Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 36 Curvature Theory

As the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Several young researchers were chatting and eating lunch.

Suddenly, a researcher hurriedly picked up a journal and slapped it on the table: "Old Qin, your idea is right, page 36, Huang Mingzhe's paper."

Qin Tong didn't care about eating, so he quickly put down his chopsticks, grabbed the journal, and turned to page 36.

[Principle of curvature bubble and curvature motion...]

The curvature engine complies with Einstein's equations in general relativity, and establishes a special space-time metric under this category.

The paper proposes that the wave method expands space, causing the space in front of the aircraft to shrink and the space behind it to expand. The axis connected before and after is the direction the ship wants to sail.

The ship rides the fluctuations in an interval called the "warp bubble," which is a stretch of flat space-time.

Since the ship is not really moving inside the bubble, but is being carried away by the bubble, the restriction in the general theory of relativity that the speed of an object cannot exceed the local speed of light cannot take effect.

Finally, Huang Mingzhe also explained at the end that although the metric derived from the curvature engine is mathematically feasible and consistent with Einstein's field equation.

But the results of the calculations may not make physical sense, nor do they necessarily mean that such a device can actually be built.

A hypothetical mechanism for the engine was also proposed, implying a negative energy density and thus requiring exotic matter for use. Or the change in the density of dark matter causes the gravitational difference in space, which can produce curvature bubbles.

The other is the calculation of energy consumption. Casimir vacuum energy can meet the negative energy demand of the Alcubierre engine. According to Huang Mingzhe's calculation formula, it is concluded that at least one Jupiter mass of energy is required to start the curvature engine.

"It actually coincides with my idea. I thought I was just fantasizing. I didn't expect Huang Mingzhe to come up with such a complete theory." Qin Tong said excitedly.

"Show me." Zhang Shiting, a master of astrophysics, took the paper and read it attentively. He took out another cigarette and thought about it while smoking.

"Huh..." He blew out the smoke softly: "Mathematically speaking, there is no problem, but we currently do not have the manufacturing conditions. To write a novel, we need to write a paper to explain it. Some people on the Internet are really good at it."


"But this theory is indeed good, and it can at least serve as a direction for future development."

"Fantasy ideas."

Other domestic universities or scientific research institutions also received this issue of Acta Physica Sinica and were immediately stunned by the working principle of the curvature engine.

It turns out that super-light speed can be achieved in this way, and the logic is very rigorous, at least mathematically it is feasible. As for whether it can be achieved, no one will care too much about this issue.

If a theory is proposed, it must be implemented immediately, and all theoretical physicists and theoretical mathematicians will be questioned.

For example, Edward Witten's M theory (string theory), there is currently no way to verify this thing.

Whether it is Einstein's God does not play dice or Schrödinger's cat, they all have conflicting and unexplainable phenomena. Similarly, string theory is also difficult to play the strings of the universe.

The domestic physics community agrees with the curvature theory.

The Science Home of Thinking Network immediately reprinted the paper from Acta Physica Sinica, explaining the principle of super-light flight in the wandering starry sky.

Huang Mingzhe updated his accounts on Science Home and Bib.

[Science fiction literature is the fantasy of science. We are thinking about the future. Science fiction does not mean popular science. The fantasy future is bound to be filled with many vague or false concepts. May human civilization prosper forever, and the stars and the sea will be our journey. ]

No one expected that things would end in this way. Many people thought that Huang Mingzhe would cheat, but they did not expect that he would directly write a paper to angrily criticize Ark.

On Science House.

"I really like the big wandering starry sky and hope to continue writing about it." - Hindsight Zhuge Liang

"The theory of curvature is very sophisticated, and I hope there will be opportunities to communicate in the future." - Qin Tong (Astrophysics)

"Our journey is the stars and the sea." - Explorer

"Is it true that the only way for academic masters to talk about truth is to write essays to criticize?" - Ming Jue Li

"It turns out that Ark has known himself for a long time and went to the United States in advance to avoid the limelight." - Marlboro

" @Marlboro, it's best not to come back for the rest of your life. I heard the court summons has passed." - Steel Paul

“I feel that The Wandering Starry Sky is the real science fiction novel, but it’s such a pity that The Wandering Starry Sky cannot participate in this year’s Galaxy Awards.” ——Zhang San, the Madman

" @Crazy Zhang San, after all, the boss is the boss of Thinking Network. It is easy to be criticized for participating in the Galaxy Awards." - Guatian Li Xia

As soon as Huang Mingzhe's paper came out, online public opinion immediately reversed, and netizens began to criticize Fang Zhou and others.

Of course, there are still many well-known Huang Mingzhe who are unswervingly cheating, but now they don't dare to blatantly cheat, but use hints and inducements to cheat.

Pingding County, Shanxi Province - Niangziguan Power Plant.

In the boring control room, seven or eight electricians were looking at computers. The computers were all old-fashioned spherical screen computers.

In the corner, a middle-aged electrician with a round face and glasses is looking at the computer idly. After decades of working in a power plant, he is boring and has some thoughts.

Suddenly he saw several pieces of news on the web page, about Ark absconding in fear of crime, Wandering Starry Sky opening a new era of science fiction, Huang Mingzhe's curvature theory, etc.

Out of curiosity, he clicked on the link. After some understanding, he finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.

He took out his mobile phone and downloaded a thinking network APP, and then he finally saw the complete wandering starry sky in the Science Fiction House.

After the middle-aged electrician finished reading The Wandering Starry Sky in one sitting, he whispered excitedly: "It turns out that science fiction can be written like this."

The large number of science fiction concepts in Wandering Starry Sky, like a complete collection of science fiction, brought a huge impact to him.

He was in a daze all day, and couldn't sleep even when he got home. He tossed and turned in bed, and was afraid of disturbing his wife's sleep, so he hurried to the balcony.

While smoking, he opened Science Fiction House and read The Wandering Starry Sky over and over again. For a time, his mind was spinning thousands of times, and countless thoughts emerged.

He was eager to turn these thoughts into words. After two cigarettes, he made up his mind and registered the author's pen name as Liu Diangong in the author section of Science Fiction House.

He also registered his first novel "Supernova Era". With excitement and enthusiasm, he wrote and revised it in his draft box.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that I felt a little sleepy, and then I lay down in a drowsy state.

In the morning, he went to work listlessly at the power plant with panda eyes, and from then on he started his daily life of working at work and writing novels.

No one thought that Niangziguan Power Plant would give birth to an electrician who is one of the three giants of Chinese science fiction.

At the same time, other people were also inspired by Wandering Starry Sky, and the science fiction works of Science Fiction House showed a spurt of growth.

Not only has the number skyrocketed, but a lot of high-quality works have also appeared.

Zhang Hanqing immediately pursued the victory and asked Dream Bubble Studio to produce an animated series about Wandering Starry Sky. In addition, Dream Company also acquired some toy factories and vigorously developed peripheral products.

For example, in the article "Wandering Starry Sky - Silicon Z Planet", there are a large number of mechanical beast model toys, posters, clothing, games and the like.

As a qualified manager, if he couldn't seize this great opportunity, then Huang Mingzhe would definitely hire Zhang Hanqing.

Tribute to Miguel Alcubierre - Alcubierre Engine

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