Super Battleship Reborn

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Heroes memorial hall

The supernova explosion is the number one violent phenomenon in the universe. Even in this reduced version, the power of the explosion still surprised Xiao Yu secretly. However, it may be because this is a fake and shoddy product that was artificially spawned. This time the supernova outbreak did not last long.

Fortunately, Xiao Yu can barely maintain it. Otherwise, the stellar cannon will definitely be destroyed, and if the stellar cannon is destroyed, Xiao Yu ’s more than one million spacecraft can survive 100,000, which is enough to thank Xiao Yu. Already.

By the end of the first wave of the most powerful explosion, the star cannons used as shields by Xiao Yu had been cut to a diameter of six kilometers, and only a few hundred thousand were damaged by millions of engines. But it finally survived, and finally protected Xiao Yu's fleet from major damage.

After just three days, the star was fading rapidly, or its body was fading. At the moment, in the center of the galaxy, there is only a white dwarf, which is extremely dense and small. During this eruption, it lost a lot of mass, which caused the planet that orbited it to retreat tens of millions of kilometers away.

This star has been completely removed from the universe. It was born in the Nebula and turned its body into a nebula at the end. There is nothing to indicate that it ever existed in the universe except this white dwarf.

At this moment, the environment in this galaxy is still bad. A large amount of stellar material has completely changed the environment in this stellar system. Although various high-energy radiations have dropped significantly compared to the initial explosion, they still maintain a level sufficient to kill any living things. Here, it has become a veritable hell.

The soldiers of the Merian Civilization who have witnessed the destruction of their mother star with their own eyes have no fighting spirit at this moment. Xiao Yu did not let them go. After the most dangerous moment of the supernova explosion passed, Xiao Yu dispatched his fleet, encircling the last remaining power of the Morian civilization, and annihilating their last force remaining in this star system.

everything is over. Xiao Yu got the complete five-level civilized science and technology tree, and the ambassador of the guardian civilization retreated. At this moment, there is no power to threaten Xiao Yu's safety.

"It's time to go." Xiao Yu thought secretly in his heart, manipulating the huge fleet, and slowly moving towards the outside of the galaxy.

This stellar system has really become a mess, and the planet of the Merian civilization capital has completely turned into a dead world. The powerful energy from the star recasted its surface again, the rolling mountains were gone, the ocean ten thousand meters deep was gone, the dense atmosphere was gone, and nothing was left. Seeing what it looks like now, no one would think that just a few days ago, it was still a vibrant world.

At this moment, its surface temperature is still very high, but the most intense period of supernova explosion has passed, and it is clear that a white dwarf is not enough to continue to support such a huge energy radiation. This means that the surface temperature of the planet will gradually decrease in the long time in the future. Without the heat of the star, it will become a cold dead world.

This star system has been completely destroyed.

This is a battle at the level of five civilizations. This level of war is enough to affect more than a dozen star systems, and it is not unthinkable to destroy one or two stars. Xiao Yu began to imagine the power of the six civilizations at war.

Xiao Yu really saw this scenario, when the half-four-dimensional Taihao from the Large Magellan Nebula, and the guardian civilization, and several other sixth-level civilizations, hundreds of fifth-level civilizations besieged the sweeper civilization. . After that war, Xiao Yu didn't dare to go to the battlefield to take a look on the spot, but Xiao Yu can be sure that in the area with a range of hundreds of light years, at least dozens of stars were destroyed.

Xiao Yu began to think about one thing, that is, the so-called "qi luck" and the saying "the universe hates intelligent creatures".

"Perhaps, the existence of air transport has deeper reasons. The universe itself hates the existence of intelligent creatures, and it is not unreasonable. Civilization itself will cause great changes to the natural environment. The fifth-level civilization of the population will also cause serious erosion to at least hundreds of planets. This is only a fifth-level civilization. If it is a sixth-level civilization, it will also open up a small universe by itself, directly affecting the space itself. As for that nothingness Seven-level civilizations, and higher civilizations, do n’t know what incredible methods there are ... If the universe has its own consciousness, it will naturally hate such changes. ”

"It's just that I don't understand something. Half-four-dimensional Taihao said to me that the universe hates this change, but it is not a collective of consciousness. It has no independent self-consciousness, so why does it hate it?"

"Air transport, air transport ... the elimination of the remaining civilized creatures can be enhanced by air transport. On the bright side, it seems that the universe itself is encouraging intelligent creatures to kill each other. In this way, the number of intelligent creatures in the universe is reduced. But is n’t the universe aware? War is also a means of communication and a means of promoting the progress of civilization. I am an obvious example. If it were not for war, I would not have been able to grow so fast. To make a simple analogy, if it is eliminated One hundred third-level civilizations can promote me to the level five civilization, the number of civilizations is reduced, but I am also stronger, and a fifth-level civilization, I can make images of the universe than one hundred A third-level civilization can have a larger image of the universe. In this way, the improvement of air transport seems to be a loss-making sale. In the end ... why is this happening? "

Xiao Yu was very puzzled.

The mysterious Taihao civilization, the illusory seventh-level civilization, the seemingly contradictory "luck", war and peace, development and death, all these things are entangled in Xiao Yu's mind, let Xiao Yu always felt a fog in front of her and couldn't see the road ahead.

"Don't think about these things for a moment." Xiao Yu sighed slightly. "As I grow stronger, I will be able to touch these things one day. All the fog must be cleared by me, all mysteries, I will find the answer. "

"So, Merian civilization, good-bye, I am very busy. I have no interest in going to the rest of the galaxies to destroy your remaining power. I hope you will not bother me again."

After looking back at the white dwarf again, Xiao Yu steered the Biology Corps to merge with his fleet and embarked on a vast journey.

The complete five-level civilization technology tree derived from the Merian civilization needs Xiao Yu to digest it, and the fleet with heavy casualties also needs time to rest. In the current situation, find a remote and unobtrusive small galaxy, quiet Resting is the right path.

"Well, the galaxies are almost the same. Just choose one and leave here first." Xiao Yu thought, cāo embarked on the voyage on his own fleet.

There are many different types of stars. Dividing them into red dwarfs, yellow dwarfs, subgiants, blue giants, etc. according to their mass is just the most rough way to divide them. In fact, according to the spectrum, abundance of heavy elements, age, etc., Xiao Yu can divide stars into tens of thousands of different categories. But all this is only meaningful for scientific research and has no effect on Xiao Yu's choice of goals.

No matter what kind of stars they are, as long as there are planets, it is sufficient to have planets, which means that there is plenty of material, and there is plenty of material to support their own development. There are many goals for Xiao Yu to choose from, and they are everywhere.

In the Biological Corps, the specific damage has been counted, and the list of fallen soldiers has been compiled and distributed to the spaceships of each home. At this moment, more than seventy home spacecraft, tens of billions of intelligent creatures, and UU reading are all in deep grief.

"For the development of our Shenzhou civilization, these brave fighters have given their lives, and they are pushing our civilization forward at the cost of their lives."

"Their death has given us today's victory. Our Shenzhou civilization is like a tall building, and these soldiers are the masonry that makes up this tall building. Their names will be remembered by us forever, their The deeds will be preached by us forever. They are heroes. Today, we are sad for the death of the hero, but sadness alone is not enough. We must inherit the hero ’s legacy and make our Shenzhou civilization stronger, only this way In order to comfort the hero's spirit in heaven. "

At this moment, Xiao Yu is hosting a memorial service for the fallen soldiers. The appearance of Xiao Yu means that this will be the highest standard memorial service. Tens of billions of intelligent creatures among dozens of home spacecraft are watching this conference in various ways.

"I will build a hero memorial hall in every home spaceship, for everyone to pay their respects. The deeds of the heroes will never be forgotten by us." Xiao Yu said these words calmly, dozens of home spaceships Among them, there was a solemn atmosphere.

Various grand commemorative events were spontaneously organized by the people. The heroes memorial hall was filled with flowers on the first day after its completion.

"There are infinite possibilities and hopes ahead. No matter how much we pay, we must move forward strongly, don't we?" Xiao Yu said with a smile, "Shenzhou civilization will go all the way and will not stop." To be continued.)

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