
whip after whip was drawn on the body of the captive, and the captives, gritting their teeth, although their hearts were full of anger, they did not dare to say anything.

Compared to those who were killed, it was already a great honor that they were still alive.

"Today's punishment has just begun! When you can bring me something useful, I will reduce the punishment.

Zheng Ruhua chuckled softly.

said, the latter couldn't help but point, several captives not far away, all of them contributed very useful information to Zheng Ruhua.

"We just want to live, why do you so hard to kill us, what good is it for you!" the

captive couldn't help but retort angrily. However, as soon as the words fell, he was responded to by a leather whip, and the latter's face had an extra red blood, which looked a little hideous.

"Who gave you the audacity to speak out loud to me?

Zheng Ruhua then sneered.

"You are captives, and if you want to live, you must contribute useful things!" said

Zheng Ruhua with another whip.

The whip struck the latter's brain, and in an instant the latter passed out in pain.

"This guy, peel and cramp, and then chop and feed the dogs, and then the next one..."

Zheng Ruhua's face was calm, and he said lightly.

"Spare your life, spare your life. "

I really don't know anything about the Wujiang prefect, I was forced, and I just wanted to join the army with a full meal?"

The prisoner who was about to be tortured was almost frightened, and trembled and begged for mercy.

Seeing this, Zheng Ruhua's eyes showed a hint of disdain.

People who are as timid as a mouse are better handled.

"I don't know anything, what's the use of what I want you to do, wouldn't it be rice to keep you alive?"

"No, no, no, I can do anything, please spare my life, I can sell your life!"

"I can shoot arrows and cook... He will also raise horses, please spare my life!" "

As long as he can live, he is willing to do everything, after all, only life is in other places to negotiate."

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'll give you this chance..."

Hearing this, the corners of Zheng Ruhua's mouth rose slightly.

"Well, let's serve in the county government for the time being..."

, Lord Zheng, my lord is waiting for you outside the prison!" Suddenly

, a jailer walked over respectfully and said.

Hearing the voice, Zheng Ruhua put down the leather whip, didn't say much, and left quickly.

"I've seen my lord!" A

few minutes later, Zheng Ruhua appeared outside the prison and said with a respectful expression.

"What happened to these captives?" Can they be used now?"

"Some can, most of them are of great use to the construction of the county government!" "However, some guys are typical greedy for life and afraid of death, and they joined the army to talk nonsense, these people, I will find a way to let them dedicate their lives to the county government

in the future!" "Okay! Everything you arrange!"

Let these guys be used by the county government as soon as possible.

Li Tian nodded.

"Besides, I want to find someone to find the king and magnate this time..."

"Wang boy, he should be fine!"

"Who can say accurately, after all, the Guan Elder of Juxian Pavilion covets the earth-shattering thunder on my body.

Li Tian chuckled.

"I'm afraid he's under house arrest!

"What the adults said is indeed unreasonable!" Zheng

Ruhua nodded.

"However, Chenyang County is too far away from us! We rush over, I'm afraid..."

"I still have a batch of bullets in my hand, so it shouldn't be a problem for Zhang Long and them to go."

"The main thing is that after they went, there weren't many people around me who could be used. "

So, I'm going to get some people from you

!" "I'm a garrison!"


Ruhua asked rhetorically.

"Of course not, your soldiers are trained for the gossip wall, if I rashly ask for someone from your side, then wouldn't I have cut off my own heels!"

This gossip defense wall is the top priority of the county government's defense, and Li Tian categorically can't let it have any surprises.

After seeing the power of the Gossip Wall last time, he still thought about hurrying to build the second wall as well.

If it weren't for the weather, it would have been put on hold for the time being.

Now, the people of the whole county are not allowed to be shaken by themselves to repair the wall.

"I mean, find some people from the captives you've interrogated!" "

Let them follow me, and do some chores and chores for me, and preferably

clean up!" "It turns out that this is the case, it shouldn't be a big deal, and I do have a few of them who have surrendered sincerely!"

Okay, then it's decided, you can arrange it for me to send it over later, I'll go elsewhere

first!" Li Tian smiled and nodded.


After bidding farewell to Zheng Ruhua, Li Tian did not rush back, but carried out apples, pea seedlings, and salted duck eggs in some industrial areas of the county government, which were all Li Tian's industries.

These are the first test scales.

As long as it can be done, Li Tian will naturally recommend the people of the whole city to plant together, so that the income of the people can be greatly increased.


On the other hand, Wang Changgui was really in trouble as Li Tian guessed.

After he released the task of acquiring saltpeter, he wanted to stay a few more days to see if anyone could deliver it.

Who knew that the next day, the deputy pavilion master of Juxian Pavilion, as well as the two local big families, the Tang family and the Bi family, all came to the door.

"Mr. Wang, you can think about the suggestion of this pavilion master, Pifu, innocent Huaibi, I think this truth, you should understand that such a powerful weapon as the heaven-shaking thunder should not only be in the hands of a small county commander!"

"Tang Pavilion Lord, I understand what you mean, but..."

"You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself, the Pavilion Master is just passing on a word, if you feel that you can't keep this secret at any time, you can ask the Pavilion Master for asylum, but the points promised to you will be much less. Hearing

the words of the Tang Pavilion Lord, Wang Quangui's face was extremely embarrassed, these guys, insisting that they knew how the earth-shaking thunder was made, did everything possible to force themselves.

"Oh yes,

no one took the task you posted earlier.

"As for the reason, it's simple, the Bi family, the Tang family, and several other families jointly issued orders, and those who held orders in the Chenyang branch didn't dare to have anything to do with you!"

Hearing this, the royal magnates were suddenly shocked.

"This time, it seems that you are really in the mouth of a sheep

!" "Mr. Wang, think about it, the pavilion master will leave first!"

"To be honest, I don't want you to be targeted by other families and die in the end, after all, you are also a talented person!"

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