Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 172: Unknown weapon

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There were a total of four warships in Xiaoqian, two Ferrero Zaire class frigates, and two two offshore patrol ships.

Under the dark night sky, the electric eel can see the specific appearance of these warships despite the penetration of the sea, and the large letters painted on the ship's side are 169, 170. But there is no way to determine which country's navy they are.

"Bezik, are you sure it's a submarine?" Captain Paget, the frigate No. 169, confronted another destroyer in the video communication; the captain Randao said.

"Little Gigi, my old shell can still lie to you. I dare to pat the chest and pack the ticket. This submarine is still motionless under our feet, but you can be sure. This is definitely not a submarine of the European Union or the United States!" Bezik was on the video Li squeezed her eyebrows: "You quickly let people carefully monitor the sonar array, as long as you record the sound pattern of this unknown submarine, that is definitely a big credit!"

"I warn you, I'm calling me Jiji. I'll give your sister away!" Paget said with a face of eggplant, and said stiffly: "Then if this submarine sat here with us Hard consumption? "

"Then we look at who consumes the energy! Only then we released a total of three active sonar detection waves, which were calculated by the computer. The length of this submarine is about 90 meters to 90 meters. This type of submarine is the one in Africa. Poor ghosts can never be made. And if other countries can swim here, it means that it must be a nuclear-powered submarine with unlimited range. "

"Will that ship touch the problem mine left over by us. Was it bombed here?"

"Not even a problem mine that was twenty years ago can't be found now, what is it called a nuclear submarine?" Bezik shook his head, and you were very idiotic. "They are likely to be attracted by this explosion." Yes, I have reported this problem to the Naval Command, let them investigate which country's submarine is, and dare to break in here so boldly. "

It must be said that the efficiency of the military sector is high. While the two were talking, an encrypted file transmitted via satellite was transmitted from the French Navy Command to the two frigates. "

After their investigation, there is no nuclear submarine in the EU to perform combat readiness, nor is the US nuclear submarine. France is the younger brother of the US forward. Although I don't know the course of their nuclear submarine. But if a submarine really came to the entrance of their base. Will definitely give notice in advance, let them catch the wind and dust for the big brother.

Why this unknown submarine came here. They don't care, they just need to record the voiceprint of this submarine!

The voiceprint of the submarine, which is equivalent to an ID card number, as long as the noise of the submarine's power system is recorded, it can be compared by a computer, and it can be easily pulled out from the sea with complicated noise, and there is no need to use sonar. The technician went to listen to the ocean noise close to his ears, and he used his experience to analyze whether there was a submarine.

When the two countries went to war, a sonar array with a recognition range of 200 nautical miles was the nightmare of the submarine whose voiceprints were recorded.

The voiceprint of a nuclear-powered submarine is undoubtedly purchased by any country. Similarly, I am willing to spend a certain amount of time to collect and obtain. The four warships suspended on the water are all ships of the French overseas naval base in Djibouti. Their monitoring station detected the explosion sound. Cube sent a frigate to the local area to investigate what caused the explosion. Unexpectedly, when the network released the active sonar to detect the terrain, through a computer simulation system, an elongated unknown object was lying on the seabed.

Bezik only felt his brain buzz that much. Then immediately ordered to turn off the active sonar and use passive sonar to monitor. Because in this area where the water is stable and there is no submarine volcanic activity, it is possible to record the sound pattern of this submarine.

"This is not a drill, this is not a drill. This is a combat mission, and the pilot is ready to take off within ten minutes! Repeat. This is not a drill,"

At the French Air Force Base in Djibouti, 26 kilometers south of the electric eel, suddenly countless people rushed into the hangar in all directions, burning their buttocks anxiously.

Djibouti was occupied by France in 1882 and had a long history of colonization for 85 years. Finally, France approved him to go out independently, but France has established a large sea, land, and air integrated military base here to cooperate with the United States Control the Red Sea to lay a solid foundation.

Soon, three were 42 meters long; they were widely equipped with large transport aircrafts from Europe, and roared the propellers of the wings on both sides, and flew to the four warships.

At the same time, there were three mineboats rushing to the naval base.

At the location where the electricity or stayed, the north and south straits were only more than 20 kilometers wide. After receiving inexplicable damage from the sonar, the navy commander immediately decided to send a transport plane and a mineboat to directly block off the sea area of ​​more than 20 kilometers to force the submarine. The command to go up to figure out exactly what kind of weapon it is. It can destroy the whole sonar!

Anyway, after the mine goes down, it can still be recovered, not to mention the waste!

Of course, two large transport planes were the first to reach that sea area. I saw that they flew at low altitude in two straight lines. The rear cabin opened slowly. A mine was scattered every 100 meters like a rain. Into the sea, splashing a full dozen meters of waves.

For a 23-kilometer strait, two or thirty mines are needed per car meter, and then another one is arranged at a line depth of 150 meters. A total of 460 can be all.

"Halo, did you really follow me?" Chen Fan of course noticed the movement of the sea more than two thousand meters on the right side of the electric eel, and the eggs that were about the size of the mine that was detonated, "Bang! Bang! Bang! "Slammed into the water. It's like hitting the heart of an electric eel, uncomfortable and depressed!

Looking again at a stationary warship in each of the four directions, I immediately had a slender body clam in my head that said Xun Shu was sun-drenched and said that the speed was different.

If you want the electric eel to recover the most basic combat power, you have to wait one day at the lowest, but the key is that Chen Fan has not slept for two days now, he has been blown up by a bomb, and he is lucky. Not only do they not leave now, but they also put mines on their own to play blockades ",

Chen Fan closely watched the movement around. While trying to use current to stimulate wound cells, I want to restore my ability to move early.

The half-hour boat,

Electric or biting the tip of the tongue, struggling from half awake and half awake, and then just crying with two eyes sleepy. Can't bear it anymore, and no longer find a place to sleep, he was afraid that he would not be killed, but was trapped to death first!

All mines at the exit are now covered with injuries. Can't stand any tossing electric eels at all, can only move into the strait! "

An operation code-named Gulf Shark Hunting is in full swing. After the two aircraft and the mineboat have completed the mine, the sonar technician Chato re-grabbed the headset and put it on his head to distinguish it from the ocean noise that dragged the sonar. With various band sounds, try to find out whether there are traces of submarine action.

He has full confidence in his hearing. He participated in the fleet competition in the first year of the army and entered the top three, making all the veterans amazing. The following three consecutive years were the first. To know that it is a nuclear-powered submarine lurking here, just record its voiceprint. Isn't it even as simple as drinking water to jump three or four levels?

But today it is estimated that Chato's most moldy day, when there was a well-ordered ocean noise, suddenly a strong electromagnetic sound came out, and then he painfully flicked the earphones to the ground and cried with his ears covered.

Of course, the thirty-six sonar surgeons who encountered him all covered his ears and rolled straight on the ground.

"The gruesome sirens immediately rang through the four warships, accompanied by a red warning light flashing. This kind of sirens, which represents the highest level, is only when the ship is about to be attacked by a torpedo or a major accident occurs. Will start.

"Captain, it's not good. All of our towed sonars are malfunctioning. It is suspected that the unknown equipment of the submarine has interfered!"

"Quick, enter combat mode, turn on the ship's active sonar detection. Immediately pressurize the torpedo compartment, the deep-water bomb is set to an explosion depth of 300 meters, and once we are locked in the attack, we will release it immediately!" Betsikna had time Regardless of how the other party caused the sonar to fail, Lihai entered the fighting state is the right thing.


The active sonar detection wave installed in the abdomen of the frigate, even when the net opened the host, a burst of white smoke burst, and then the protection system immediately cut off the power supply.

The voltage released by the electric eel just when the anger value soared to one hundred, not only broke down the electronic components in the unprotected drag sonar that was exposed outside, but even attached the initiative on the bottom The sonar device was also destroyed, completely dumb!

But the results are also limited to this. Warships have very strict requirements for the manufacture of shells. Not only must they be resistant to seawater corrosion; they must also be magnetically resistant; high temperature and high resistance, and three to five layers of special materials will be painted below the waterline, so the voltage cannot be at all The "turtle shell" that penetrated the half-meter thick layer

"Base, please rush to send people to increase the density of export mines, to a straight line one hundred meters deep. The sonar equipment of the warship was interfered by unknown weapons. We must block it here!" Bezik's face was distorted. Holding a microphone and yelling.

Chen Fan is now forced to do the same, and can only proactively provoke them to penetrate their towed sonar array. Then move inside the strait.

The whole body is hurt, even if it hurts a little, it feels like a knife cut, but now only the scalp hides and sleeps first, and stays in Dongshan!

The main forward driving force of the electric eel is to swing by the tail, but then a large wound lies across it, and the wound that has been covered with a thin film has cracked again, and the dark red blood has penetrated out and has not yet swimed. After moving for dozens of meters, other wounds immediately followed.

"The house leaks coincide with the night rain" Chen Fan was so depressed at the moment that he was too lazy to get angry, anyway. The beams are knotted, as long as the electric mantle is wounded. The bad water in his stomach would definitely make the commander of the French navy vomit blood three liters!

6:30 local time, 11:25 French time!

French Navy Fleet Command!

Commander of the Naval Fleet Command. Sabbah will feel his great responsibility. In recent years, the underwater forces of many countries have grown geometrically. What are Japan, South Korea, Australia, even Vietnam and Malaysia equipped with submarines? Of course, the most important thing to note is that Russia and China, two nuclear-powered submarines s country.

Although according to the "maritime safety agreement". All ** ships and submarines in the world must not invade other countries ’territories and overseas military installations, but what if they really run into the no-fly zone? Not naturally found all partners. Really realized. Just think you are out of luck and see if you can use navigation errors. Reasons such as erroneous entry stigmatize the past.

Of course, the captain must be severely punished when he returns. The reason for the punishment is not why it entered the area, but why it was revealed by the other party. Anyway, this is how he punished his men. But he couldn't figure out, which country's newest weapon made by bait could even interfere with all sonar in an instant?

General, the Djibouti Naval Technical Department has analyzed the cause of the sonar damage! The lieutenant ’s report interrupted Lieutenant General Foster ’s thoughts. An up-to-date situation briefing was placed on his desk.

Prevention: Don't get 4,000 words, give away more than 600 words to everyone for free! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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