Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 221: Once and for all

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"Oye Jun. Now I only know about the pattern. And I think it ’s very heavy. I think you should know how to get it." The tone of the defense minister began to become cold: "According to the meteorological data, there is no evidence for the time being. The cargo ship sank due to irresistible factors. Obviously this is related to the quality of your ship. So you must bear this responsibility. "

"Mr. Defense Minister, when you have no evidence, please don't come to doubt me, and the quality of my family Nakagawa Ohno is like taking a gunpowder. The harder the tone, the harder it will be.

"Okay, I believe in the personality of Ohno Jun. But do you know how much this transaction has cost us? This can't be measured by money at all. Take the sixty-four tanks for example. Geographical environment, city characteristics, and tanks specifically ordered from the US

"Thirty-five percent of the structures have been modified, and even the fire control system has been manipulated in Japanese. From order placement to successful trading. It has been a year and a half long. Many of those ammunitions are Specially-made non-pipeline products. This time the arms are sinking. If you want to order again, you must delay at least one year. If it is not that the shipwreck incident is too ridiculous, I think the cabinet guys will definitely take this opportunity to do a big job. article."

"Uncle, what shall we do?" After hanging up the phone, the man standing next to Ohno Nakagawa asked softly.

"I told my family to be honest with me recently. The fact that the freighter is out this time is too erratic, and with the missing pieces of Eiko, I suspect someone is doing it."

"Will it be Mitsui?"

"For the time being unsure, but they have the greatest suspicion." Ono Nakagawa's gaze looking at the sky is full of Yingying: "If they are making big fuss with the arms incident this time, then don't blame me for not paying attention to the affection of the previous generation

"Tangled!" Lying in bed, Chen Fan controlled the electric eel to swim to the Libyan **** Galaf economic zone. Can't close your eyes while lying on the bed.

This is "painting"; mother Yong doubts that she can't let her go, otherwise she will inform the family, he was the sinking of the arms ship.

Originally he wanted to send Nakagawa to the police station. Ask the police to send her to Qingpu Prison in Tianhai City, a place dedicated to foreign prisoners. However, the plan could not keep up with the changes and sent to prison, still unable to prevent her from being a whistleblower like a family.

This is a sharp proposition. Chen Fan can't avoid it. Only by killing her will she be able to do it once and for all. Speaking of killing, he is not unkilled. That time in Myanmar, he was chased and killed by a gangster with a gun. Without saying a word, he took a gun and said, "Bang! Bang! Bang!"

But it was an encounter, either you died or I died. This time I want to get rid of a woman who has no power at all,

Tangle is tangled, and she still can't change her final destiny.

"When the electric eel comes back from Libya, kill her!" Clenching his teeth, Chen Fan closed his eyes and concentrated on controlling the electric eel.

Just yesterday, the Ono Group had delivered the three million barrels of crude oil, and Chen Fan was ready to let electric eels destroy several oil wells again, so that the next order could not be delivered.

If every time several oil wells are destroyed, the fool also understands that this is not accidental, but that someone is making trouble. So he decided to play a big one this time and let them repair for a year and a half.

Now the electric eel heads to Libya and walks to the Arctic Ocean next to Russia. It only takes about a day and a half to arrive. When the electric mantle arrived there, it was exactly seven o'clock local time.

Don't care about the rest, the electric eel hurriedly arrived in 800 li. Ride to the bottom of the No. 2 drilling platform in the evening, check one circle, there is no monitoring equipment.

This is a drilling platform that stands more than 170 meters deep. Below the thick oil extraction rod of the water tank is a few meters high oil control valve. And Chen Fan is going to be under the oil control valve.

That is, the pipeline drilled into the ground by the drilling equipment starts.

If the pipeline under the oil control valve is damaged. The repair is no less difficult than reopening a well.

After the reservoir is drilled, it is equivalent to breaking the original mechanical equilibrium state. In order to prevent geological deformation during the mining process with the pressure change, the pipeline is driven into the ground. A large amount of material needs to be poured around to protect the pipe wall. When digging a well, it makes sense to culvert under the well wall.

This substance can be water-based mud, oil-based mud, emulsified mud with strong anti-collapse property, or it can be covered with a solid armor layer and filled with a high elasticity protection tissue.

Of course, what you want to destroy makes it difficult for the enemy to repair. The electric mantle had to make a temporary guest excavator. Under the oil control valve, dig a dozen meters deep. No more deepwater frogmen can do anything like this, they can't dig a dozen meters by hand!

A dozen meters deep is not a big problem for electric eels that have been bred to a depth of 100 meters. It thrust the spear hard into the sand. You can pry up a large piece.

The control room above the oil production platform is quiet. Only two technicians stared at the machine data boringly. It is now fully automated. They are only responsible for supervision.

"Huh? Ota Jun, the crude oil detector of the oil control valve, how did he detect that the flow of crude oil suddenly dropped a lot?"

"Ha boy, he's dazzled!" Ota Kubo laughed loudly, and then stab his emotions, rubbing his eyes quickly

"Why did the output of crude oil drop by 87%, but the pressure of the pipeline did not change?"

"That's because the pipe was bent or squeezed, which caused the passage to block, but there was no damage, so the pressure will be balanced." The two technicians looked at each other palely. All saw bad signs in the vitreous body of the other party.

The same thing happened within a day on the No. 2, No. 4, No. 7 and offshore drilling platforms. All the pipes under the oil control valve are bent. The most ruthless oil well No. 7 is almost equivalent to shut down, because its flow rate is less than one hundred barrels per hour.

In fact, No. 5 oil well was also moved by Chen Fan. However, the oil control valve of this oil well has not been repaired, so it has not been detected.

Chen Fan did not control any oil spill accidents caused by electric eels. This type of large-scale killer can only be used when they are delinquent. Once the oil control valves of seven oil wells are all cut off, it may be more than the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Be serious. When the electric mantle took another day and a half to return to the cave. Although Chen Fan couldn't stop. But what must be done is put on the agenda.

I just painted it!

The way to get rid of her, but Chen Fan chose a painless and fast way.

With a pistol!

Does he have a pistol?

Yes, and more than pistols!

Also grenade type automatic rifle, Yi concave 3 anti-equipment sniper rifle, class machine gun, skimming machine gun, javelin individual anti-tank rocket barrel, marauder individual missile, night vision, grenades, plastic bombs, broadsword mines Wait, all Qingyiwu US Marine Corps weapons.

All of these weapons were taken from the munitions by the electric eel. When I looked at the box from the perspective of the electric eel, it felt so-so. However, it is a little scary to change the perspective of the body. Where is the box? It is a miniature version of Dongfeng Cummins Box Truck!

A total of twenty large boxes containing ammunition. Three hundred or five hundred farmers can be armed into special forces.

"Nakagawa Ei, you are in hell, don't blame me for being cruel!" Shaking his head, Chen Fan drew a Burley silencer from the piles of weapons.

Holding the gun in his arms, he took a deep breath. While drilling into the submarine.

After entering the submarine, he first went to the kitchen to prepare a meal of milk and eggs, then carried the hot food and pushed open the metal door with a crunch.

"Curling next to the corner of the wall" draws, perceiving hard movements when turning around, and then "grows and spits."

"Hungry?" Chen Fan approached her. Put the hot food on the ground: "Don't worry, I will help you untie the rope."

"What do you want to do?" Nakagawa's expression froze in vain, as the saying goes: something abnormal is a demon! Chen Fan's current behavior is very "demon

"It's nothing. Given your good performance recently. So I decided to send you back." Chen Fan twisted his fingers to pick up the knife from the cup and tray, cut off the rope bound to her, then stood up and took a few steps back.

Under the influence of hunger, although Nakagawa was suspicious, he couldn't even think about it. Hurrying to eat something is the key.

I have to say that Nakagawa's self-control ability is still quite strong, and she is hungry to the point of eating her fingers. She can also drink milk and bite eggs in a small bite.

A large glass of milk, four eggs, she spent eight minutes to eat.

"Don't you say let me go?" Nakagawa Ebi wiped his lips while hiding a chopstick in his sleeve without leaving any traces.

Chopsticks can also be murderous, pierce through the eyes, and stab into the brain!

"Ah, oh". Chen Fan, who was on the sidelines, awakened from his imagination, and then his facial expressions began to change rapidly, as quickly as he could. Let the face-changing master Peng Denghuai be out of reach.

Ten seconds later, his situation returned to its original form, but the opposite side of the "painting" took over his "changing face must be alive" face changed from white to gray in only 0.5 seconds!

Because a Berettapone silencer pistol was in her sight!

"You, you, don't you say you want to let me go?" Zhong "trembling as if a lamb abandoned in the snow, as much as pitiful.

"I said to send you away! Not let you go!"

Chen Fan "brushed!" And pulled the bolt: "Send! There are many meanings, such as farewell, farewell, funeral, and I want to send you the last one."

"You will pay for your actions!" Nakagawa painted a pair of eyeballs with no sense of beauty. He stared straight at Chen Fan with his furry eyes.

"Alternatively, what do you mean by talking about it now? You still secretly pray that mankind has a soul, because then you can continue to survive in hell!"

Chen Fan shook his head and lifted the corner of his mouth: "I can tell you the good news that human beings have souls, because my brother and my soul run around all day."

After finishing talking, Chen Fan's eyes closed, and the index finger of the gun quickly pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The dull gunshots, accompanied by the dancing of his index finger, came out instantly.

Than: More than three thousand words today, and a minimum of five thousand tomorrow!

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