deciphered by me and the ghost predecessor can't decipher it ... no, if this message is true, I ... should I call it predecessor? ? "

Xiao Yu's mind was extremely bitter.

Just now, Xiao Yu accidentally tried to decode the information using the Morse code of the Earth era, and the result was very amazing.

Under the encoding of Morse code, this message was unhindered into a grammatically dense, reasonably structured, logically distinct discourse.

Slightly more advanced intelligent creatures will have their own means of communication, which is often called language. The way in which language is recorded is called text.

What is certain is that because of the different evolutionary environments of different civilizations, it is generally not possible to form the same or similar languages. Translation between different languages ​​and scripts is a university question.

A prerequisite for translation between different languages ​​is that there are enough samples for analysis. Because only a sufficient number of samples can be analyzed in this sample, the frequency and location of a certain character, this point can be roughly determined whether it is the subject predicate or object, and then by the point and the surface, slowly Translate all the text.

This is why when Xiao Yu communicates with other civilizations, when sending past messages, he always attaches a dictionary message after the first message. The so-called "dictionary" is a collection of texts in the language. In the dictionary, there are many examples of the use of the language. The purpose is to provide enough samples for the other party's civilization to analyze its own language. Understand the meaning of your message.

If a high-level civilization that knows nothing about the earth ’s civilization and words, you can write a word of “war” to them at random, even if their civilization is advanced even to the level of a nine-level civilization, they ca n’t understand the meaning of this character. Because there is no way to analyze it.

However, if the word "War" is sent along with a Red Mansion Dream as a dictionary, then through analysis, they can quickly grasp all the language and text information of this civilization.

A dictionary is like a key that can parse out the meaning of a message.

So ... as a civilization's secondary language, a dictionary of Morse code, who has it in this universe?

Only Xiao Yu himself. So only Xiao Yu can decrypt this message. And the aging ghost group on the side, even if it is ten times more powerful, cannot understand what the abnormal flicker of this red dwarf star means, because it does not have a dictionary and there are not enough samples for it to analyze.

At the moment when this message was deciphered, Xiao Yu realized the deep meaning behind this behavior. This is obviously meant to make myself understand, and to hide the aging ghost group next to you.

Well ... it's interesting to do so. In fact, in addition to Xiao Yu, who has mastered the Morse code password, there is another existence who also masters it. That is ... A ghost family formed by the dead human souls of the earth, born with Xiao Yu.

"This is, is this the ghost family talking to me? When they met them last time, they could only express a simple meaning, not even a complete sentence. Now, after this period of development With the increase in strength, do they already have this level of intelligence? Well ... definitely theirs. No one except them will use this method to contact me. "

"Twenty light-years away, to communicate with me, first of all, super-distance communication is not possible, because there is no equipment I have arranged there, neither super-fast radio communication nor conventional radio communication ... Stellar activities here Too severe, the signal is easy to be interfered with, and it is not safe to use radio waves for communication, because it is very likely that this aging ghost group has already shielded the surrounding area with radio waves ... It is really difficult for them. In this case, it turned out Think of ways to use stars to send me signals. "

Xiao Yu's heart was a little bit emotional.

Xiao Yu is full of feelings among his comrades-in-arms about this ghost family born with him. This feeling became deeper after communicating with this aging ghost group and knowing the relationship between the ghost group and themselves. The birth of this feeling is not only due to the fact that everything is dead, everything lives, but also because both are originally from the same source.

It can be said that in this dark universe, the only thing Xiao Yu can believe without reservation is this ghost family.

"Since the Aquila Nebula has been apart, it has been thousands of years. I know you are still alive and living well, and I am assured. My companion, my comrade in arms, you are aware that I am in danger, so Have you saved me again? "

"Be assured, since you believe in my wisdom, then I will certainly not disappoint your expectations. I will find a way to escape, my companions, waiting for me ..."

In Xiao Yu's heart, a kind of emotion called moving is slowly breeding. Under this emotional infiltration, Xiao Yu once again extracted this piece of information, allowing each word of this piece of information to slowly flow from his mind.

"My lord civilization, you are in danger. The aging ghosts around you are not a self-help, noble existence that helps you selflessly. It does so for a purpose. As a scientific and technological civilization, you cannot detect it, But we noticed. "

"We don't know what kind of lies it makes you willing to stay with it, but you must know that lies are always lies, no matter how beautiful the lies are, it will always bring disaster to you."

"Because we are not sure if you know the special connection between the main civilization and the ghost family, so here I will explain it briefly for you. The ghost family was born with the main civilization, and the two are originally homologous, so the two There will be a special connection between the two. The specific manifestation is that one of them will die, and the other will die. Time may be delayed a little later, but the ultimate death is unavoidable ~ www.novelmtl. com ~ In the galaxy, there can only be one ghost family at the same time. The next generation of ghost families will be born after the death of the previous generation. But the current situation is a bit special. The previous generation of ghost families continues itself through various means. Life is always maintained at the stage of severe injury and unwilling to die. This behavior is against the rules, so I am still born as a next-generation ghost family. My birth will be given to It causes great damage. It can be understood that if you kill me, it will get a longer life span again. If you do n’t kill me, it can only support it for no more than a hundred years. Time, finally had to die. "

"It had no hope of killing me because it suffered too much damage. It could not come to the universe to actively seek my tracks. Its destruction seems to be a foregone conclusion, but at this time, your arrival , Changed this situation. Because the main civilization and the ghost race are dead and alive, the reason is that as long as I catch you, I will definitely come to the rescue. Then its behavior is well explained, it I caught you, then tried to use you as a bait, seduced me to come, and killed me, so that I could get a life span again. "

"We have sensed the danger you encountered and understood the whole process of the matter. But unfortunately, even aging and dying, it is much stronger than us, so we have no way to change this situation, will You save it. All we can do is issue a warning to you, and how to do it depends on your own means. "

"You are running out of time. After you receive this message, you have less than fifty years ..."

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