Super Copy World

Chapter 218: Monster Siege 1

Wang Yu and his party were shocked by the scene in front of them when they reached the city wall. I saw all the monsters below. But all of them are cat monsters and scarecrows. All these monsters rushed towards the city wall.

The city walls are also densely packed with people. After the monsters came into range, they saw the overwhelming fireball all smashing into the monster group.

Wang Yuyan also began to hit fireball at this time. And Long Xiaokui also lost the fireball technique.

I saw those monsters who rushed in front of the fireball and then cleared up.

I haven't waited for people to be happy. There was another wave of strange monsters coming up.

The adventists began to smash fireballs again.

In this way, the monsters rushed towards the city wall. Every time the mage on the tower threw an overwhelming fireball.

"Ding! Your team killed the hook cat and scored 60 points."

"Ding! Your team killed the Scarecrow and got 58 points."

Uh ...

昱 The system prompts in Wang Yu's ears kept ringing. Wang Yu directly turned off the system prompt.

In this way, Wang Yu, Qiao Feng and others quickly rose to level 16.

Wang Yu saw these monsters for a short while, so why didn't they admire the city walls? I took out the poisoning and started learning.

He watched the rune essentials of poisoning while watching the battle.

However, this situation did not change for long. Because many of the mage's side of the Advent have used empty spiritual power. And there is no potion supplement.

The overwhelming fireball soon became sparse.

The cat monsters rushed through the moat and attacked the walls and gates.

"If you go on like this, the door will be destroyed soon." Qiao Feng said while watching the battle.

"Well! The durability of these walls is obviously higher than that of the gates. And these mobs can't destroy the walls." Wang Yu looked at the monsters who couldn't break the walls of the walls.

"Let's go to the gate and prepare to support the gate." Mitutoyo said.

"Huh! Let's go to the gate of the city." After Wang Yu said, he took everyone to the gate of the city.

导师 "Teacher! This place is best with your hellfire. Don't worry about the lack of blue potion. We are all stuffed with potion in the space." Wang Yu saw all these weirds knocking on the door here.

Although these monsters are still unbreakable, they will be forced to deduct 1 for long. You have to know that this gate is only 10,000 points lasting.

"Hmm! I see." Long Xiaokui started to release Hellfire.

I saw that these monsters who knocked on the door were immediately cleared of a line. But soon it was filled again by the monster behind.

"Yuyan, did you learn the hellfire?" Wang Yu turned and asked.

"I just learned! I'm learning. It can be learned in about 10 minutes." Wang Yuyan said something about herself.

"Well! My poisoning is almost done. I have a hunch that today ’s monster siege is not so simple. Everyone is better to learn skills while upgrading. In preparation for a fight in the future." Wang Yu said his hunch. a bit.

Everyone nodded and said yes. So they have learned their skills. They figure out skills while watching.

"This brother! Where do you have so many skill books?" Then someone who was standing by the gate of the city came over and asked.

"Of course it is explosive! What else can it be? Could it be that it fell from the sky?" Yang caught the man's words after this time.

"That's right! I haven't introduced myself yet. I am a child of the Fang family in Beijing. I'm a Fang Han." Fang Han introduced himself.

"Fang Han? Cold cold?" Wang Yu glanced at the man in surprise. Although he has not heard of any Fang family in Beijing. But it does not prevent Wang Yu from looking at this person twice. Actually called Fang Lao Mo's name.

"I'm Zhang Han's Han. I'm not cold." Fang Han said.

"Oh! Sorry! I haven't heard of any Fang family in Beijing." Wang Yu told Fang Han very frankly that he had never heard of Fang family.


"Hahaha ... Fang Han! Someone doesn't know your Fang family." At this time came a laugh with ridicule.

"I don't know Fang's family is normal!" Wang Yu said a little bit puzzled.

"Yes! Normal! Good to say. Hahaha ..." The person who laughed came out laughing.

"Do n’t laugh. He may not know your Yuan family." Fang Han asked: "A friend has heard of the Yuan family in Beijing? This is Yuan Shu, a child of the Yuan family in Beijing."

"Yuan Shu?" Wang Yu glanced at the Yuan family child in surprise.

"Hahaha ... I know it! I know it! This friend not only doesn't know your Yuan family. I don't know your Yuan Shu yet. Look at his weird eyes and emotions must be the trick on you Over his head. Hahaha ... ”Fanghan said with a laugh.

"You! Hum! The tree that this friend is under is not a tree, but a tree of big trees." Yuan Shu first pointed at Han angrily, then calmed down and said to Wang Yu.

"Oh! No wonder! I heard you called Yuan Shu and I thought of it the first time." Wang Yu said immediately.

"Can a friend now tell us where these skill books were found?" Fang Han asked again.

既然 "Since you asked the question in good faith! I will tell you with compassion. We hit it at the skull hole." Yang jumped out at this time and said.

When I heard this sentence, I thought of something. Yang Guo may have encountered the Rockets.

"Brother Yang! Have you ever met the Rockets in the Pokemon World? Otherwise, how would you know the Rockets trio's lineup." Wang Yu asked.

"Brother! Brother came to the Carlos area when I arrived. I met a friend named Xiaozhi as soon as I arrived. I traveled with him for a while. I know he is also from Zhenxin Town. I also know you .The Rockets trio met when he was traveling with him. "Yang Guo talked about his travels in the Pokemon Replica World.

"Eh! Yes! We are all really new towns. Has Xiaozhi ever been to the Carlos area? Then he should have met Salina?" Wang Yu said with emotion ~ ~ Brother Do you know Salina? "Yang Guo asked in doubt.

"Well! That's the best person to be Xiaozhi's kid-in-law." Wang Yu said.

"Brothers feel the same way? I also think he is a good match. It is Xiaozhi's guy who is a bit slow. Maybe he wakes up only after Sallyna leaves in the end." Yang Guo said.

"But the two are talking about Xiaozhi in Zhenxin Town, Pokemon World?" Fang Han asked at this moment.

"Do you know him?" Wang Yu asked.

认识 "I know! Of course I know! I landed in Fengyuan area. I also played against him in the league field. Unfortunately, I was picked by his Pikachu three." Fang Han said helplessly.

"Xiaozhi has a lot of Pokémon that he can play. But the best thing to do is his Pikachu and Jiahe Ninja Frogs in Carlos." Wang Yu said.

"My brother actually knew Xiaozhi's Jiahe Ninja frog. The Jiahe Ninja frog was really special. After fetter evolution, the combat power was really a bit scary. But at the end, he lost to the super evolutionary Spitfire Dragon." Yang Guo said.

"... What are they talking about? I don't understand anything." Fang Han listened to what the two said about super evolution and frustration evolution. Fang Han said in his heart that he didn't know.

Someone suddenly heard a voice at this time.

"Look, there are no monsters behind us! Did the monster siege end and we succeed in defending the city?"

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