The temperature of the dragon flames that the little blue dragon spews is very high, which is not comparable to the smelting furnace made by the rune group.

But there is a problem, that is, the hole that Xiaoqinglong dug is too small. If Xiaoqinglong continues to spray dragon flames, the local temperature will rise quickly, maybe this piece Before the metal plate had melted a hole, it was cooked by itself.

The space is too small and it is naturally easy to handle. Can I dig a big hole? Anyway, the wall is very thick, and it is now at the bottom of the warehouse.

Little Qinglong turned around in the hole and dug again.

This time, the hole that Xiaoqinglong dug was directly downward. Before ten meters, the bottom of the warehouse was dug through.

At this time, there is another question.

That is, the lower part of the warehouse was actually immersed in water. As soon as the downward hole was dug, the water poured directly up.

Next, if the metal plate is melted into a big hole, then the warehouse must be flooded…

Little Qinglong is eager to save Yang Tian, ​​so naturally he doesn’t care about it, even if the water floods the warehouse. , It doesn’t care.

After digging the downward passage, the little green dragon began to expand the cave.

More than an hour later, a large hole with a diameter of more than three meters appeared at the bottom of the warehouse, and the water under the warehouse had already poured up, clinging to the metal plate.

Water is better!

The little Qinglong used spirit strength to force the water down, his head was exposed to the surface of the water, and a golden-yellow dragon flame with the thick of an adult’s arm was expelled from his mouth to the metal plate.

The water surface was about one meter away from the metal plate. As soon as the dragon flame appeared, within three seconds, hot air appeared on the water surface. Less than one minute, the upper layer of water boiled.

Water with a low boiling point will naturally not hurt Xiaoqinglong. It is much more comfortable than no water.

After the dragon flame touches the metal plate, it turns red in less than 3 minutes.

3 minutes, it is the limit that the little green dragon can continue to breathe dragon flames. It took a breath, and when the temperature of the metal plate hadn’t dropped much, it spewed out dragon flames again…

Almost ten times, after about half an hour, the metal plate finally began to melt.

The obvious change is not the metal plate, but the water layer at the bottom of the warehouse. In this half an hour, the overall temperature of the water layer has risen by at least 20 degrees.

If there is another half an hour, it is estimated that the water at the bottom of the package warehouse will boil.

After the metal plate melted, it fell down drop by drop, and was removed by Xiaoqinglong with spirit strength, and fell around its body, making a’chih’ sound with a string of white bubbles. Falling towards the bottom.

At this time, Xiao Qinglong discovered that the thickness of the metal plate was less than one centimeter. Looking through the hole in the middle, you could see a stone gamble wall.

This warehouse is really difficult to enter!

Little Qinglong sighed in his heart, while continuing to breathe dragon flames.

After the metal plate began to melt, the speed was much faster. From the center of the melting point, the hole became larger and larger. In less than ten minutes, a round hole with a diameter of ten centimeters appeared. Xiao Qinglong passed easily.

The little green dragon stopped breathing dragon flames, rested for a while, and slowly recovered the spirit strength, and the water layer began to rise slowly.


A harsh sound sounded.

When the water comes in contact with the high-temperature metal plate, it boils.

The sound was a bit loud, and the little Qinglong immediately dived into the water. At this moment, it happened to rest for a while, and by the way, he also checked for any movement outside.

In case the movement inside is heard by the guards outside, it will be troublesome.

After staying in the water for more than ten minutes, the metal plate cooled, and Xiao Qinglong didn’t notice any movement outside.

Two thick stone walls, plus rune defense, in fact, even if there is a thunder inside, the guards outside are invisible.

Seeing that there was no movement outside, the little green dragon swam upwards and quickly passed the metal plate. What appeared in its eyes was the 3rd floor stone wall.

This layer of stone wall is made of small bluestone blocks. There is no rune on it. At first glance, it is known that it was added when the warehouse was arranged.

Little Qinglong went on digging again.

The stone wall, which was less than ten centimeters thick, was dug through by Xiao Qinglong in less than one minute.

Little Qinglong rushed into the warehouse following a stream of water.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, Xiao Qinglong flew into the air.

The warehouse is dark, the strange program reappears, the body is getting brighter and brighter, and bright blue light is projected towards all around. The situation in the warehouse finally appeared in the eyes of Xiao Qinglong.

This is a square stone chamber. The stone gate on the opposite side is tightly closed. It covers an area of ​​about two hundred square meters. The distance from the bottom to the top of the stone chamber is about ten meters.

On all four sides of the wall, there are tall metal frames on which are placed a mouthful of small boxes. In the center of the stone chamber, there are several dozen large boxes stacked together.

I’ve seen this kind of big box Xiaoqinglong. When we were in the mine, the Huier family used these boxes to transport lice crystals.

The little green dragon fell to the keyhole of the top box. It pushed with its claws, and the box was locked.

“pa ~”

Without the key to open the box, Xiaoqinglong can only use violence to destroy the box, and it will smash the box made of hardwood with one claw.

With a sound of “oh la la”, the long lice crystals scattered in the box.

The box is really lice crystals.

Little Qinglong doesn’t have much interest in Lice Crystals. It is looking for life crystals. Only the life crystals obtained from the alien beast within the body can be easily digested and provide it with huge energy.

There is no big box, so you can only look for it in those small boxes.


Little Qinglong no longer uses dragon claw, but uses dragon tail to slap the box.

The small box is made of metal. Although it is hard, the material is very brittle, and it opens after being slapped twice by the little blue dragon.

From the small box, many life crystals fell out, as well as round beads of various colors. These finger-big beads are like life crystals, exuding faint energy fluctuations.

Little green dragon knows that these things are extracted from life crystals, medicine pill, human cultivator can not directly swallow life crystals, can only make a variety of medicine pill to take to enhance energy.

In addition to Mingjing and medicine pill, there are some other things that Xiaoqinglong can’t recognize.

For example, some rune Treasure Items, ancient books, secret pictures, etc.

These are the treasures of the Huier family.

Little Qinglong is only interested in Mingjing and medicine pill. After smashing a box on the shelf, it opened its mouth and sucked all the Mingjing and medicine pill.

Swallowing so many life crystals and medicine pill in one breath, Xiao Qinglong certainly can’t stand it, but it temporarily puts these things in the stomach like the object space, and after returning to the secret room, just vomit it out. Up.

A box on a shelf was smashed by Xiao Qinglong. After taking Mingjing and medicine pill away, Xiao Qinglong flew to the next shelf…

There are a lot of things in the warehouse, actually All can be placed in a Storage Equipment, which is more secure.

But Huier’s family is not a single person, but a family of a group of people. Huier Baixing Impossible puts everything into his own storage bracelet.

The warehouses for storing these family wealth are checked by the elders in turn at regular intervals.

When Xiao Qinglong smashed the box on the second metal shelf and collected the medicine pill and life crystal, the strange program noticed that the energy of the rune outside had changed, and immediately reminded Xiao Qinglong: “Someone is coming.”

This time the person who inspected the warehouse was the second family elder.

The old name of the second tribe is Hui’er Baisheng with an old face. When he walked into the warehouse door, his eyelids trembled.

Fucked his eyebrows, feeling something was wrong, Huier Yum hadtened his pace.


Little Qinglong not at all left immediately, but came to the third metal frame and smashed a mouthful of the box.

In this box, there is a black ball.

The surface of the sphere is smooth, about ten centimeters in diameter. It’s too dark, so dark little Azure Dragon One sees it, and feels like his soul has to be sucked in.

“Small dragon, let’s go!”

Seeing that the little dragon is still not leaving, staring at the black ball in a daze, the strange program reminded again.

Only then did Xiao Qinglong react, and opened his mouth to suck the ball into his mouth, and plunged his head into the water.

At this time, the influx of water is already as high as one meter.

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