Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 26 Attention from the Mathematics Community

On the night of October 3, many mathematics masters in the country had insomnia.

Zhu Xiping looked listlessly with panda eyes the next day. He could confirm that there was no faculty member named Huang Mingzhe at CUHK. The only one named Huang Mingzhe was the college entrance examination top scorer who had recently stirred up trouble on the Internet.

Is it really him? But this paper doesn't look like it was written by a freshman. Although he was full of doubts, considering that it was a holiday, he temporarily shelved the idea of ​​meeting Huang Mingzhe.

In addition, Zhu Xiping also had some uncertainties about this paper. After all, the field of topology is also very large, with various branches. After thinking about it again and again, he sent an email to Professor Yau Cheng-Tong of Harvard University. .

At this time, in the faculty dormitory area of ​​Harvard University, the moon and stars were sparse in the night sky, and the cool autumn air was blowing.

Qiu Chengtong, who had just returned from a walk, accidentally saw a new email notification in the e-mail box on his computer desktop, but this was quite normal.

After all, as the Caesar of mathematics, Qiu Chengtong is also a special reviewer of top mathematics journals. The editors-in-chief of major top mathematics journals will send some high-quality papers to him for review.

When I opened my email, there were three papers.

Huh? Zhu Xiping’s email? He skipped the three papers and directly opened Zhu Xiping’s email and browsed it.

"Let me take a look at a paper?" Qiu Chengtong thought for a while and asked Zhu Xiping to send a special email. There must be something unique about this paper.

Log in to the RePEc website and search for "Integrity Architecture of Analysis-Algebra-Topology". In fact, as soon as he saw the title, he knew what the paper was about.

Many people have done this work, even his teacher Chen Shengshen has done it. He is already over 60 years old and his teacher has passed away. There is no breakthrough in the integration of topology.

Hmm? Can this uncertain formula be used here? There seems to be no problem? Qiu Chengtong carefully browsed page by line.

"Wonderful! Indescribable! It's actually possible to do this, well..." He just clapped his hands to praise, but found that the paper had reached the last page: "There should be more to come, the structure is completed, and the next content is ready to be revealed, why... But stop?"

He was obviously depressed by Huang Mingzhe, so he read it carefully again, mentally calculating some formulas and derivation processes from time to time, and became more and more convinced that this structure was not simple. From the perspective of the extension direction of the structure, this was only part of the content.

"Huang Mingzhe? CUHK? Is there a math master named Huang Mingzhe in CUHK?" Qiu Chengtong was very confused. This name is too unfamiliar. Could it be that he is a new mathematician from China?

Although he did not know the specific situation of Huang Mingzhe, Qiu Chengtong was still very happy and emailed other international topology mathematicians about this paper. Even Terence Tao also sent a copy.

For a time, Huang Mingzhe's name spread rapidly in the mathematics community, and the paper "Analysis-Algebra-Topological Integrity Architecture" was also studied by many people.

The domestic mathematics community already knew that Huang Mingzhe was the author of that paper. After all, there are many people named Huang Mingzhe, but Huang Mingzhe, the founder of Thinking Network and the top scorer in the college entrance examination, is the only one.

At this time, Huang Mingzhe was immersed in the paper. On October 5, he published the paper "Analysis-Algebra-Topology Re-Associated Sets" again, and on October 7 he published the paper "Analysis-Algebra-Topology Uncertain Fuzzy System". .

The three papers are interlocking and constitute Huang Mingzhe's topology theory, which also initially completes the integration of analytical topology and algebraic topology.

In the Department of Mathematics of Fudan University, Su Qingzhu and several mathematics professors put down the copies. One of the teachers smiled bitterly and said: "What a pity. If the mathematics annual journal is published, it will only be three top SCI articles."

"Qingzhu, what do you think?" asked another old professor.

"He is a genius, another mathematical genius like Chen Shengshen and Qiu Chengtong." Su Qingzhu praised.

"Oh? Do you have such a high opinion of Huang Mingzhe?"

Su Qingzhu thought for a while and replied: "Let's put it this way! These three papers are a topological system, but I can feel that there are further possibilities to look at it later, a brand new topological system, and its future It’s limitless!”

"A brand new topology system?" The old professor raised his glasses in surprise.

"The field of topology is now divided into analytic topology and algebraic topology, and Huang Mingzhe is integrating them. If successful, he can be on par with Chen Shengshen and Qiu Chengtong." Su Qingzhu explained.

Masters from other domestic universities or mathematics institutes have also realized that these three papers are just a prelude and should be followed by a more in-depth system.

However, they also know that the road ahead will be difficult. It will not be easy to complete the integration of the two major branches of topology. Even though they are both topology, they are mixed with analysis, algebraic geometry and other mathematical branches, which can be said to be intricately intertwined.

It can only be said that Huang Mingzhe has initially completed the integration of topology, but he is still far away from the true integration.

Just like Chen Jingrun proved "1+2", there is still a long way to go before he can guess "1+1". Mathematically speaking, even one formula is a world of difference.

They can only say that Huang Mingzhe has completed the first floor of the building of unified topology. As for whether the building can be capped, no one can guarantee it.

"Classmate Mingzhe, your thesis is so lofty and enlightening that it made me enlightened." Zhu Xiping said happily.

Opposite him was Huang Mingzhe, who had just started school and was invited to the dean's office by Zhu Xiping.

But at this time, there were many professors from the School of Mathematics at CUHK in the office.

"Dean Zhu Miao praised it." Huang Mingzhe replied with a smile.

"Mingzhe, why don't you publish mathematics journals?" a professor asked.

"The main reason is that the review speed of mathematics journals is too slow, and I don't want to wait slowly." Huang Mingzhe said directly.

"I see."

Next, Huang Mingzhe and Zhu Xiping conducted mathematical discussions and exchanges, ranging from topology to algebraic geometry, and from algebraic geometry to analysis, group theory, etc.

After some exchanges, the professors' eyes changed towards Huang Mingzhe. The young man in front of them was simply a monster. It was as if they were communicating with a master of mathematics.

In particular, Zhu Xiping felt even more profoundly. He had cooperated and communicated with Qiu Chengtong, and Huang Mingzhe gave him the same feeling as if he was facing Qiu Chengtong.

He is knowledgeable and has a very deep understanding of various fields of mathematics. Even in his professional field of Poincaré's conjecture, Huang Mingzhe is almost as good as him.

"There have been talented people from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years. You will definitely have a place in the history of mathematics in the future." Zhu Xiping praised.

"Who knows?" Huang Mingzhe smiled and spread his hands.

"Continue to build the building of topology. I can see that this is part of your topology system." Zhu Xiping suggested.

"That is inevitable. I have been moving in this direction." Huang Mingzhe replied confidently.

"Thank you for coming to CUHK. It is an honor for CUHK." Zhu Xiping could see that Huang Mingzhe was a talented and ambitious person. At the same time, he knew that if Huang Mingzhe could grow up, he would definitely become a giant in mathematics.

This matter will undoubtedly bring many benefits to CUHK. I just hope that Huang Mingzhe is not a shooting star.

After the exchange, Huang Mingzhe obtained Zhu Xiping's approval and did not need to attend classes. At the same time, if Huang Mingzhe needed exchanges, the school could also arrange for him to go to Princeton University.

However, Huang Mingzhe directly refused to study abroad. In this information age, most mathematical knowledge is public, and the parts that are not public cannot be learned by studying abroad.

In this case, why bother asking for trouble?

He began practicing in seclusion at CUHK. While writing papers and communicating with professors, he secretly managed the development of the Thinking Society.

Huang Mingzhe published a paper almost once a week on the RePEc website. With the release of his paper, the international mathematics community also noticed this rising supernova.

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