Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 218: listener


The dishes on the table were cold, and there were only two pairs of tableware. Obviously, the previous dining table was not packed. Romance starter

But most of them are empty wine bottles, and even some cans are thrown on the ground. The cigarette butts are thrown all over the floor. The room looks quite messy, messy, and some bloodstains at the door have not been cleaned up.

Here is the scene in the residence of Liu Ruoyan Villa, which can be said to be very messy.

Yu Xiaohu thinks that there are stories behind women who can eat while drinking and smoking while drinking and drinking.

As for the sad story, it will make others listen to the boring story. It all depends on how the person tells and talks, and how the listener should understand.

Yu Xiaohu is a good listener. He doesn't answer or comment. He just listens quietly.

Smog filled the squatter house.

There was only a few cigarettes left in the carton of cigarettes on the table. After only half a glass of red wine was poured, the bottom of the bottle was seen again.

Seeing that the cigarette is going to be smoked, the wine is going to be drunk, and the cold food on the table has become a substitute for the whistleblower looking for emotional vents in the process of telling her story.

Wu Yuhu thinks that as an actor, Liu Ruoyan probably tells a script, which is a fictional story in a movie.

But when these stories happen in real life, they will feel real and bloody.

The man who was packed in a large suitcase and pulled away by Hu Jie was the second uncle of Liu Ruoyan.

I ca n’t imagine that a girl who lost her father since she was a child and whose mother got schizophrenia can only spend it in a nursing home. She lived in the second uncle ’s house for nine years and lived a life of nourishment. The life she experienced was full of hardships.

Yan Liu Ruoyan's second uncle is a drunkard and a person with serious violent tendencies. Since Liu Ruoyan was fostered in this divorced single-parent family when he was seven years old, this uncle is drunk every day.

I can imagine what would happen when a little girl lives with a little boy and an elder drunkard together in a home.

Do not let the second uncle feel that he is going to be beaten. When the cooking time is late, you will be beaten. In short, you will beat the child when you are not happy.

Yan Liu Ruoyan was better at the time, but his cousin who lived with him soon developed autism depression.

In the year they graduated from the third grade, the cousin finally couldn't stand the domestic violence. Coupled with not being admitted to a good middle school, and no one helped to provide psychological counseling, and embarked on a dead end of jumping off the building and committing suicide.

Since then, due to the pain of bereavement, the second uncle suddenly sobered up a little, and then began to quit drinking. Start a small business.

However, there is no capital to do business. It is always a small business. The second uncle is not doing business well, and he ca n’t make money after hard work. Then he starts drinking again.

But as Liu Ruoyan grew up, when the second uncle discovered that his niece was getting more and more beautiful, he became distorted.

Finally, one night, when he came back drunk, he couldn't help breaking into the niece's room and wanted to do the animal thing.

Yanliu Ruoyan found that the second uncle's eyes were getting more and more wrong. Because of family difficulties and precocity, she also knows a lot about society, so she sleeps every night and will be awakened by nightmares.

And that night, when the second uncle broke into her room and wanted to use her, Liu Ruoyan, who had been prepared for a long time, sprayed the second uncle's eyes with anti-wolf water, and then escaped from the window. She has never returned to this home since, and has been relying on odd jobs. And one student's home subsidies just finished art school.

After graduating from the art school, Liu Ruoyan had good luck when he went to work in the film and television city to run a dragon set. Because of his long beauty and good figure, he was asked by a director to shoot an MV for a singer. Although only a small supporting role.

She did not expect that after the singer got fired because of the song, the MV also caught fire. As a supporting role in the MV, Liu Ruoyan didn't have many shots, but was discovered by a director. Ask him to make a small-cost movie as a supporting actress.

When she first entered the entertainment industry, Liu Ruoyan had a better chance to play the female role of this small-cost literary film. The supporting role she got was actually similar to her life experience, so she starred in her character. This literary film reflecting the family ethics story gave Liu Ruoyan a silver lion trophy at the French Film Festival.

Only small-cost literary films have won awards abroad, but they are not very well-recognized in the country. After this film, Liu Ruoyan still can only shoot MVs, run dragon sets, or star in some TV series.

The reason why it is still not so good, is because her appearance will be used by some of the crew ’s assistant directors or directors with various promises to give characters or extra dramas as a reason to subconsciously rule her, and some even threaten her to go Take a tertiary film.

But after that, Liu Ruoyan began to experience some darkness in the entertainment industry. Because she refused to succumb to those unspoken rules, her career naturally did not improve, and her life was very difficult.

Only after she met Hu Jie did her life begin to change.

Hu Jie saw that the deputy director treated Liu Ruoyan with his hands and feet on a set of a TV drama being filmed. Liu Ruoyan, who was more fierce, took a piece of brick and patted the deputy director's face, causing an accident.

At that time, Hu Jie helped her to clear the siege from the middle of the round. After observation and communication, Hu Jie felt that Liu Ruoyan had a very good potential, so she signed her to be her economic man, and recommended her a number one literary film. supporting role.

It seems that Liu Ruoyan's luck has always been very good ~ ~ The literary film she starred in was applauded and won another prize. The box office also made some money for investors, plus the **** and hot role she played in , Soon won a group of fans, regarded as goddesses, but also some otaku who often sneered at the photos.

Since then, Liu Ruoyan has often received invitations from some film directors, regardless of the main character or important female partner, to ask her to play some roles, but no doubt they are taking the **** line, so it became hot and was sought after as a **** goddess.

Although it is hot, because of her **** route, there are some dew points in the movie. When many film investors and scripts find her, they are always charged with various unreasonable requirements, and the price of those investors who are rejected and offended. That is, she has rarely received movie scripts ever since.

And at this time, the second uncle who hadn't seen him for years suddenly came to the door. At that time, Liu Ruoyan thought about the other person's nurturing grace for him after nine years. He knew that the second uncle had a very poor life, so he helped this. Uncle.

However, although she cares about the kindness of the other person who has nurtured her for nine years, she ignores the greed of humanity. Greed can make a person go to the abyss of corruption and eventually become a devil. (To be continued.) Xh118

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