Super Dimension Technology Era

Chapter 97 Pathfinding attempt

Obviously, the thinking system launched by Thinking Society has overtaken Google and Microsoft and caught them off guard.

As soon as the Chinese officials saw that the thinking system was turning the tide, they immediately took action to cooperate.

January 21st.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology urgently issued the [Interim Security Regulations of China]. The temporary regulations require that all application software running in China must proactively adapt to a secure operating system under the premise of national security.

At the same time, the endorsement of the thinking system's mandatory transcoding APP activates the newly established emergency procedures that endanger national security. That is, once the software is unsafe, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology can directly designate relevant software replacements.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology acted very quickly. As soon as it promulgated the temporary regulations on Internet security in China, it immediately activated emergency procedures.

Microsoft and Android are directly included in the scope of unsafe software and designated to be replaced by thinking systems.

Obviously this is not intended to give Google and Microsoft the opportunity to directly create a fait accompli before they can react.

The first companies and units to take action are, of course, state-owned enterprises and government agencies. All computer and mobile phone operating systems will be switched to the thinking system.

At this time, the domestic market of Android and Microsoft is like a dam bursting. A large number of users have changed their careers. The layout of more than ten years has been wiped out overnight.

United States, Google headquarters.

Tianzhu President Pichai and other senior executives were stunned.

As soon as the thinking system came out, they felt that a storm was coming, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China took direct action to support the thinking system, which dealt a fatal blow to the Android system in the Chinese market.

"Mr. President, our current installed base of Android systems in China is less than 20% of the previous level, and it is declining rapidly." The assistant said fearfully.

Pichai was heartbroken, but it was too late to regret it now. After they did this, there was no turning back.

"President, we can use legal means. The thinking system will definitely infringe on our patent." Amanda, the Minister of Legal Affairs, suggested.

But for this proposal, Pichai smiled bitterly in his heart. In this situation, even if the patent law is used, the other party can survive under the protection of China.

Is it possible that Google can also let the US court try Think Society? Even if it is tried, Think Society will not admit it. At worst, they will never interact with each other until death.

Suddenly the office door was pushed open, and the two founders Brin and Page appeared at the door.

"Mr. Page, Mr. Brin." Pichai stood up respectfully.

Page waved his hands in a depressed mood. He and Brin had previously opposed the introduction of a white list.

However, although the two are the founders, they do not have the final say at Google. The Wall Street capitalists and G behind them are the real controllers.

Those guys thought they could hit China's semiconductor industry with a fatal blow, but they didn't expect to lose their wives and lose their troops.

Now Google and Microsoft have completely lost the Chinese market. In this incident, the two sides can be said to be at odds.

As a last resort, Brin and Page had no choice but to come back to clean up the mess. Unfortunately, something was lost and will be lost forever.

Especially something called belief, it is very difficult to establish and cultivate a market, but very easy to destroy a market.

Although Brin and Page are back in charge of Google, the Chinese market is still irreversible. In addition, the West Continent Alliance is also wary of Google and Microsoft.

Now that Google and Microsoft can play dirty tricks on China, there is no guarantee that they will repeat their same tactics against the Xizhou Alliance in the future.

At the Xizhou Alliance joint meeting, someone had already proposed to develop their own operating system company, but G blocked the proposal behind the scenes.

The congressman was also hit and killed by a truck the next day. I heard that he died very tragically.

Although Google knew that litigation would be of little use, it still filed a lawsuit with the Peking Court, and a patent war inevitably broke out.

Microsoft also has no choice but to choose patent litigation.

For a time, China and the world's Internet were completely separated into two worlds, and even the semiconductor industry was also two worlds.

Many people feel that the smell before December 25, 1991 is beginning to pervade today again.

January 28th.

Sisi She issued an announcement that in order to completely ensure that the thinking system is not abused, it will separate the thinking system from Si Si She Company and establish an independent management company from now on.

The name of the company is Citizen Trusteeship Co., Ltd., of which 90% of the shares of Citizen Trusteeship Co., Ltd. are owned by the people of the country and a network management committee is established.

The remaining 10% of the shares are 1% owned by Huang Mingzhe personally and 9% owned by employees of the Citizen Trusteeship Co., Ltd.

The Network Management Committee is the board of directors, and Huang Mingzhe has a special right, the right to veto once a year.

In order to ensure that these shares are not changed or traded, 90% of the citizen shares and 1% of Huang Mingzhe's personal shares are permanent and cannot be bought, sold or transferred.

Citizen shares are automatically acquired by citizens upon birth and are automatically taken away upon death; while Huang Mingzhe's personal shares can be inherited by the family.

In order to prevent the network management committee and company management from diverting company income or transferring interests, Huang Mingzhe drafted a very strict management law.

For example, dividends are distributed once a year and are 30% of the company's total profits; the company's development funds are 30% of the total profits; 20% of the total profits are used as education charity funds, 10% as poverty alleviation charity funds, 5% as education scholarships, and 5% as employees. Bonus money.

As for how to distribute dividends, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will set up an account for each citizen. Currently, it is offset against personal social security. Citizens without social security can apply for a bank card by themselves and then apply for confirmation of shareholder qualifications.

This is an attempt by Huang Mingzhe. Things like operating systems are related to many problems. Once it is in private hands, the consequences will be disastrous.

Hangzhou West Lake, the headquarters of Alibaba Group.

Ma Jie Ke stared at the news on his laptop, while Zhang Xiaoyao on the side was also dumbfounded.

"He is so willing! Just giving away a company worth hundreds of billions in the future like this?" Zhang Xiaoyao couldn't believe it.

"..." Majek couldn't calm down for a long time, at least he couldn't do this. After gaining the entire domestic operating system market, he would make such a choice.

This can only be said that Huang Mingzhe's state of mind is different from that of ordinary people. He has tied himself to the people of the whole country. This is an alternative and thorough public ownership.

No one can privatize a Citizen Trust unless the Citizen Trust goes bankrupt, and the problem is that in this case, it is very difficult to go bankrupt.

This approach also directly shuts out many capitals trying to get a piece of the pie.

Although the operating system itself is free of charge, the customized services of the intelligent assistant, intelligent translation, browser, and social software can be operated for a fee.

Except for Alibaba Group, which has not been affected, Goosechang and Qiandu are already under great pressure.

This wave of operations has won the support of a lot of people, causing the frequency of use of smart assistants to rise rapidly, and indirectly driving the rapid development of Thinking Network.

As of mid-February, the number of registered users of has climbed to 246 million.

Although this move is puzzling, Huang Mingzhe has his own considerations.

In the future, he will bring more technologies to the world. Some technologies are very sensitive, and private mastery of these technologies is not conducive to his layout.

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